Is It Safe To Wear A Fitbit While You Sleep?

sleep with fitbit

Are you exercising during the day and wonder what’s happening to your body when you sleep? Are you sometimes fatigued for no good reason?

You can wear your Fitbit while you sleep, and you’ll need to wear a snug strap. After an hour of inactivity, the Fitbit will recognize you are sleeping.

Let’s jump in and find some answers

What Does Fitbit Record When You Sleep?

Why you should consider wearing your Fitbit as a sleep monitor and if the benefits are really of any tangible use.

Exercise is a science, and if you want to achieve superhuman-like standards or you’re just starting on your journey towards being fit and healthy, you may have the question: should you monitor your sleep?

Your fit bit will monitor your pulse through the night, which will record if you have specific bouts of elevated pulse rate at regular intervals. This could indicate you are having a fearful nightmare.

However, some increases in heart rate while sleeping have sinister undertones and could indicate that your oxygen levels are decreasing.

Sleep apnea causes you to have reduced oxygen, as a consequence are heart rate spikes. Many of us are unaware we have sleep apnea, causing us to be fatigued when we wake.

Fitbit Pulse Oxygen Monitoring

If you are wearing your Fitbit when sleeping, you have an interest in your overall health.

The mechanics of a spoke in heart rate when sleeping is fundamentally simple and is worth knowing.

If your oxygen level drops, your rate beats faster to try and compensate for the lack of oxygen in your blood.

The problem is the blood is deoxygenated, so the heart beating faster and faster is not helping. At this point, the autonomic nervous system kicks in and provides a blast of cortisol to wake us and gasp for air.

This can happen dozens of times every night, and long term can be detrimental to your health if not outright dangerous,

All of this is happening in milliseconds, and we rarely wake during this process. However, Fitbit has recorded low levels of oxygen and an elevated spike in heart rate.

If this is information you should know or would like to know. It proves that Fitbit is an invaluable tool with other sleep trackers.

What Else Is Fitbit Tracking While I Sleep?

You can find sleep patterns in the Fitbit app. Sleep patterns can vary from night to night for various reasons, such as the amount of light entering the bedroom or the temperature of your bedroom.

Fitbit will record the number of times you wake through the night, how often you are restless by indicating how much you have tossed and turned through the night.

Excessive movement is also discerned, which renders your sleep insufficient and not restful. All valuable information if you are trying to achieve the pinnacle of your chosen sports.

Best way to wear Fitbit when sleeping

The best way to wear your Fitbit while sleeping is to wear it on your non-dominant wrist, as this will provide the most accurate heart rate and sleep tracking. Make sure that the device is snug but not too tight, as you want it to be able to move with your wrist as you sleep.

If you are using a Fitbit with a wristband (such as the Charge or Versa models), you can also wear it higher up on your wrist, near the base of your hand. This can help to prevent the device from pressing on your wrist bones and causing discomfort.

It’s also important to make sure that your Fitbit is fully charged before going to bed, as a low battery can affect the accuracy of the sleep tracking.

Finally, if you find that your Fitbit is still causing discomfort or getting in the way while you sleep, you can try wearing it on a waistband or clip instead. Just be aware that these positions may not be as accurate for tracking heart rate.

Can Fitbit Record Normal Sleep Stages?

Yes, this is the primary function of wearing Fitbit while sleeping to record sleep stages.

What Are Sleep Stages?

When we sleep at night or anytime, we typically go through sleep stages. I’m sure you have heard of REM sleep or rapid eye movement, which is one of the sleep stages.

You go through multiple sleep stages every night during what is considered standard sleep patterns, and these patterns tend to last 90 minutes in duration.

In each sleep pattern cycle, you will flip between two sleep patterns: light sleep and deep sleep, where there is less brain activity.

Deeper sleep is frequently found in the early stages of sleep. That’s why if we are woken during deep sleep, we wake feeling awful and somewhat confused as we regain all of our senses.

Fitbit even records REM sleep when you are most likely to dream!

How Does Fitbit Track My Sleep?

Unlike other systems for sleep tracking that are done in a lab using an electroencephalogram that detect your brain activity together with muscle outputs, the Fitbit offers a clever cheaper way of accurate sleep monitoring.

Don’t get me wrong, sleep labs are the gold standard, and if you have a significant issue with your sleep, you should seek the help of a medical professional.

Fitbit uses a combination of outputs from your body while you are sleeping. A close approximation is made of these outputs that tell Fitbit when you are sleeping and at what stage of the sleep pattern you are in.

These recorded outputs include your heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and movement such as changing sleeping positions.

The algorithms used by Fitbit correlate all of this information to provide you with meaningful data.

Is It Accurate

In the absence of a sleep lab, you can consider the data accurate and provide you with a good picture of what’s going on with your body while you sleep.

Naturally, some of the technology is essential such as pulse and blood oxygen, even movement sensors. It is the way the information is put together that genuinely makes Fitbit worthwhile.


Fitbit has been collecting data about sleep and has produced benchmarks for you to use a comparison over a thirty-day pattern.

This function is helpful and somewhat reassuring as we wonder where we fall on a scale of achieving standard sleep patterns through the night.

Smart Wake

Have you ever experienced your alarm going off, and you just know it’s not the optimal time for you to Wake?

This is just an unavoidable part of our lives for some of us, but if you want to get the very best out of your sleep, you can use the Smart Wake function on your Fitbit.

If your device supports Smart Wake, consider turning it on and be woken at the best time for you during your sleep pattern.

Smart Wake attem[ts to wake you within 30 minutes of your actual alarm setting. If you are changing from deep sleep to light sleep, Smart Wake will identify this period in your sleep pattern and wake you at this point.

Smart Wake only gets activated 30 minutes before your scheduled alarm so that you won’t be woken in the middle of the night.

Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

Warm Bath

Take a relaxing warm bath with your number 1 soap choice for bubbles? Warm baths are relaxing, so take your time. The warm bath will help to soothe those sore muscles and disperse lactic acid build-ups.

Keep Your Bedroom Cool

The bedroom temperature is an essential factor when you are trying to sleep. If the room is hot, you become restless and overheat.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the perfect way to relax, and lavender oil is renowned for its therapeutic sleep effects and shouldn’t be overlooked as an excellent tool to get you to sleep quickly.

Place the essential oils onto cotton balls and place them around the bedroom for maximum effect.


We all know that reading in bed makes our eyes feel heavy and is conducive to sleep. Choose a book that has a relaxing tale to tell. Your favorite workout magazine would also be a perfect choice.

Calming Music

The use of calming music in the bedroom is very relaxing. There are some great soundtracks online, like the gentle sound of lapping waves along the shoreline.

Or rain hitting the windows, these rhythmic sounds make us forget the day’s worries and drift off into a deep sleep.


It’s mentioned at the start of this article there is a little controversy associated with wearing any fitness device for long periods so let’s not point the finger at Fitbit.

The controversy is centered around whether exercise devices worn on any part of the body emit an electromagnetic field (EMF), which can be detrimental to our general health over time.

There are suggestions that EMF can affect sleep quality and negate the hard work while exercising throughout the day.

It is hard to dispute that EMF exists, and high emissions of EMF can be detrimental to the body.

However, with most of us using Bluetooth gadgets around the house and not forgetting the ubiquitous cell phone and cell phone masts, we need to accept that EMF permanently surrounds us.

This does not mean we should ignore EMF, but the truth is that a Fitbit flex worn 24/7 barely emits any significant EMF compared with EMF emissions in the background.

Are Sleep Streams Allowed On Twitch?

sleep during Twitch

Do you enjoy watching pro gamers battle their opponents and wondering how they develop their skills and tactics? Or maybe you just want to start a channel to livestream or even to sleep?  

Yes, sleep streams are allowed on Twitch, as long as they follow the platform’s community guidelines and terms of service. In Feb 2021, Twitch changed its policy on “unattended content,” which is now allowed without restrictions.

Twitch is a live streaming platform primarily used for video game streaming, but it also allows other types of content, including creative content, talk shows, and even sleep streams.

If you are interested in streaming your sleep on Twitch, it is important to follow the platform’s guidelines and terms of service, which include requirements such as not engaging in any illegal or harmful activities and not streaming copyrighted material.

It is also a good idea to consider the audience you are targeting and whether your sleep stream will be of interest to them. If you are planning to stream your sleep on Twitch, it is a good idea to have a clear concept and plan for your stream, and to engage with your audience and interact with them during the stream.

Is Sleeping Allowed On Twitch?

Depending on your time zone, some games take a long time to play, and you might be consuming this content throughout the night.

Inevitably if your favorite gamer is in the throes of an enthralling game, then it is hard to switch off. There are many who drift off, and this was deemed unattended content, which isn’t allowed under permissible content.

However, your fears of being disconnected are gone forever. With the new policy, unattended content disappears, and if you drift off to sleep, it’s no longer an issue.

What Is The Point Of Sleep Streams?

There are some savvy folks out there who earn a lot of cash by sleeping when streaming.

It is reported that a guy called Rinaudo enabled a bot to let his committed viewers upload spurious videos that provided exciting content. These videos kept playing at the top of the screen while Rinaudo went to bed and slept soundly.

After many hours of Rinaudo getting his much-needed rest and dozens of cringe-worthy videos being broadcast to hundreds if not thousands of viewers.

Hours later, when Rinaudo woke, he found he was $5.600 better off than when he went to sleep.

You must admit that getting paid to sleep must be one of the savviest moves any tech guy can make.

Slumber Parties

The slumber party phenomenon has created many Twitch streaming videos where all you do is focus your camera on your bed then head off to sleep.

While sleeping in the slumber party, you receive small 2 to 5 dollars donations through the Twitch donations function.

So, who knew that sleeping could be so lucrative?

The growing trend has made this unusually dull pass time profitable, and the phenomenon continues to grow. Some sleepers are more aesthetic than others, and these are the guys drawing decent incomes.

Is Twitch A Free Streaming Service?

You may be surprised to read that Twitch is a free streaming service, so why would Amazon ever consider giving anything away for free?

Well, in the world of streaming eyes on the screen and views equals cash. Advertising revenues increase as viewers increase.

Twitch is poised to become a significant service and is starting to diversify its content from gaming to live sports streams, music, and more.

Twitch is gaining momentum as a younger generation decides to cut the cord and break away from traditional cable shows for entertainment.

Are 24/7 Streams Allowed On Twitch?

The most popular games have been streamed 24/7; however, Twitch is cracking down on the activity and has changed their policy guidelines stopping beta invites.

The problem has come about by devious streamers uploading pre-recorded video and claiming it’s a live stream, a dodgy practice, to say the least, and defeats the channel’s purpose.

The new guidelines are somewhat open to interpretation and vague enough to get around should you wish to.

Do You Have To Stream For 8 Hours On Twitch?

If you are a casual user and not interested in earning from Twitch, then you can stream for a few hours without a problem.

However, If you are looking to generate some additional income from Twitch, you will need to join their affiliate program.

One of the prerequisites of becoming an affiliate is you stream for a minimum of 8 hours.

The good news is if you are a budding entrepreneur under the age of 18 with lots of excellent or crazy content ideas, your parents can give consent and sign the affiliate program agreement on your behalf.

Is Twitch Safe For My Kids To Use?

You need to be aware that live streaming is difficult to control, and sure there are guidelines for streamers to abide by, and if they don’t, they can be kicked off the platform, which offers some comfort.

But, if your kids are of an age where they could be traumatized easily, then you need to be careful and monitor and set limits to what they can view.

You need to know the streamer can say and do anything while live streaming, and it’s out of your control.

Access can be granted based on a streamer’s reputation from their past live streams, but there is no guarantee a child will not be exposed to profanities and lewd acts during the stream.

There is nothing you can do to prevent vulgarities, and the long-term impact on the child may have already taken place.

The damage is done by the time you have reported the incident, and the streamer is kicked off the platform.

Twitch Consent

Your child needs to be at least 13 years old, and if under 17 years old, needs to have parental consent to proceed with opening an account.

The parents receive controls to restrict certain streamers.


Be aware that your child will use a chatbox, and anyone can chat with them during live streams.

To prevent unsolicited contact with your child, access the setting menu and limit the chatbox function. This will prevent unwanted and potentially criminal contact. 

Twitch Is More Than Video Games

When twitch first started, it was an excellent platform for hard esports fans to attract some of the world’s best esport gamers.

The platform is evolving into something else and now streams live sports and music, plus many other obscure videos.

Is it the answer to cutting the cord and moving away from more traditional entertainment?

It has its niche at the moment and appeals to the younger generation who search for alternatives to sitcoms and run-of-the-mill movies.

The gaming genre can be incredibly violent and, with the development of graphics, extremely life-like.

It’s almost inevitable that Bezos has plans for twitch to become a rival for YouTube. You can see the writing on the wall at this early stage.

And who wouldn’t want to see a more edgy YouTube with fewer restrictions and becoming less politically correct.

Social Community

Like the other social platforms, Twitch is a great place to meet like-minded people and exchange messages and ideas.

This is an invaluable tool for hardcore gamers, and Twitch is leading to delivering what its subscribers are asking for.

Did Twitch start as a social network? No, not, but over the years, it has developed into its niche. You could argue with intention, as it uses features of many other social media platforms, making the process seemingly seamless!


Twitch is not the platform for watching movies, amazon has amazon prime for movies, so I doubt if they will start competing with themselves in that arena.

Having said that, Twitch would be an excellent space to show more edgy cult movies with a lower viewing number but a vital market sector when it comes to advertising.

Twitch Prime

Whatever you do, you can’t escape the big corporate companies, and Twitch Prime is a clear amazon spin-off that had previously not interfered so much with Twitch after they acquired the business in 2014.

But now, with Twitch Prime, you get advert-free content that is an excellent thing if you want to pay for the subscription.

With Prime, you receive video game discounts and free downloads. It’s worth giving prime a look for the discounts.

Does Twitch Have Competition?

Make no bones about it Twitch is going to compete with YouTube, and Youtube is responding in kind.

You can now view gamers on youtube competing at a high level, but youtube has some way to go in catching up. However, they have the resources and the will to remain number one in the market.

Will it happen? I’m not so sure; despite the deep pockets of Google, a perfect they are a long way behind and seem to be losing ground with their bread butter as more traditional media is pushing live streaming as they see the way content is evolving. 


Well, who would have thought you could make money by using a sleep stream? It seems as if twitch has forged a way for many of us to jump on this bandwagon and potentially earn a decent amount of cash.

There are some concerning aspects to Twitch when it comes to letting children use the service, The settings and controls can be changed, but the truth is that there is no controlling what is being broadcast with any live stream.

Right now, Twitch is the best palace for the hard-core gamer to live stream.

Do Bees Hold Hands When They Sleep

bees hold hands while sleeping

Have you ever wondered about the secret lives of bees? Do they hold hands when they sleep?

There are times when bees hold hands or interlock their legs to achieve specific tasks like making bridges. Bees require a warm sleeping environment in the beehive, and holding hands locks bees together to ensure the correct temperature is maintained.

Let find out what all the buzz about bees is about

Why Do Bees Hold Hands?

Until recently, there has been very little known and documented about these industrious creatures, but some studies state bees hold hands when they sleep and perform other tasks.

Older bees need more sleep and may choose to sleep away from the hive and rest until recuperated.

Whereas younger bees need to be close together and communicate, a sense of camaraderie if you like.

We know that bees in hives work in unison but did you know that the beehive needs to be the correct temperature?

The bees flap their wings to create airflow if the beehive is too hot while not creating lift! This remarkable feat pushes the hot air out of the hive, and temperature is regulated.

Conversely, if the beehive becomes cool at night, the bees interlock “hold hands,” and generate heat.

What happens If The Beehive is Too Hot?

The bees will not thrive and may die off, but these clever insects know that a hot hive causes the honey to become dehydrated, bad news for the bee and bad news for those of us who love to consume honey.

The colony of bees ensures the temperature is regulated to about 95 degrees Fahrenheit for the optimal production and condition of the honey.

Holding Hands

We can witness bees interlocking or “holding hands” when the bees make bridges. Bridges are used for various reasons, and scientists don’t know why bees perform this ritual, but it can only be considered a profitable exercise for the bees.

Bees also hold hands and interlock when around the beehive. If the beehive is very hot, bees hold hands, Known as a festoon.

Festoons can be witnessed when bees hold on in large gatherings outside of the hive.

Other than to regulate temperature, scientists cannot provide an answer to why bees festoon. However, you can guarantee a good reason for a festoon as bees don’t waste time or procrastinate.

Do Bees Cuddle When They Sleep?

Yes, they do. It’s not because they enjoy being social with one another, but because they regulate the temperature of the beehive.

During the cooler times of the year, if you were to open a beehive, you would see something resembling cellophane.

It’s not cellophane. It is the wings of the bees stretched out and overlapping each other. This takes place as a heat barrier, similar to how we would insulate our homes.

The wing material can sustain the temperature by providing insulation over the brood of bees.

The genetic code of bees has ingrained the need for collaboration within the colony for its survival.

How Do Bees Sleep?

Most of us would agree that bees lead intriguing lives, and we know very little about these little creatures, only that we are in trouble without them.

Bees do rest, and one can only assume they are sleeping. Bees tend to fall on their side or flop their antenna to the ground when sleeping.

Depending on the age of the bee, varying length of sleep has been identified.

Younger bees almost always return to the hive to sleep after depositing the results of their diligent labors.

Older bees are a bit different. Older bees can be found sleeping on or under flowers, and some can even burrow into the soil and rest this way. They are inanimate and almost seem as if they are dead.

Thankfully they are alive.

The length of sleep also varies with age and activity. Older bees sleep significantly longer than younger bees and can sleep for hours on end.

Where Do Bees Sleep?

Beehives are busy places and operate 24/7 to get the jobs done. Bees do not need any form of light to carry out their work, and as long as the temperature is correct, they keep ongoing.

So, where do bees sleep? If the weather conditions are reasonable, you can find bees sleeping in flowers, under flowers, and even small burrows.

If the bees are back at the hive, they can find a cozy used honeycomb and nestle inside without being disturbed.

In general, the bees can be found sleeping or resting where there is little activity in the beehive; this is almost always on the outer edges of the honeycomb.

A younger bee will take a very quick nap before returning to what he does best, while the older bee can be there for some time resting up.

Do Bees Sleep At Night?

Not all bees sleep at night, but like most creatures that forage for survival, the workload can be arduous, and rest and recovery are needed.

Bees only collect valuable resources during the daylight hours, but some bees work through the night to keep the colony going.

The bees that forage can need up to 8 hours of sleep in 24 hours to regain their energy before working.

Communication Between Bees

Communication is vital to bees, and we have all witnessed their funny wagging dance to indicate the direction and distance to a good food supply.

However, bees communicate in other ways. The use of pheromones plays an essential factor in relaying information to the colony.

Pheromones can be used outside the colony but are more significant when used nearby or in the colony.

Foraging bees communicate with other bees to let them know he has found a good food source. Without this communication, the beehive would not remain as productive, and the colony could die off.

How Do You Know If A Bee Is Sleeping Or Dead?

A colony can lose hundreds of bees every day, and they die from natural causes, pesticides, predators, and a whole host of other reasons.

The life cycle of a worker bee is relatively short, maybe only up to 6 weeks in time.

You may see bees that need to rest crawling along the ground and not buzzing around collecting pollen.

Bees all head for the ground when they are wet or cold; does this mean they are dying? No, not necessarily. Bees need to rest and recover, and if they are wet, they will seek shelter. Autumn bees are slower to react if there is a sudden drop in temperature.

Do you know that bumblebees have a very high metabolism and are only 40 minutes from starvation at any one time?

What Does A Sleeping Bee Look Like?

Sleeping bees have a posture that indicates the bee is sleeping. The bee assumes a relaxation posture and rests its thorax, head, and antennae on the ground.

The antennae will droop the deeper they sleep in the bee.

When the bee is in a deep sleep, the wings will rest on top of the bee, and the legs will be folded or curled underneath.

Dead Bees

Dead bees have a distinct appearance, often laying on their back as they topple with the center of gravity being not balanced. Legs in the air and generally look different from a bee that is resting.

The life cycle of bees is not long, so seeing a few dead bees in the garden is normal, and there is no need to be alarmed.

What Are The Main Predators That Kill Bees?

The main predators are birds, spiders, and, believe it or not, badgers. Badgers can cause devastation to a bee colony. Badgers usually eat worms, but when conditions have dried the ground and worms are scarce, they will have no problem devouring a beehive.

Birds eat bees when they are flying. In particular, the Robin and tits catch the bees, then rub them along branches to remove the sting before eating.

Of course, many bees are killed away from the nest as they are hit by passing traffic; this loss is average and does not affect the colony.

Attract Bees To Your Garden

Bees everywhere are under threat as we change their habitat, so attracting bees to the garden has never been so important, and it’s great for the garden.

If you have a well-manicured garden with some beautiful flower borders, then that’s great for the bees.

If you can plant an area of the garden with meadow flowers, the bees will invade your garden and gather their resources from these wildflowers.

Think about weeds, it may seem counterintuitive, but weeds like dandelions are a rich source of pollen and nectar for bees. Other flowering weeds like nettles are valuable resources, so leave some in your garden and keep your bees and other wildlife a habitat to be happy and dynamic, and your garden will be looking spectacular.

Can You Go To Sleep During A Tattoo?

sleep during a tattoo

Do you have some anxiety about getting a tattoo and how much it will hurt? Or if you’ll be able to sleep through it.

Soft tissue tattoos are rarely painful, and once you get used to the sensation, you can easily drift off to sleep. Getting tattooed over bone areas can be very painful, especially on shins, collarbones, and impossible to sleep through. 

Can You Sleep During A Tattoo?

Generally speaking, we all feel pain. Differently, some of us are hypersensitive, and even the thought or suggestion of pain can heighten the sensation, while others have no worries at the thought of a bit of discomfort.

But is it a great idea to drift off and catch up on your sleep while getting a tattoo? Most tattoo artists are involved in their artistry and creating a tattoo you will be proud to wear for the rest of your life.

The tattoo artist may not even notice if you have fallen asleep while being tattooed but could be a little concerned when they look up.

The problem could arise if your tattoo artist doesn’t know if you dream or have passed out with fear. The latter could have implications.

Presumably, you have spent some time looking through tattoo designs and choosing a tattoo artist you feel can deliver the artwork you desire.

The last thing your tattoo artist needs is waking from a deep sleep with a startling finding you have needles and color entering your flesh, which could have disastrous results for your chosen design.

Being Nervous

If you are overly nervous about the tattoo procedure, this nervousness manifests itself in a feeling of exhaustion. Good tattoo artists recognize this trait in their clients and talk to them about the upcoming experience.

Being nervous is normal for a first-time tattoo, so go with something small before embarking on an adventure to have a masterpiece tattooed on your back. This way, you have a good idea of what’s coming in terms of pain and discomfort.

Is It Bad To Not Sleep Before Getting a Tattoo?

Sleep is vital for so many reasons, and not sleeping before a tattoo may lessen the experience of your new ink.

Getting ink that will stay with you for the rest of your life, it’s a big deal, so be on top of your game and enjoy the experience.

Lack of sleep will affect your mood, and the last thing your tattoo artist wants is a grampy client. Not sleeping will not dull the pain.

If you have multiple tattoos, you already know the drill and know the tattoo artist may want to move you around for larger pieces of artwork.

When Can You Sleep On A Tattoo?

We all heal at a different pace depending on age, fitness, and our immune system, so there is no ideal time, but as a rule, you should try not to sleep on your tattoo for at least 3 or 4 days.

If you are comfortable sleeping where your tattoo is not located, then let it heal fully before transferring your weight onto the tattoo.

However, each tattoo artist has their own opinion on this question, and you should listen to their opinion on when is the best time to sleep on your tattoo.

What Happens If You Accidentally Sleep on Your Tattoo? 

Depending on the location of your tattoo, it may be inevitable that you inadvertently sleep on the new tattoo for a short period; it happens.

It pays to keep your tattoo wrapped for the first few days, so there should not be any big drama if you accidentally sleep on your new tattoo.

It is worth placing a thin towel between the bedsheet and mattress. The tattooed area may bleed a little.

Your tattoo artist will give you advice and let you know what to do if you sleep on your tattoo accidentally.

Can They Knock You Out For A Tattoo?

No. Being knocked out or receiving a general anesthetic requires a fully trained anesthetist with a support team to administer a general anesthetic that would render you unconscious or knocked out. 

The guidelines and rules for this procedure are stringent, and violations would see criminal charges against the perpetrator.

If your tattoo artist offers you this service, run for the hills.

Reducing Pain and Discomfort

While anesthesia is not available from your tattoo artist, it is acceptable for the tattoo artist to use topical anesthetic creams that dull the sensation.

They are not a great success and only last for a short time, but the fear of pain is often more psychological than reality presents.

For larger tattoos and tattoos in sensitive areas such as over bone and thin skin, it is permissible to take ibuprofen maybe an hour before the tattoo will commence. This should take the edge of the sensation and make the process bearable.

Taking Care Of Your Tattoo 

Your new tattoo will need some care and attention at first, and if you have lots of vibrant colors, the more care and attention you use in maintenance will keep your tattoo looking vibrant for years to come.

The first thing your tattoo artist will do when completed and you have viewed the beauty of your new tattoo is to wrap the tattoo in a clear bandage.

These are medical-grade wraps and should not be confused with sandwich wraps, although they make a good substitute if that’s the only thing at hand.

Your tattooist will give you instructions for aftercare. Listen to the tattooist they know best, and their advice will always be better than your best friend or cousin from another town.

You can generally unwrap your new tattoo in a few days at a week at the very maximum. It’s ok to wash the tattoo with a mild soap containing an antibacterial ingredient.

After washing the pat, the tattoo dry does not be tempted to rub dry. Your tattoo is effectively an open wound, so use great care and attention to keep the tattoo clean at all times.

Once the scabs appear, you can safely remove the transparent covering and expose it to the air. At this time, it’s good to add moisturizer.

What Can You Not Do While Getting a Tattoo?

Do not assist the scabs in falling off. Picking scabs can result in the clear lines defining the tattoo becoming less defined and spoiling the tattooed image.

Resist scratching if your tattoo is itchy. Try using moisturizer to relieve it; after about six weeks, your tattoo will be fully healed, and if you let those scabs fall naturally and you didn’t scratch, the colors will pop, and the outlines will be clear.

Don’t Swim

Don’t do it if you are tempted to hit the local pool to show off your new ink. The pool is chlorinated, and the chlorine will dull the tattoo while in the healing process.

If you live close to the shoreline, swimming in the ocean is unsuitable for your new tattoo. The salt in the water will dry the tattoo and affect the colors and outline.

Avoid hot tubs. The hot tub is chlorinated and often a breeding place for bacteria as the chlorine boils off from the water. Don’t expose your new tattoo to potential bacteria.

Remember, the oceans can be polluted with all kinds of undesirables, and your tattoo needs to be clean at all times during the healing process.

Avoid Sleeping On The New Tattoo

Although accidental sleeping can’t be avoided, as a rule, try not to sleep on your new tattoo. Find a position where you can sleep and rest.

We want to avoid friction on the tattoo area until it completely healed.

Avoid Direct SunLight

Understandably, you want to show off your new ink, and the temptation to hit the beach in the summer months may be overwhelming.

If you feel your new tattoo stinging or becoming irritated by the sun, it is time to cover the tattoo and avoid the UV rays. UV will degrade to colors in your tattoo. The beach is an excellent place to pick up airborne bacteria.

Avoid Sun Block

If you are heading out in the sun, keep your new tattoo covered until wholly healed at around six weeks. Sunblock will irritate the tattoo, and the active ingredients could cause some fading of the colors. Stay out of the sun for at least six weeks.

When your tattoo is healed, then layer on the sunblock to protect the tattoo from UV fading.

Avoid Touching Your Tattoo

It can almost be irresistible to touch your new tattoo, don’t do it. Your hands are not always spotlessly clean, and this is a good way of introducing bacteria to the tattoo and causing an infection. If you must touch, make sure your hands are clean.

How To Sleep In A Car Without The Alarm Going Off

Sleep in a car without alarms activating

You probably haven’t experienced how highly sensitive your car alarm is, nor how hard it can be to immobilize unless you’ve tried sleeping in your car or sitting in it for a long time.

The operation of car alarm systems varies depending on the vehicle manufacturer. You may face different challenges if your car is old and your alarm is aftermarket installed.

Depending on the age of the vehicle, there are standard techniques for preventing your alarm from going off. To start, just push your key into the ignition switch and turn the key to ACC. Your accessories, such as radio and USB ports, will work, and your battery shouldn’t be drained (much).

Sleeping in Your Car

Car alarms can be sensitive and set off with minimal movement, so sleeping in your car can be a problematic option depending on your car’s manufacturer.

If you prefer not to use the ignition key for safety reasons, locking the car doors manually from the inside will immobilize the alarm system.

If it does not work, you may only have the easy use of the ACC key position.

Will My Car Alarm Go Off If I’m Inside?

Modern cars have sensitive alarm systems so, to prevent the alarm from triggering, place your key in the ignition and turn counterclockwise to the ACC position. Your alarm is now immobilized and recognizes you are in the vehicle. 

Sleeping in a car with a keyless entry

If your car is relatively new, you may have a keyless entry. If the key is in your pocket, the doors will open automatically as you approach the car. 

Sleeping in a car with a keyless entry system can be convenient, as it allows you to lock and unlock the doors without having to use a physical key. However, it’s important to keep a few safety considerations in mind:

  1. Make sure the car is locked: Before going to sleep, be sure to lock the doors of the car using the keyless entry system. This will help prevent any unwanted intruders from entering the car while you are sleeping.
  2. Keep the key fob with you: Keep the key fob with you while you sleep, either in your pocket or in a bag that you keep within arm’s reach. If the car alarm goes off, you’ll need the key fob to turn it off.
  3. Consider disabling the keyless entry system: If you are worried about someone else accessing the car while you are sleeping, you can disable the keyless entry system by removing the key fob’s battery. Just be sure to keep the battery in a safe place where you can easily find it in the morning.
  4. Make sure the car is well-ventilated: It’s important to keep the car well-ventilated while you sleep to avoid carbon dioxide buildup. Crack a window or use the car’s ventilation system to circulate fresh air.

Overall, sleeping in a car with a keyless entry system can be a convenient and safe option, as long as you take a few simple precautions to protect yourself and your property.

Aftermarket Alarms

Aftermarket car alarms are notoriously temperamental and can be set off by the minor thing or even be the exact opposite with barely working and only making the beep sound when activated.

If your aftermarket alarm is of the sensitive type, then sleeping in your car could be a challenge. Depending on how the aftermarket alarm has been connected into your wiring harness will determine the best way to manage the alarm.

If you have decided to sleep in your car, it will be unlikely you will be inclined to trace the wiring of an aftermarket alarm.

Assuming the Acc option has not worked for you, then you will have to take simple action.

Lift the bonnet or hood to reveal the engine bay. 

Aftermarket alarms have a siren box mounted in a visible place, usually somewhere around the firewall. Making an assumption, you do not have the alarm immobilizer key with you. You will see there is a connection plug to the siren box.

Remove this connection to silence the alarm. The alarm itself has not disabled only the siren box. You may notice that your hazard warning light is flashing as if the alarm has been activated.

You can reactivate the alarm siren box when you have woken and decided to move on with your journey.

Disconnecting the Battery

Disconnecting a battery terminal is not the best idea, and on modern cars, you may have to visit your main dealer to initialize all of the car’s systems again.

Disconnecting the battery will undoubtedly kill the alarm, but it disconnects the ECU, detrimental to the car.

Should you decide, the best way to sleep in the car is to disconnect the battery. You should disconnect the negative terminal. This will prevent sparks when you reconnect.

With the battery connected, you will have no power options such as windows, and maybe the central locking system is now also immobilized.

This is not a recommended option so think carefully before taking this step.

Pulling A Fuse

Check the user manual to locate the fuse box. The fuse box location will vary from manufacturer and model.

Often you will need to depress a small plastic latch while applying some outward force to remove the fuse box cover. They are very secure so pull hard on the cover.

Inside the fuse box, you will find a diagram with numbers and a description of what that numbered fuse is used for.

Find the alarm and pull the fuse. The alarm is not immobilized, leaving all other electrical circuits intact, allowing you to charge your phone, listen to the radio and operate the windows.

How Can I Get Into My Car Without The Alarm Going Off?

Car manufacturers worldwide try to make entering a car without the correct procedure tricky to deter thieves.

Once triggered, cars have many sensors, which will cause the alarm to give an audible and visual signal to alert the owner.

Let’s assume you have the keys to the car with the remote. Opening the car with the remote is the best way to prevent the alarm from going off.

If your car is not opening with the remote, the battery probably needs to be replaced. Usually, the batteries are standard and can be purchased at most stores that stock a range of batteries.

Certain European vehicles have a way of opening the car without the alarm being triggered. One such German carmaker states that by opening the boot/trunk, you can open the driver’s door with the key without setting the alarm off.

I agree with you, it seems bizarre, but you may want to try this method during the day when fewer people pay attention to car alarms being triggered.

Hopefully, your neighbors will recognize you before the police arrive.

Modern cars are designed to be opened via the form or with keyless entry systems in many instances these days. Just the key on your person in the proximity of the car will unlock the doors and make the ignition available to you.

Japanese Cars

If you enter your car with the keys turned on the ignition, will immobilize the alarm system.

If the alarm is still activated, cycling the key backward and forwards in the ignition will immobilize the alarm system.

Door tricks

A sizable Japanese manufacturer recommends pushing the key into the door lock and turning the key twice to the right and left. The door sensors should pick up this function and immobilize the alarm.

Different Manufacturers Have Different Tricks

The problem with vehicle anti-theft systems is they are all different. This is only customarily considered a problem for the car thief but, sometimes things go wrong, and we want to immobilize the car’s anti-theft system.

For instance, Ford’s alarm can be disengaged permanently with a combination of removing the battery terminals and then placing the key in the ignition to a preset point.

It’s complicated for the average car owner to take those steps.

The more you try with German cars, the whole problem becomes more complicated.

Modern cars are programmed, and most of the functions programmed in can only be changed through the OBD port or another port used by service engineers.

If you decide your car alarm is a hassle and you have a reason for sleeping in your vehicle frequently or to open your car with the car alarm going off, then approach your dealer and the service department.

Providing the dealer knows you and you have the correct registration documents, the dealer, in most cases, will act according to your instructions and immobilize the alarm system for you.

Immobilizing the Car Alarm

There are some other considerations to think about before immobilizing your car alarm.

If your alarm system is deactivated, your car insurance may be void, and in the event of theft and the car not being recovered, you will be left high and dry, mainly if your car is financed.

The finance will not be paid off. You will have a loan for a car and no car!

Sleeping In Your Car

Some inherent risks are sleeping in your car, so mitigate the risks and keep safe. If you are sleeping overnight, try to pick a well-lit parking area such as a service area. You may have to pay a small charge for parking overnight, but you will have the security knowing there is CCTV surveillance in operation.

If you become cold, add layers, don’t be tempted to run the engine. If the wind is in the wrong direction, it is possible the fumes could enter the vehicle through the ventilation system and cause your demise.

If you are hot, remove layers and crack the windows, don’t run the engine under any circumstances.

Summing Up

Car alarms are challenging to bypass, but they can be done. The best way is to make sure you have the keys and place the ignition in ACC. If you are not using the blowers for cool air, the battery life should not be affected.

Prepare for all eventualities when sleeping in your car.

How Much Sleep Do You Get In Marine Boot Camp

How Much Sleep Do You Get In Marine Boot Camp

Becoming a marine is an achievement in itself. There are many questions that the potential marine recruit has, and for a good reason.

The rigors of marine boot camp are notoriously tough, not just on your body but your sleep as well. 

According to Marine Corps boot camp, sleep should be eight hours. During basic training, however, sleep patterns will change. A recruit assigned to a garrison can expect to sleep 8 hours each night, and recruits generally wake up at 0400 hours when training in the field.

If you think marine boot camp will be a walk in the park, think again, these guys are some of the most well-trained and disciplined individuals in any armed service worldwide.

If you are wondering if a marine recruit will be deprived of sleep, read on.

What To Expect In Boot Camp

Expect your training to be in cycles, and your performance is constantly evaluated to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the marines.

One thing for sure is everything you experience at marine boot camp is going to suck.

Get your mindset right. You are going to be challenged physically and mentally for the next 13 weeks.

Never been shouted at? You are in for a big shock. From the moment you arrive, the drill instructors will never speak to you like a human. All commands and instructions are given, shouting. 

What’s more, you are expected to reply with an equally loud voice, so your trainer or commander knows you have understood the instructions. 

Why Is Marine Boot Camp So Relentless In Being Tough?

The marine boot camp will prepare you for what may come in the future. At some point through your career as a marine, you will be deployed, and that deployment may see you sleeping in a desert or muddy ditch while the enemy is firing at you.

Once you walk through the silver hatches, you are processed and sent to your training platoon.

After graduation, you will commit to a minimum of four years of service.

There are some strange procedures to endure. Typically, when you are processed, you must make a phone call to a family member or your recruiter confirming you have arrived at boot camp.

Don’t think you will be having a pleasant chat with your loved ones. There is a script you will read, and that’s the most you can say.

Marine boot camp intends to sort the men from the boys and prepare you for extremes that are possible to be experienced by a marine.

You will do what you are told when you are told. You will run when told to run and sleep when told to sleep.

You will come across different platoons and different stages of their training. One thing’s for sure the day you finish marine boot camp, and you will be a new person.

How Much Sleep Will I Get In Boot Camp?

Your sleep patterns will vary, but the marines generally recognize you need  8 hours of sleep every night.

Sounds perfect, just like being a civilian! Not so fast, marine boot camp has a particular idea about the hours you keep, and now you are training to become a marine. You will sleep and wake when you are told to.

Most marines start the day at reveille, the wake-up call, you can expect reveille at 0400, that’s 4.00 am to you and me.

Did I mention sleep will be in cycles? Although the marine boot camp understands your need for sleep, combat-ready marines may not sleep for a day.

Cycles vary based on if you are located in the garrison or on-field training. Expect more sleep in the garrison.

Field training is sleeping under the stars in all weathers, so if this is not your thing, you will not sleep well until you can adapt to this environment.

Guess what? They devised an exercise for you to experience what it’s like to be without sleep and still perform at the highest level.

Some marine corps recruits will be assigned duties that will keep them up through the night, such as fire watch.

You may be required to prepare for the next day’s training while your fellow recruits sleep soundly.

Feeling the pressure?

That’s normal when you are sleep-deprived, but never fear the marine boot camp is not signaling you out. Everyone will get their turn to enjoy the experience.

Expect to be challenged from the moment you wake. Physical challenges, mental challenges, it’s all part of the process.

How Tough Is The Training?

It depends on each recruit. If in civilian life you were a couch potato, the training at marine boot camp will be a shock to your system.

Training in marine boot camp is progressive, allowing less physically fit recruits to catch up on their fitness levels.

Some exercises will challenge you physically and mentally, and you need a combination of both skills to become a good marine.

There are no set hours as a recruit, and you need to go with the flow and take orders.

Wake at a moment’s notice and put your uniform on and start performing the tasks given.

The Final Phase

You have progressed and adapted to your new environment through the past 13 weeks. Congratulations. You are almost there.

However, save enough stamina for the 54 hours of exercise that will challenge everything you have learned over the past 13 weeks in marine boot camp.

Your physical stamina will be pushed to the limit, and you will be expected to operate as a professional marine.

You will navigate with precision, handle your weapons with confidence and skill to hit a target.

All of this will be conducted while you are sleep deprived, hungry and in some cases disorientated.

Once completed, the only thing remaining is to receive your well-earned converted eagle globe and anchor logo that is recognized and revered the world over as a sign of toughness and readiness to enter combat at a moment’s notice.

What time do marines go to bed

The United States Marine Corps (USMC) has strict regulations regarding sleep and rest for its service members. The specific bedtime for Marines will depend on their duty schedule, but generally, they are expected to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night, and to maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

During basic training, recruits will have a strict schedule, and lights out can be as early as 9 or 10 PM, and wake up time can be as early as 4 or 5 AM.

During field exercises or deployment, sleep schedules can be disrupted and the service members may be required to sleep at unusual times or in less-than-ideal conditions.

It’s important to note that the USMC places a high emphasis on the importance of adequate sleep for the physical and mental well-being of its service members, and encourages them to prioritize sleep as a part of maintaining their readiness.