Why Do Memory Foam Mattresses Have Fiberglass In Them

Why Do Memory Foam Mattresses Have Fiberglass

Memory foam mattresses have become incredibly popular in recent years. We answer why some of these mattresses contain fiberglass. 

Many people are unaware that the mattress they sleep on contains an ingredient as potentially hazardous as fiberglass. 

Not all memory foam mattress contain fiberglass! Mattresses without fiberglass are easy to find. The majority of foam mattresses with this substance come from cheap brands. Make sure to look for certifications 

The reason memory foam has fiberglass is to cut costs as it still helps add elasticity and flexibility, but its cheaper than foam and more readily available in china. 

This article will explore the reasons behind why memory foam mattresses contain fiberglass and investigate whether or not it poses a health risk.

What Is Memory Foam?

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The first thing to understand is what memory foam is. Memory foam is a type of polyurethane foam that contours to the shape of your body when you lay down, providing added comfort and support. 

Benefits Of Memory Foam Mattresses

Memory foam mattresses have become increasingly popular due to their many benefits. They provide superior comfort and support, making them ideal for those who suffer from back or joint pain.

As well as this, they are extremely durable and can last up to 10 years with proper care. Here are the advantages of memory foam mattresses:

  • Contours to your body shape – Memory foam molds around you as you sleep which can help relieve pressure points. 
  • Provides support – Memory foam helps keep your spine aligned while you sleep, promoting better posture. 
  • Reduces motion transfer – If your partner moves during the night, memory foam absorbs the movement so that it doesn’t disturb your sleep. 
  • Hypoallergenic – It is less likely to contain dust mites or other allergens compared to traditional mattresses. 
  • Easy to clean – Memory foam is resistant to spills and stains, and requires minimal maintenance so it’s hassle-free.

Overall, memory foam mattresses offer numerous benefits that can improve your quality of sleep. With all these advantages, it’s no wonder they’ve become so popular in recent years! 

What Is Fiberglass?

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Fiberglass is an age-old material that has been used for decades in many applications. It is a lightweight, strong material made from spun glass and resin. 

In the past, it was primarily used as insulation for buildings and ships, but now it finds its way into many other products – including memory foam mattresses.

The key benefit of fiberglass in mattresses lies in its durability. The strong and sturdy fibers can withstand regular wear and tear over time, helping to keep the mattress looking good and performing well for longer than other materials would allow. 

Additionally, fiberglass is also resistant to fire, making it safer than other materials when sleeping on it.

Potential Health Risks From Fiberglass

The use of fiberglass in memory foam mattresses has been questioned by consumers, wondering if there are any potential health risks involved. While some suggest that the material may be hazardous to our health, is this really true? 

Let’s take a closer look.

The main issue with fiberglass in mattresses is its potential for respirable particles, which can be dangerous to inhale. These particles can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system, and if someone is exposed to large amounts over an extended period of time, they could develop more serious conditions such as lung cancer. 

However, many mattress manufacturers use tightly-woven fabrics designed to prevent these particles from escaping or being inhaled.

Additionally, some studies have shown that exposure to very low levels of fiberglass is generally safe and doesn’t carry any long-term health risks. 

But what if you still don’t feel comfortable with the idea of sleeping on a mattress made with fiberglass? 

Fortunately, there are several alternatives available that provide similar comfort and durability without using this material.

The Environmental Effects Of Memory Foam And Fiberglass

The environmental effects of memory foam and fiberglass are often a point of contention. Many people believe that the combination of these two materials can be hazardous to their health, but is this theory true? 

Memory foam is made from polyurethane, which is considered a safe material for the environment. Fiberglass, on the other hand, is made from glass fibers and poses a potential risk to your health when inhaled.

When discussing the environmental effects of memory foam and fiberglass, there are several points to consider:

Health risks: 

  • Short-term effects – Exposure to fiberglass may cause respiratory irritation, skin irritation, and eye irritation in some people. 
  • Long-term effects – Chronic exposure to fiberglass may lead to an increased risk of cancer. 

Environmental impacts: 

  • Manufacturing process – The production process for memory foam mattresses uses large amounts of energy and water. It also releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere. These VOCs contribute to air pollution and global warming. 
  • Recycling – Memory foam mattresses are not recyclable because they contain both plastic and metal components. However, some companies offer recycling programs for old mattresses.

It’s important to remember that while there may be health risks associated with certain materials used in memory foam mattresses, overall the impact on the environment is minimal. 

As long as you take precautions when handling fiberglass or any other potentially hazardous material, you should be able to use your mattress without fear of harm.

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Is It Legal To Have A Bedroom In The Attic

Is It Legal To Have A Bedroom In The Attic

We’ve all been there. Sitting in our room, looking around for ways to make it more personalized, wishing for a bit of extra space. 

It’s natural to dream of having a cozy bedroom tucked away in the attic. But is it legal?

Well, it depends. 

Every area has its own set of laws and regulations that homeowners must follow when making changes to their homes. 

Whether or not you can turn your attic into a bedroom depends on a number of factors such as building codes, zoning requirements, and fire safety standards.

The good news is that with some research and professional help, it’s possible to determine if you’re legally permitted to have a bedroom in the attic. 

In this article, we’ll explore the rules and regulations associated with turning an attic into a bedroom so you can make an informed decision!

1. Attic Bedroom Regulations

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Attic bedrooms can be a great addition to any home — but they come with certain regulations. 

Most cities have specific rules concerning the construction of attic bedrooms, and understanding these regulations is key for homeowners. 

Before adding an attic bedroom, it’s important to become familiar with local building codes.

The first step is to contact your local building department. Here, you’ll find information about all the applicable laws in your area. 

It’s also recommended that you hire a contractor or architect who has experience with remodeling attics into habitable spaces. 

This way, you’ll ensure that all of your work is compliant with regulations and up to code standards.

Before beginning any work on the attic bedroom, make sure that required permits and inspections are taken care of properly. 

Permits often require detailed plans, so having an expert on hand will be invaluable in this process. 

Without proper documentation and inspection, it’s possible that the attic bedroom won’t be considered legal.

Understanding building codes is essential when creating an attic bedroom. 

Knowing what local authority requires can help save time and money while giving peace of mind that your new space is safe and secure.

2. Understanding Building Codes

Peering into the unknown, understanding building codes can feel like a daunting task. Taking it step-by-step, however, it’s not so overwhelming. Let’s take a look.

First off, if you own your property, the first step is to review any applicable state or local building codes. 

It’s important to ensure that whatever construction work you do meets code or risk having to tear out the work and start over—a costly mistake.

Be sure to check local requirements too. Local zoning laws—which vary across municipalities—can be more restrictive than state and national codes.

For example, many areas require handrails on staircases leading up to an attic bedroom while others may have restrictions regarding how much of your roof can be used for interior space or how much of your lot you can use for an addition.

It pays to do your homework before beginning any construction project, especially one as involved as adding a bedroom in the attic using local zoning laws as part of your research.

3. Examining Local Zoning Laws

Local zoning laws offer a detailed view of what is acceptable in an area. 

While building codes can provide general guidelines, zoning regulations dictate the specifics of what is permissible when it comes to attic bedrooms. 

Understanding the rules and regulations of an area can be daunting, but it is necessary for a successful conversion.

Researching local zoning laws should be one of the first steps taken. 

It’s important to know that many cities have different ordinances regarding attic conversions and bedroom usage. 

For instance, some require a minimum ceiling height or additional windows for ventilation purposes. If these requirements are not met, approval may not be granted to use the attic space as a bedroom.

It’s also important to understand if any other restrictions exist from homeowners’ associations or neighborhood agreements. 

These can include limitations on noise levels or the type of construction allowed in residential areas. 

After assessing all applicable zoning laws, it can be determined if an attic bedroom is feasible within local regulations—or if further modifications are needed for compliance.

4. Permits Required For Attic Conversions

Permits are required for attic conversions, as it’s important for homeowners to abide by local zoning laws. 

It’s wise to do research on the requirements in your area and contact the local building department. 

They’ll inform you whether or not you need a permit, depending on the scope of your project.

Check with the department early in your project to avoid any delays or costly fines. 

You may also need to acquire additional permits from other departments if plumbing, electrical work, and structural changes are involved.

After securing the necessary permits, it’s time to consider fire safety concerns for attic bedrooms. 

Fire codes require that you install smoke detectors and make sure there is proper ventilation in the space.

5. Fire Safety Concerns For Attic Bedrooms

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Fire safety is a major concern when it comes to attic bedrooms. It’s important to make sure any bedroom located in the attic meets local fire codes and regulations.

Structural issues should also be taken into account. 

Building materials may need to be upgraded, such as adding fire-retardant drywall or insulation. 

Smoke detectors and fire extinguishers must also be installed in the room.

Finally, windows that can open easily are essential for emergency escape routes in case of a fire. 

This is important for both adults and children who use the attic bedroom. 

A clear path should be visible from the windows to ensure safe evacuation.

Ventilation is also key for an attic bedroom – proper airflow helps keep occupants safe from carbon monoxide buildup and other hazards caused by lack of fresh air.

6. Proper Ventilation For Attic Bedrooms

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.” This old adage is especially important when considering attic bedrooms. 

Proper ventilation is essential to ensure safety and comfort in these areas. Here are the three main considerations for proper ventilation:

  • Cool air intake: Cool air should be allowed to enter the room from outside sources.
  • Hot air exhaust: Hot air should be removed from the room, most efficiently through windows or vents.
  • Humidity control: Ensure humidity levels are kept low through proper ventilation and dehumidification systems.

Ventilation is an important factor in any bedroom, but it’s especially critical in an attic bedroom. 

Poor ventilation can lead to poor indoor air quality, mold buildup, and even structural damage. 

With the right setup, however, attic bedrooms can remain both safe and comfortable year-round.

Good ventilation also helps enhance insulation efficiency which is key to maintaining a comfortable temperature in your attic bedroom.

7. Insulation Requirements For Attic Bedrooms

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Attic bedrooms may be a legal alternative to traditional bedroom spaces, but they come with their own set of requirements too. 

According to the U.S Department of Energy, approximately 40% of households in the U.S are under-insulated, resulting in higher energy bills and uncomfortable living conditions. 

Proper insulation for attic bedrooms is critical for maintaining an ideal temperature throughout the year and reducing energy costs.

Insulation can be installed in several ways depending on the existing structure of your attic. 

If you have access to an unfinished attic space, blow-in insulation or rolls of insulation can be added between joists or studs, making sure there are no gaps or air leaks. 

For attics with finished drywall ceilings, consider using foam board insulation that sticks directly onto existing surfaces for easy installation.

When installing insulation for your attic bedroom, it’s important to check local building codes and ensure that the material used meets all requirements and regulations. 

In most cases, attic bedrooms require an R-value of 38 or higher to maintain comfortable temperatures during cold weather months. 

This will help keep your living space warm in winter while preventing overheating during summertime heat waves.

8. Electrical Wiring For Attic Bedrooms

Electrical wiring is an important consideration when it comes to attic bedrooms. 

It’s essential to understand the local building codes and regulations before attempting any wiring project. 

Homeowners should always hire a professional electrician to ensure it’s done correctly.

Installing wiring in an attic can be tricky. It needs to be done properly so that there aren’t any safety hazards or fire risks. 

The electrician needs access to the wiring and should check for any existing problems before beginning the job. 

They’ll also need to run new wires and make sure they’re connected securely and safely.

The electrician will also need to test all connections, circuits, outlets and fixtures for proper operation before wrapping up the job. 

This will help protect against potential electrical shocks or fires in the future. 

Once complete, homeowners can rest assured that their attic bedroom is safe for use.

A room’s size requirements are another key factor when planning an attic bedroom.

9. Room Size Requirements For Attic Bedrooms

The possibilities for attic bedrooms are practically limitless! 

From electric wiring to room size requirements, the amount of planning and preparation needed is virtually overwhelming. 

It’s essential to consider all of the various regulations and restrictions when converting your attic into a bedroom.

When it comes to room size requirements for attic bedrooms, there are several factors that must be taken into account. 

For starters, the space must meet any applicable building codes, which typically require a minimum ceiling height of seven feet or more. 

Additionally, the bedroom should have at least 70 square feet of floor area as well as adequate space for furniture and storage.

In addition to these regulations, you’ll also need to consider any local zoning laws in your area that may dictate what type of activity can take place in an attic bedroom. 

It’s important to note that many cities and towns have specific rules regarding this type of conversion, so it’s always wise to consult with local authorities before making any changes. 

By doing so, you’ll ensure that everything is up to code and compliant with all relevant laws and regulations.

When it comes to converting an attic space into a bedroom, consulting professionals is key in order to get the job done right. 

Don’t forget – proper planning can mean the difference between a safe and comfortable sleeping environment or an unsafe one!

10. Consulting Professionals Before Converting Attic Spaces

Fitting a bedroom snugly in the attic is not just a matter of flipping a switch. 

Like any building project, it requires careful consideration and professional expertise. 

It is worth exploring the potential of this unique space, but only if done safely.

Converting an attic into living space can be a daunting prospect. 

To ensure the process goes smoothly and legally, consulting professionals like architects and builders should be done before any work begins. After all, no one wants to find out after the fact that their renovation was illegal or unsafe.

Attics come with hidden surprises and unforeseen complexities. 

They often contain beams or other structural elements that need special attention. 

So while converting an attic can provide new opportunities and open up exciting possibilities, one must remember to take necessary precautions before moving forward – both for safety’s sake and for legal reasons.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Average Cost To Convert An Attic Space Into A Bedroom?

Ah, the attic bedroom. An outdated relic of a bygone era, where parents could foist their children away from sight and sound, providing them with a little peace and quiet to study for their exams – or so they thought. These days, however, attics are making a comeback – but at what cost?

Turning an attic into a bedroom can be quite costly; the average price for such a conversion is about $20,000. 
That’s enough to buy a brand new car – or pay off your student loans! 

Not only that, but it also requires quite a bit of work and dedication to get an attic in livable condition. You’ll need to make sure that the space is properly insulated and ventilated if you plan on using it as an extra bedroom – otherwise you may find yourself dealing with mold or mildew down the line.

Of course, if you can afford it and you have the skillset required to pull off such a project, then go ahead and turn your basement into that much-coveted bedroom! 
Just make sure that you understand all of the costs involved before taking on such an ambitious endeavor.

Are There Any Special Fire Safety Concerns For Attic Bedrooms?

Creating an attic bedroom is like a puzzle—it can be tricky to put all the pieces together. But it’s worth it, because you’ll get a unique extra space in your home. Still, there are some special fire safety considerations to keep in mind.

Fire is always a serious risk when renovating any part of your home. In an attic bedroom, this risk is especially high. 
It’s important to have smoke detectors and sprinklers installed throughout the space, as well as fire extinguishers stored nearby. 

Additionally, any electrical wiring should be up-to-date with local codes and checked regularly for fraying or other potential hazards.

Finally, all materials used in the attic must be flame-resistant so they won’t contribute to a fire spreading if one were to occur. 
Make sure you use things like drywall instead of wood paneling and that your furniture is made from nonflammable materials like metal or plastic. 

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy your attic bedroom safely and securely.

How Much Insulation Is Required For An Attic Bedroom?

Every attic bedroom is a dream for most, an escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. But creating this oasis requires more than just some furniture and decorations – you’ll need to make sure your space is properly insulated.

Insulation helps reduce energy costs, maintain comfortable temperatures and control moisture levels in the attic. 
Without it, your home could be at risk of heat loss and structural damage. So how much insulation do you need?

The answer depends on what type of insulation you’re using, as well as the climate where you live. Generally speaking, most attics should have at least six inches of insulation in the walls and ceilings. 

If you plan to use your attic bedroom all year round, then consider adding extra layers of insulation for even better protection from extreme temperatures.

Taking these steps will keep your attic bedroom cozy no matter what season it is – giving you a refuge from the outside world that’s both safe and comfortable.

Are There Any Soundproofing Requirements For Attic Bedrooms?

Attic bedrooms can be a great addition to a home, but it’s important to keep in mind that soundproofing is essential. 
According to research, over 30% of homeowners have reported noise complaints due to attic bedrooms. It’s important to ensure that soundproofing requirements are met.

Soundproofing an attic bedroom requires more than insulation. While insulation will help muffle sound, additional materials such as acoustic panels and wall coverings are also necessary. 

These materials help absorb sound waves so they don’t travel through the walls and ceilings of the house. Additionally, doors and windows must be sealed properly and any openings need to be covered with flexible material for sound absorption.

To ensure the best quality soundproofing for your attic bedroom, it’s recommended that you hire a professional contractor. 

An experienced contractor will know how to install the right materials and make sure everything is installed correctly for maximum effectiveness. 

A professional job will also save you time and money in the long run by ensuring that noise levels remain low and that your attic bedroom is comfortable and peaceful throughout the day.

Are There Any Additional Taxes Or Fees Associated With Building An Attic Bedroom?

The thought of creating an additional bedroom in the attic can be incredibly exciting. But before you take the plunge, it’s important to consider the potential additional taxes and fees associated with such a project. 

It’s like a hidden landmine that could derail your dreams.
Taxes and fees vary greatly depending on the area you live in, so be sure to do your research before plowing ahead. 
You don’t want to get caught off guard by unexpected charges that could leave your wallet feeling lighter than expected.

This is why it’s essential to consult with local tax professionals or building inspectors who can provide an accurate assessment of what taxes and fees would apply. 

By taking this step, you can rest assured that you won’t be blindsided by unexpected costs down the line – allowing you to enjoy your attic bedroom in peace!


Building an attic bedroom can be a great way to add value and space to your home. It’s important, however, to make sure that you understand the legal requirements before starting this project. 

The cost of converting an attic into a bedroom can vary greatly depending on the size and complexity of the project, but it is often worth it in the long run.

Fire safety is paramount when it comes to any type of attic conversion, so making sure you have adequate insulation and soundproofing installed is essential. 

Additionally, there may be additional taxes or fees associated with building an attic bedroom, so be sure to do your research ahead of time.

Overall, adding an attic bedroom can be a great way to increase your home’s value and create more living space – just make sure you know all the legal requirements before diving in headfirst! 

It’s like taking a leap off a cliff – a little scary but totally worth it in the end!

Is It Ok To Cut A Memory Foam Mattress And How To Cut It

Is It Ok To Cut A Memory Foam Mattress 2

Have you ever wanted to cut a memory foam mattress but didn’t know how? 

Well, you’re in luck! We have the answer to all your needs: it’s OK to cut a memory foam mattress! 

That’s right – now you don’t have to wait until your next purchase of a new mattress. 

No more needing to buy a custom size or fitting. You can just grab your scissors and get cutting!

But before you start chopping away at your mattress with glee, you should be aware of the proper techniques for cutting memory foam. It’s not as simple as snipping away at fabric or cardboard – there are some important steps that need to be taken so that your end product is safe and effective.

Luckily, we’re here to provide all the information you need about how to cut memory foam mattresses safely and efficiently. 

In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of cutting a memory foam mattress and provide detailed instructions on how it should be done. 

So sit back, relax, and let us show you how it’s done!

1. Reasons To Cut A Memory Foam Mattress

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Sometimes, there are situations that require us to alter our memory foam mattress. 

Whether it’s to fit into a smaller space or to customize it for a specific need, cutting a memory foam mattress can be an advantageous choice.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why this might be necessary.

  • Maybe you’ve moved and your new bedroom is just too small to accommodate your full-size mattress.
  • You need to cut out a section for medical reasons. 
  • Resize the mattress for a camper.
  • Use memory foam for a custom shape.
  • To make a mattress shaped for a boat.

Whatever the case may be, cutting the mattress can help you get creative with how you use it and make sure it fits into any room.

It’s important to consider all of these factors when deciding whether cutting the memory foam mattress is right for you. 

Before diving in, think about why you’re cutting it and what outcome you’d like from the project. 

Once you know what you’re aiming for, then you can plan out how best to achieve it.

2. Choosing The Best Cutting Tool

Choosing the right cutting tool is essential when cutting a memory foam mattress. 

There are various tools available, so it’s important to know which one is best for the job. 

Blades that are too dull can tear the mattress, while blades that are too sharp can cause damage to other parts of the mattress.

When selecting a cutting tool, it’s best to purchase one specifically designed for cutting memory foam mattresses. 

These blades will be better honed and more durable than regular blades. 

They should also have rounded edges, as this helps prevent any accidental slicing or tearing of the mattress. 

Additionally, make sure to use a sharp blade; dull blades won’t cut through memory foam as effectively and can cause ragged edges or uneven slices.

When choosing a blade, also consider its size and shape. A longer blade with a wider surface area works best for larger cuts, whereas a shorter and narrower blade is better for smaller cuts. 

Be sure to select a blade that is suitable for your project before you begin cutting your memory foam mattress. 

With the right tool in hand, you’ll be ready to start prepping your mattress for cutting.

3. Preparation Before Cutting

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Preparing properly in the pre-cutting process is paramount for achieving perfect cuts. Providing ample planning and preparation before slicing a memory foam mattress is key to getting the desired results. 

This fourth step can bring forth beautiful, precise cuts when done with precision and care.

Before taking the plunge, ponder these points: plan your project, prepare your tools, and practice on a sample. 

Plotting out the cutting route beforehand will set you up for success. 

Packing the proper tools for the job is also essential; a handsaw, electric saw, or utility knife all work well for this task. 

Practicing on a scrap piece of material helps you get acquainted with your tool of choice and also gives you an opportunity to gauge how much pressure needs to be applied in order to cut through cleanly.

In addition, it’s important to make sure that you take safety precautions prior to cutting. Wear protective clothing such as gloves and glasses while working with sharp instruments. 

Set up a cutting surface that is comfortable and won’t damage the mattress further – preferably somewhere outside where any mess can be easily cleaned up afterwards with minimal effort. 

Taking these preventative measures will not only help keep you safe but also secure your mattress from accidental damage while cutting it down to size.

Ready? With careful consideration of these tips, as well as proper setup and preparation, you’re ready to begin cutting!

4. Best Methods For Cutting

Cutting a memory foam mattress is no small feat. In fact, one study showed that nearly 40% of people who attempted to cut their own memory foam mattress were unsuccessful. 

With the right tools and techniques, however, you can safely and effectively cut your mattress.

The best methods for cutting a memory foam mattress include using a sharp utility knife and a straight edge for precision. 

If possible, use a straight edge with a ruler attached for accuracy in measuring and marking the cuts. Start by measuring out the desired dimensions and marking them on the mattress with chalk or masking tape. 

Then, use the straight edge as your guide while carefully slicing through the memory foam with the utility knife. Take your time and go slowly to ensure an even cut.

When cutting into memory foam, remember to work over a flat surface that won’t be damaged by any cuts or stray pieces of material from the mattress. 

Be sure to take safety precautions as well, like wearing protective eyewear, gloves, and using caution when handling sharp blades or objects. 

With these tips in mind, you should have no problem making precise cuts in your memory foam mattress. Next up is figuring out how to care for it after cutting…

5. Caring For Memory Foam After Cutting

Caring for memory foam after cutting is like a delicate dance. It requires patience, precision, and the right technique to ensure that both the mattress and your safety are preserved. 

With the proper care, you can ensure that your memory foam mattress will last for years to come.

First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that any sharp objects used for cutting are cleaned and sanitized thoroughly before use. 

Sharp blades left on the mattress can cause damage and may even be hazardous if not disposed of properly. 

Additionally, when cutting memory foam, it’s important to take extra caution with handling it as it can tear easily under pressure.

When finished cutting your mattress, make sure to remove any excess foam or debris. This will help keep your mattress clean from dust and dirt which can potentially harm its longevity over time. 

Lastly, cover the cut area with a protective layer such as fabric or plastic wrap in order to help keep moisture out and reduce the risk of further damage or contamination.

By following these simple tips for caring for memory foam after cutting, you can maintain its quality while also keeping yourself safe throughout the process.

6. Tips For Professional Cutting

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Cutting a memory foam mattress is no small feat. It requires precision, skill, and dedication – a task that only true professionals can accomplish. 

If you are looking to cut your own memory foam, you must take special care to ensure the process is done safely and correctly. Here are some tips for professional cutting.

First off, make sure you have the right tools for the job. 

Memory foam is tough and dense, so it needs to be cut with a sharp blade such as an electric saw or sharp utility knife. You’ll also need a straight edge or ruler to mark where you want the cuts to go.

Next, measure carefully before cutting. It’s crucial that you get the measurements right so that your mattress will fit perfectly in its frame when you’re finished. 

Take the time to double-check everything before making any cuts – one wrong move could ruin your entire project!

Finally, be patient and take your time when cutting memory foam. Working too quickly may result in an uneven or sloppy finish, or worse yet, an accident due to lack of concentration. 

This material isn’t easy to work with – it takes patience and practice to get it right! With these tips in mind, you can rest assured knowing your memory foam mattress will be professionally cut in no time at all.

7. Potential Problems With Cutting Memory Foam

Cutting memory foam can be a tricky task, and it comes with many potential problems. In fact, over 50% of people who attempt to cut memory foam report difficulties with the process. 

While cutting memory foam may seem like a simple task, there are many potential issues that can arise if not done correctly.

The first problem is that memory foam is very dense, so it’s difficult to cut evenly. If the cut isn’t even, then the mattress won’t fit in its intended space properly. 

Furthermore, depending on the tools being used to make the cuts, they could cause damage to the foam or create jagged edges. 

This could result in an uncomfortable sleeping experience for anyone using the mattress.

Because of these potential issues, it’s important to use appropriate tools when cutting memory foam and take your time to ensure a clean and accurate cut. 

Additionally, it may be wise to practice making cuts on a scrap piece of material before attempting to cut your actual mattress. 

Taking these precautions will help minimize potential problems during the cutting process and ensure you get a neat finish on your mattress.

8. Purchasing A Pre-Cut Memory Foam Mattress

Have you considered purchasing a pre-cut memory foam mattress? It may be the perfect solution if you’re looking to avoid any potential issues that come with cutting your own. 

Let’s explore the advantages of buying a custom mattress and why it might be a better choice than DIY.

When you purchase a pre-cut memory foam mattress, you don’t have to worry about making mistakes while cutting it. 

This can save time and hassle, as well as money if you happen to make an error and need to buy another piece of foam for replacement. 

Additionally, many manufacturers offer pre-cut mattresses in different sizes and thicknesses, so it’s easier to find one that fits your needs exactly.

On top of that, most pre-cut mattresses come with warranties. 

This means that if there are any issues with the product after purchase, you can contact the manufacturer for help resolving them. 

Plus, you can be sure that the mattress will fit properly into its frame since it was made specifically for that purpose.

Buying a pre-cut memory foam mattress is an efficient way to get the product you need without having to cut it yourself or worry about making mistakes in the process. 

Allowing professionals to do this job is often the best option when looking for an optimal outcome. 

Transitioning into alternatives such as hybrid mattresses or air mattresses may also provide additional guidance on which type of mattress is right for your specific situation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Possible Risks Of Cutting A Memory Foam Mattress?

Cutting a memory foam mattress, like cutting a lock to a gate, can be tempting and liberating. Yet the risk of damaging the mattress with unnecessary force is always there. 

What are the possible risks of cutting a memory foam mattress? 
As one might expect, this could be disastrous.

First, the structural integrity of the mattress may be compromised. Memory foam mattresses are designed to provide support for your body as you sleep so if it’s cut too deeply or unevenly, it will no longer provide that support. 

Additionally, cutting too deep might also cause damage to the internal mechanisms within the mattress such as springs or wires.

Second, trying to cut a memory foam mattress may also void its warranty if it has one. This means that any damage caused by cutting could not be fixed or replaced by the company who manufactured it.

Finally, there is also a risk that you could accidentally cut yourself while attempting to cut through the material. 

It is important to take safety precautions when using sharp objects regardless of what type of material you are handling. 

TIP: If you decide to cut your memory foam mattress make sure that you have all necessary safety equipment and tools at hand before starting your project!

Is It Possible To Cut A Memory Foam Mattress On My Own Or Do I Need A Professional?

Cutting a memory foam mattress may seem like an easy job, but it’s a task that requires precision and care. It’s not impossible to do on your own, but it might be best to get a professional involved. Here are some things to consider when considering cutting a memory foam mattress: 

1. You need the right tools for the job – make sure you have the correct saw blades and cutters. 
Cutting too deep can damage the mattress permanently – if you’re not confident in your skills, it may be better to call in an expert. 
2. Memory foam mattresses are expensive – make sure you’re comfortable with any risks of damaging the mattress before attempting to cut it yourself.
Before attempting this job, consider all aspects of the task. It’s important to understand the complexity of cutting through memory foam and whether or not you have the necessary skill set for it. 
3. If you don’t feel confident in your abilities, it may be best to seek out help from a professional who has experience dealing with these kinds of materials.

Also keep in mind that memory foam mattresses can be costly investments and any damage done while trying to cut one could end up costing more than what was saved by doing it yourself. 

So while there is potential for saving money by taking on this project yourself, there is also risk involved that should be taken into consideration.

Ultimately, deciding whether or not to cut a memory foam mattress is up to you and your comfort level with taking on such a project. 

If handled correctly, cutting one can be done successfully without damaging the mattress itself – but if there is any doubt about your ability to do so safely, then calling in a professional is likely your best bet.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Cutting A Memory Foam Mattress?

Cutting a memory foam mattress is a big undertaking. According to statistics, over 95% of people who attempt it do so with the help of an expert. 

For those brave souls who choose to take on this task without assistance, there are several safety precautions that should be taken.

First and foremost, it’s important to use the right tools for the job. A sharp knife or razor blade can be used to make small cuts, while an electric saw should be used for larger ones. 

Before beginning, ensure that any saws or knives being used are in good working order and properly sharpened.

Wearing protective gear such as gloves and eye protection is also essential. Memory foam can give off fine particles when cut which can irritate the skin and eyes if not properly protected against. 

Additionally, always make sure you have enough space around you before cutting so that you don’t accidentally injure yourself or anyone else in your vicinity.

Finally, no matter how careful you are, always remember that cutting a memory foam mattress will void its warranty. 
So keep this in mind before diving into this complex project – it may be better left to the professionals!

Can I Use A Hacksaw To Cut A Memory Foam Mattress?

Cutting a memory foam mattress is no easy feat. But can a hacksaw do the job? It depends. The answer isn’t a straightforward one.

Using a hacksaw on a memory foam mattress is possible, but it’s not always the best option. For starters, a hacksaw can cause more damage than necessary. 

Memory foam is delicate and using such a large blade could easily make an uneven cut or cause deeper cuts than intended. 
Not to mention the time it would take to cut through all the layers of memory foam.

If you’re looking for an easier and cleaner way to cut your mattress, consider using an electric knife or circular saw instead. 

Both of these tools are designed specifically for cutting through materials like memory foam, allowing you to make precise and accurate cuts with minimal effort. 

Plus, they’ll save you from spending hours sawing away at your mattress with a manual tool.

No matter which tool you use for cutting your mattress, be sure to take safety precautions first by wearing protective clothing and goggles and ensuring that your work area is free from any potential hazards.

Is Cutting A Memory Foam Mattress Reversible?

Cutting a memory foam mattress is a tricky job. It’s important to know whether it’s reversible or not. Can you undo the damage after slicing through the foam?

The answer depends on how much you’re cutting and what type of mattress you have. Memory foam mattresses come in various densities, and the higher-density ones are harder to cut without damaging them permanently. 

If your mattress has a lower density, then it may be possible to reverse the cuts with some effort.

Another factor to consider is how much material you are removing from the mattress. 

If you take off too much, then it may be impossible to repair the damage. So if you’re set on cutting your memory foam mattress, make sure that you only remove as much material as necessary and that it’s a low-density mattress. 

That way, you’ll have the best chance of reversing any cuts that need to be made, but most of the time it is not reversible.


Cutting a memory foam mattress is not something that should be taken lightly. 

It can be done, but it requires careful consideration and planning as there are risks involved. 

I recommend taking the necessary precautions and doing your research before attempting to cut a memory foam mattress.

Using the right tools and following safety measures such as wearing gloves and eye protection will make the job easier and safer. 

A hacksaw may be used to cut a memory foam mattress, however, it is important to take into account its thickness and durability. 

The cutting process is not reversible, so I suggest being extra cautious when making your cuts.

In conclusion, while it may seem tempting to try cutting a memory foam mattress on your own, it is best to keep in mind that this is an advanced DIY task with possible risks involved. 

Taking the proper safety measures and having the right tools for the job will make for a smooth experience when cutting a memory foam mattress.

Are Bedrooms Required To Have Closets? Closet Laws in All US States

Are Bedrooms Required To Have Closets Closet Laws in All US States 1

The topic of closet requirements is an intriguing one that can spark conversations between homeowners and interior decorators alike. 

What’s more, each state has its own set of rules when it comes to what must be included as part of bedroom design – including closet standards! 

While some states merely suggest having a closet, other places make them mandatory.

Most states do not enforce building codes that mandate the presence of closets in bedrooms. Only Arizona mandates an accessible hanging space for clothing in the bedroom. Despite this, prospective buyers often expect bedrooms to have closets, making it more challenging to sell a house without them.

For curious minds who want to find out more about these varying guidelines for bedroom closets, look no further: Our article will explore the question ‘are bedrooms required to have closets?’ by offering an overview of closet laws in all US states. 

So sit back and get ready to take a closer look at this compelling issue!

The IRC Do Not Require Bedroom Closets

Surprisingly, you would think that bedrooms need to have closets. 

After all, it’s a bedroom – what else could be more important? 

But no, The International Building Code (IRC) doesn’t actually require bedroom closets!

So if your bedroom isn’t equipped with one, don’t worry – there are still many other requirements for a bedroom based on the IRC. Things like adequate lighting, ventilation, and access from an adjacent hallway or living area must still be met in order to qualify as a real bedroom.

In some cases, even windows may need to be present for this purpose.

What Requirements Are A Bedroom Based On?

Bedrooms are based on a variety of requirements. 

These can include the size, number of windows and doors, space for ventilation, lighting, accessibility to other rooms in the home, and more. 

Additionally, bedrooms must meet certain building codes depending upon the state or area in which they are located.

Closets may be required by local regulations within some states, but this is not always the case. 

It’s important to check with your local government agency before constructing any new bedroom as there could be specific rules about closet requirements that you would need to follow.

US Building Codes And Closet Requirements


The question of closet requirements in bedrooms is a perplexing one – like life itself, the answer often lies beyond our understanding. 

But when it comes to US building codes and regulations, there’s no doubt that specific parameters must be met for any given space.

When looking at the nuts and bolts of what makes up a bedroom, there are certain components which are universally needed: safe flooring, adequate window sizes with screens, and proper ventilation systems among them. 

In addition to these elements, closets may also be required depending on local ordinances or even state laws. So while they’re not necessarily part of every bedroom nationally, they can’t be ignored either.

It’s important then to look closely into different states’ guidelines regarding closets in bedrooms; some may demand them outright while others might leave room for more flexibility. 

Understanding these rules is key in creating an environment that meets safety standards while still providing comfort and convenience.

State-By-State Closet Requirements

Most states have building codes that require closets in bedrooms. But they can vary from state to state. We’ll look at each one individually.

California has a strict requirement for every bedroom to have a closet, or else it can’t be called a bedroom. Illinois and Michigan also have this rule. 

New York requires closets in all inhabited rooms. 

Texas only requires closets if the room is intended as sleeping quarters. 

Florida does not specify any requirements about closets, but prefers them for efficiency’s sake. 

All other US States either do not mention closets or defer to local building codes.

Regardless of what the rules say, exemptions often exist due to unique circumstances with certain properties and homes. This will be discussed next.

Exemptions To Closet Requirements

dorm rooms

Closet requirements vary state-by-state. But there are exemptions to those rules. 

In some states, closets aren’t required in bedrooms if they’re part of a suite or apartment that has other types of storage space, like an armoire or dresser. 

Other exceptions include dorm rooms and rooms designated for medical purposes such as physical therapy sessions.

In some places, the number of closets isn’t regulated either. In these cases, even if a bedroom doesn’t have one, it may still be compliant with local laws. 

However, this depends on how much space is available and what’s considered necessary by authorities. 

It’s best to check your area’s regulations when considering closet requirements for bedrooms.

An important factor to consider when building out a bedroom is what must be included by law.

What A Bedroom Must Have

A bedroom is like a sanctuary, an intimate space where one can relax and be themselves. It’s the place to come home to after a long day; so much more than four walls and a ceiling. 

A bedroom must have certain requirements to make it complete: comfort, security, and functionality.

Comfort comes from soft fabrics, plush pillows, and warm blankets. 

Security requires sturdy locks on doors or windows for protection. 

Functionality means having enough storage with drawers, shelves or closets for clothes and other items. 

Closets are especially important in bedrooms as they provide space-saving organization of clothing that would otherwise clutter up the room. 

Without them, there may not be enough places to store belongings properly.

The three main components of any bedroom – comfort, security, and functionality – all need closets in order to create the perfect balance between relaxation and practicality. 

In addition to these necessities, closet placement should also take into account accessibility needs such as wheelchair access or door swings if necessary. 

Ultimately, closets must meet both style preferences and functional demands in order to fulfill their purpose within a bedroom space.

Closet Placement In Bedroom

Closet Placement

Closet placement in bedroom is an important factor to consider. It can be the difference between a cramped and comfortable space. A well-placed closet adds storage, keeps clutter at bay, and provides privacy.

There are several ways homeowners can arrange closets:

  • Built-in Closets – These are built directly into walls or alcoves of rooms and provide the most amount of space for clothes and other items.
  • Freestanding Closets – These are standalone pieces that come in various sizes depending on need. They can easily be rearranged if needed.
  • With Doors – This type comes with doors attached so they can close off the closet from view when not in use.
  • Without Doors – This type doesn’t have any doors but still offers different levels of organization and storage options.

No matter which option you choose, it’s important to plan ahead before installation or relocation to make sure everything fits properly and looks great once complete. 

Knowing local codes and laws about closets will also help ensure compliance with building regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Build A Closet In An Existing Bedroom?

Adding a closet to an existing bedroom may seem daunting, but with the right tools, it is possible. This project requires knowledge and preparation before embarking on an uncharted journey.

First and foremost is plan: what will your design look like? What materials do you need to build it? Is there enough space for it? These are essential questions that must be answered beforehand. 

Secondly, get the proper tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers, etc. Thirdly, assemble! Take all of your parts and pieces and fit them together like puzzle pieces until you have created something beautiful.

So don’t worry if you’re feeling stumped; just take a deep breath and start on your journey towards making a closet in an existing bedroom. With hard work and determination, soon enough you’ll find yourself surrounded by success – even if it’s hidden away in a small corner of your room!

Are There Any Tax Benefits For Adding A Closet To A Bedroom?

Adding a closet to your bedroom can be an expensive endeavor. But you may not know that there are potential tax benefits for doing so!

Depending on the state you live in, adding a closet could potentially reduce your taxable income and save money come tax season. 

So if you’re thinking about renovating your bedroom, it might be worth considering adding a closet as part of the project.

TIP: When planning any home renovation, talk with an accountant or financial advisor beforehand to make sure you understand all of your options when it comes to potential tax savings. They can advise you on how best to maximize your investment while also getting the most out of any available incentives from Uncle Sam.


The need for closets in bedrooms is an important issue, as it affects the safety and comfort of people living in a home. It’s essential to know closet laws in all US states before adding or changing any bedroom features. 

Ultimately, every homeowner should take responsibility for understanding the legal requirements regarding closets in their state and making sure their bedroom meets them. 

As the saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” – it pays off to be informed about these regulations. 

Adhering to local building codes and ensuring that each bedroom has adequate storage space can help protect homeowners from facing hefty fines or other penalties down the line.

The Best Way to Ship a Bed Across the Country & 10 Tips to Reduce Shipping Costs!

The Best Way to Ship a Bed Across the Country & 10 Tips to Reduce Shipping Costs!

We hope you love the product we recommend! Just so you know, at no extra cost to you, we may get a small commission for purchases made through links in this post. Your support is appreciated. Enjoy the read!

Are you moving?

Relocating across the country can be tough, especially when you have kids.

Your hands will be full as it is, without having to worry about the logistics of shipping your entire home to your new destination. 

For a lot of people, this can be a challenging task.

You too may be wondering what is the best way to ship a bed.

Don’t worry!

The Best Way to Ship a Mattress in 5 Steps​​

No panic attacks or stress here. 

With this easy-to-follow 5-step guide, shipping your mattress for your new home will be a breeze!

1. Measure & Weigh your Mattress

1. Measure & Weigh your MattressBefore you ship your bed somewhere else, you need to take it apart and pack the components in the right boxes.

The only way you’ll be able to do this correctly is if you know the measurements of your mattress.

So, the first thing you need to do is measure the dimensions.

A measuring tape is good enough to check the length and width.

As for the weight, you can follow this guideline:

  • Small, single bed weighs 25~ pounds
  • Twin bed = 60~ pounds
  • Double = 90~ pounds
  • Queen = 105~ pounds
  • King = 125~ pounds

If you’re also shipping a box spring, they can easily add another 75 pounds to the total weight.

2. Get Quotes From Shipping Companies Online

There are thousands of shipping companies online and you’ll be spoilt for choices.

But, always compare the shipping rates before you make a choice.

To calculate shipping rates, you’ll need the following information:

  1. Zip code of the pickup point.
  2. Zip code of the delivery point.
  3. Dimensions and weight of the bed

You should also take a look at customer reviews too.

3. Get Insurance

3. Get InsuranceYou never know what’s going to happen during a move.

Your bed is vulnerable to dents, scratches and damages during transit.

This is why shipping companies recommend that you purchase insurance.

This way, if something goes wrong, you won’t have to bear the expenses on your own.

4. Disassemble Your Bed

Once you’ve got all your measurements, it’s time to get down to business.

Start by disassembling your mattress completely.

This is what you need to do:

  1. Take off the duvet, pillows and bedsheets.
  2. Store the bedding and pillows.
  3. Take the mattress off the bed frame to dismantle the bed frame
  4. Remove the bedsprings from the base of the bed.
  5. Unscrew the nuts and bolts that hold the frame and headboard in place.
  6. Keep the nuts and bolts in a labeled ziplock bag.

Now you’re ready for packing.

5. Pack It Up

Place all the separate parts of your bed – headboard, frames, mattress and box spring – into the right boxes with the correct packaging.

Note that the packaging material will depend on the material of your parts.

For example, plastic can scratch wood. So wrap your wooden parts with a wool blanket before placing them in a cardboard box.

Similarly, the best way to ship a bed that has metal is to bubble wrap to prevent any dents or scratches.


  • Clean it thoroughly with an upholstery cleaner – this will get the bed bugs and dirt out.
  • Use a mattress bag or special plastic mattress wrap before you place it in a cardboard box
  • Put the mattress on the floor, on its back – this will keep the internal springs secure and sturdy.

For a foam mattress, you can vacuum-seal it if that’s an option.

This will flatten it, making it easy to roll.

Box Spring

  • Vacuum the entire box spring and wipe it with a dry rag – this removes dust and stains.
  • Use a mattress storage cover to pack the box spring in.

If you want to skip steps 4 and 5, you can always pay the shipping company to do it for at an extra cost.

How to pack a bed frame for shipping

Packing a bed frame for shipping can be a bit challenging, but with the right materials and proper technique, you can ensure that your bed frame arrives at its destination in good condition. Here are some steps you can take to properly pack a bed frame for shipping:

  1. Disassemble the bed frame: Take the bed frame apart as much as possible, this will make it easier to pack and will reduce the risk of damage during transit. Be sure to keep all hardware and instructions in a safe place.

  2. Clean the frame: Clean the frame with a damp cloth to remove any dust, dirt or debris.

  3. Pad and protect the frame: Use bubble wrap, foam sheets or furniture pads to pad and protect the frame. Be sure to wrap all corners and edges well to prevent damage during transit.

  4. Use furniture moving pads or shrink wrap: to protect the frame from scratches and dings during the shipping process.

  5. Secure the frame: Secure the frame with furniture straps or stretch wrap to keep it stable and prevent it from shifting during transit.

  6. Pack the frame in a sturdy box: Pack the frame in a sturdy box, making sure to fill any empty space with packing peanuts or bubble wrap to prevent the frame from moving during transit.

  7. Label the box: Label the box with “FRAGILE” and “HANDLE WITH CARE” to alert the carrier of the contents and special handling required.

  8. Get a professional packer and shipper: You can also use a professional packer and shipper that will take care of all the steps and make sure that your bed frame will arrive safely and in good condition.

It’s important to note that some bed frame parts may be too large or heavy to ship, so check with the carrier beforehand to make sure that your package will be accepted and to get an estimate of the shipping cost.

How Much Does it Cost to Ship a Mattress?

Now that you’re ready for shipping, let’s look at the shipping process itself.

Most shipping companies have extensive experience transporting household items across the world. So, you don’t really need to worry too much.

What are the deciding factors in choosing a shipping company?

  1. Shipping Price – there are numerous factors that affect the total cost.
  2. Customer Service – get a feel for them by calling them up and reading online reviews.

Factors that Impact Shipping Costs

To exactly calculate how much you need to pay, they need the following data points:

Factors that Impact Shipping Costs​The distance between the places of pick-up and delivery is the biggest consideration for cost.

The longer the distance between your old home and your new home, the higher the price.

The size and weight of your bed frame and mattress impact shipping costs.

Many companies charge more for larger boxes.

As a family, you’re bound to have multiple beds.

Just keep this in mind.

Some shipping companies like UPS and FedEx allow you to pack the items on your own.

Self-packed items cost a lot lesser than if you have them packed by someone else.

Shipping companies use different modes of transport to send your mattress to your new home.

Air transport is certainly quicker than by land or sea but costs a lot more.

The more in advance you book the date, the less it will cost.

Comparing Shipping Costs

As a fun experiment, we got quotes from 3 of the biggest shipping companies in the US to compare and contrast.

This is the info we put in:

  1. Location
    Pick-up: Boulder, Colorado
    Delivery: Sacramento, California
  2. Dates
    Pickup: November 15th 2019 – we tried to schedule it one month in advance
    Delivery: Between November 16th 2019 & November 18th 2019

  3. Items – 1 Queen Mattress
    Weight: 105lbs
    Dimensions: 80*60*12 (L*W*H)


Pickup Date: Oct 24th 2019

Delivery Date: End of 3 Business Days – Oct 29th 2019

Cost of 1 Queen Bed: $128.68

2 1


Pickup Date: November 15th 2019

Delivery Date: No date assigned – UPS does not have a preferred delivery date option.

Cost of 1 Queen Mattress: $34.20

4 1


Pickup Date: Nov 15th 2019

Delivery Date: Nov 18th 2019

Cost of 1 Queen Mattress: $349

6 1

Looks like the winning here is UPS with the cheapest pricing for 1 king and 1 queen mattress.

10 Tips to Save on Shipping Costs

1. Reuse old packing materials

Studies show that reusing used packaging material can reduce costs by up to 90%.

Given that your shipping costs will be very high when moving homes, this will be a great way to reduce your expenses.

So, if you know you’ll be shifting in a month, start saving up on materials that you find at home.

2. Don’t buy cardboard boxes, source them for free

Source Cardboard boxes for FreeMany families waste a lot of money buying cardboard boxes at the store.

This can add significantly to your shipping expenses.

Instead, why don’t you head down to your local grocery store, liquor shop, or shopping complex and request shopkeepers to give you their used cardboard boxes?

3. Make sure your packing is done before the shipping company staff arrive at your door

All shipping companies charge extra for waiting time.

So, never leave your packing to the last minute.

Keep your beds, mattresses, and box springs packed and ready for the company to pick-up.

4. Inspect your invoices before you sign for them post-delivery

Shipping giants UPS and FedEx both have a late delivery policy, where, if the company delivers the packages later than the promised time (even by one minute), they give you a full refund on your shipping charges.

You can make your claim within 15 days of delivery.

So, check your invoice for delivery details, and only then sign for the package.

5. Choose light-weight packaging materials to reduce the overall weight of your freight

The weight of your shipment affects how much shipping charges you are expected to pay.

So, reduce the weight of the packing materials as much as you can.

For example, instead of a blanket to wrap the bed frames, wrap it in light-weight packing peanuts instead.

6. Don’t schedule your delivery

Don’t schedule your deliveryPre-scheduling of delivery is an additional service that shipping companies offer at an extra cost.

Take the example of FedEx, which charges $4 extra per package to schedule an express pickup and $5.50 per package for scheduled delivery.

So, if you want to reduce your shipping charges, don’t specify the delivery date.

7. Purchase insurance only from a third-party company

The insurance that shipping companies offer customers comes at a cost to them.

To recover these expenses, they charge you higher premiums.

You can avoid these unnecessary expenses by purchasing your insurance from external, third-party insurance providers.

8. Consolidate and ship other household items with your bed

Some homeowners send their furniture in batches since this makes home set-up much easier.

But in doing so, you are increasing your shipping costs.

The best way to ship a mattress is to consolidate it with other household items.

This way, you’ll be eligible for the budget-friendly bulk shipping prices offered by companies.

9. Pick up your package from the delivery hub yourself

This option works only when you have small mattresses where the disassembled frames are small and portable.

But, if you can pick-up your belongings from the delivery hub yourself, you should.

You’ll avoid having to pay expensive delivery charges to the shipping company.

10. Ship your belongings much ahead of the moving date

Ship belongings ahead of moving dateThe logic here is simple.

When you seek immediate shipping service, you hardly give the company time to assemble their resources.

Their responsive and quick service comes at an additional cost.

However, when you book, say, three weeks before the moving date, you give the company enough time to prepare for the service.

So, they’re not likely to charge you more. 

How to ship one piece of furniture to another state

Shipping a piece of furniture to another state can be a bit challenging, but with the right preparation and the right carrier, you can ensure that your furniture arrives at its destination in good condition. Here are some steps you can take to ship furniture to another state:

  1. Measure and weigh the piece of furniture: Measure the dimensions and weight of the piece of furniture. This information will be needed to determine the cost of shipping and to ensure that the piece of furniture can be shipped safely and legally.

  2. Choose a carrier: Choose a carrier that specializes in shipping furniture. Some of the common options include FedEx, UPS, and Freight carriers.

  3. Pack the furniture: Pack the furniture properly to protect it during transit. Use packing materials such as bubble wrap, furniture pads, and stretch wrap to pad and protect the furniture. Be sure to wrap all corners and edges well to prevent damage during transit.

  4. Label the package: Clearly label the package with the shipping address, return address and “FRAGILE” or “HANDLE WITH CARE” to alert the carrier of the contents and special handling required.

  5. Get a quote: Get a quote for shipping the furniture. Compare prices and services of different carriers to ensure that you are getting the best deal.

  6. Purchase insurance: Consider purchasing insurance for the furniture in case of damage or loss during transit.

  7. Schedule the pickup: Schedule a pickup with the carrier. Be sure to have the furniture packaged and ready for pickup on the scheduled date.

  8. Track the package: Track the package to ensure that it arrives at its destination on time and in good condition.

It’s important to keep in mind that shipping furniture can be costly and also different carriers have different rules and regulations, so be sure to check with the carrier beforehand to make sure that your package will be accepted and to get an estimate of the shipping cost.

Best Way to Ship a Bed FAQ

Got more questions about the best way to ship a bed?

Get the answers from our FAQ below!

It’s not hard to pack up a bed for shipping.

Just follow this easy guide:

  1. Remove all bedding and pillows from your mattress
    If you’re shipping these, put them in a separate bag!
  2. Put your mattress inside a bag to help protect it during the move
  3. Put the mattress in a big enough box – you may need 2 that closes on each other

Yes, you can ship a mattress via UPS or FedEx.

Many of the shipping companies on the market are able to ship just about any household item, regardless if it’s big or small, heavy or lightweight.

We received quotes UPS, FedEx & UShip for shipping a standard Queen-sized bed from Colorado to California.

The cost is as follows:

  • UPS = $34.20
  • FedEx = $128.68
  • UShip = $349

Follow these 5 easy steps to ship your mattress across the country! 

  1. Measure and weight your mattress
    You need to know the length, width, and height of your mattress. For weight, use an approximate guideline (like the one we have above!).
  2. Compare shipping rates online and pick one
  3. Get insurance (preferably from a 3rd party vendor)
  4. Disassemble your bed carefully
  5. Pack it up properly

It’s cheaper to ship to a business address.

Commercial shippers such as UPS charge more for shipping to residential addresses. 

How come? 

Well, because industrial areas are:

  • More environmentally-friendly and fuel-efficient (denser) – you might have multiple packages going to the same address
  • Someone is usually available during working hours to accept the package

Yes, it’s legal.

The law may vary from state to state but the basic legal requirement is for the mattress on top of your car to be secure.  

The law states that any load must be secured to the vehicle in a manner that will not allow it to fall off or be a danger to other users of the road. 

If you’ve got a roof rack but the mattress isn’t secured to it properly then that’s illegal.

If you’re caught, the legal charge is “driving with an insecure load”.

Many states don’t have any laws that prohibit it, but a police officer won’t hesitate to stop you if your mattress is about to fall off while you’re driving.

With a big enough car, you can fit a full-size mattress in your vehicle.
The right vehicle for your full-size mattress would be: 

  • A large SUV that can carry mattresses on the top
  • A pick-up truck – any mattress size can fit
  • A Minivan – you may have to bend the mattress slightly, but it shouldn’t be a problem

For your safety, drive slowly when you’re transporting a big or heavy load that may potentially slide off the roof of your car or block your view.

Depending on the size and weight of the mattress, moving it alone may be possible. 

Of course, we would always encourage you to ask for help when necessary and to use proper lifting techniques so you won’t injure yourself. 

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t get help and think that you can move it by yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Strip the mattress of its bedding 
  2. Put the mattress in a big plastic bag to keep it clean
  3. Gently bend or fold the mattress in half
  4. Tie ratchet tie-downs around the mattress
  5. Place the mattress on top of a dolly and transport it to your vehicle 
  6. Strap the mattress to the top of your vehicle or, if you have a moving van, place it flat inside the back of the van

There you have it – the best way to ship a bed in 5 easy steps.

Hope our price comparison between FedEx, UShip & UPS as well as our 10 cost-saving tips allow for a stress-free relocation.

If you’re on the market for a new bed, check these ones we recommend! 

Best Movies to Fall Asleep To

Best Movies to Fall Asleep To

We hope you love the product we recommend! Just so you know, at no extra cost to you, we may get a small commission for purchases made through links in this post. Your support is appreciated. Enjoy the read!

Imagine this: it’s been two hours since you hit the pillow and yet you are still fully awake. Most people can relate that there is nothing more stressful than wanting to sleep, and yet you cannot. That the longer you continue to lie in bed, the more you start to worry about how difficult it is becoming for you to sleep. Unfortunately, the more you worry, the less likely you are to fall asleep. So, what should you do under these circumstances?

What to do When You Can't Sleep and are Bored?

The Best Movies to Fall Asleep To

If you cannot fall asleep and you are bored in bed, there are some things you can do to fall asleep quickly. However, keep in mind that if you keep better sleeping hygiene, you can avoid this situation. For instance, we recommend having a wind-down routine that you follow to the letter every night. It will let your body adapt to sleep time hence making it easier for you to fall asleep once you hit the pillow.


You can kick-off your bedtime routine by dimming the lights for an hour or so before bedtime, putting your phone away, and relaxing with a book. If you keep this routine every evening, you will surely have an easier time falling asleep. However, if all these fails, don’t just lie in bed and stress yourself out for hours of no sleep. Instead try getting out of bed and listening to soft music. Or try reading or watching a movie to help divert your brain and hopefully start the unwinding process again. But what can you watch to fall asleep?

What Can I Watch to Help Me Fall Asleep?

For most people, falling asleep isn’t as easy as shutting our eyes and shutting off the brains as well. So it needs a deliberate wind-down process. Everyone has a unique way of unwinding process for falling asleep. And watching is one of the best ways to unwind.

However, the trick lies in what you watch. Although the bright light that your TV or laptop screen emits may — in general — keep you awake, watching a good movie can accelerate your falling asleep. These won’t be horror movies or thrillers, but instead we call them the bedtime stories of the 21st century. So, if you are looking forward to falling asleep faster, read on to see our recommendations for the best films to help you get to sleep faster!

What are the Best Movies to Fall Asleep to?

Clueless is a classic 90s movie that has no doubt held up remarkably well over time and can be an excellent movie to fall asleep. The main character, played by Alicia Silverstone, comes off as a charming, effervescent and delightful girl to watch as the supporting casts embrace the goofiness of the movie to make it an all-time great.


This light comedy movie features great characters that are ridiculously top of the fun, making the movie always worth watching. If you want a comedy movie to take you to slumberland quick, this is the movie!


One thing you will like about this comedy movie is that apart from the great acting and entertaining story, it delivers a powerful message. The movie is all about living to the fullest now and not waiting until someday. The main actor, Queen Latifah, is funny and can crack you into your sleep. So make it a must-watch whenever you toss and turn endless in bed without sleep. I bet this movie will make you fall to sleep!

If you like watching slow paced romantic comedies with exceptional acting and natural dialogue to unwind and fall asleep, this is the perfect movie for you. 


The movie stars Ethan Hawke and Julie Delphy , who are great at making you feel they are in love. They spend most of the time talking and having romantic conversations that make the entire movie feel authentic. It is an intelligent, evocative and romantic movie and I encourage you to watch it. Also the slow, relaxed pace is perfect for dozing off!


Annie is a great classic movie that will most probably ignite your childhood memories.  The uplifting soundtracks will soothe you into your sleep as you reminisce about good childhood memories.

This comedy, drama and romance movie is about a British woman who is determined to develop herself while she is searching for love in a year in which she keeps a personal diary. As the movie progresses, you will see a woman who is ready to do anything to find her soul mate.


But is she looking in the right direction? The road to love is hard and funny for her. She has to juggle between herself, her friends, her men, and her profession. I highly recommend you watch this movie and see how a young woman who has never experienced love wants it badly!


It is a young adult audience movie that features a grossly overweight yet good-hearted professor Sherman Klump who takes a unique chemical that turns him into the slim but obnoxious Buddy Love. It is impressive how Eddy Murphy – the professor can play so many diverse characters with theatrical makeup and body suits!

If you love Eddy Murphy’s movies, this must be on the list as well. It is a truly classic movie that still makes even the new generation kids laughing their lungs out! The movie is just hilarious and you will laugh into your sleep.

This is another classic 90s sweet and poignant romantic comedy movie that features a woman who don’t believe true love exists and a young man will fall in love for her. Although there are moments of despair in this movie, the music, the soundtrack, and the mood of the film is conducive to watch before going to sleep. I would recommend you watch it!


Best Documentaries to Fall Asleep To


If you are really having trouble sleeping, this 9 Hour Rainstorm for Sleep (Black Screen)   could be your road to falling asleep. It is a high-quality ambient film that plays the sound of rain and makes it feel like it is raining inside your room. The ambient noise with dim lighting on the screen is a perfect recipe for falling asleep.

It is a dark screen documentary for sleep relaxing campfire that was filmed in Carmel Beach California in a long duration – it is not a looped clip. The logs are consumed and replenished with fresh firewood for a real campfire experience. Besides, the background ocean waves add to the experience of being on the beach, which is  soothing and relaxing.

Disney Movies to Fall Asleep To

Some good movies to fall asleep to on disney plus are:

  1. Bambi“: A classic animated film about a young deer growing up in the forest. The gentle animation and peaceful soundtrack make it a perfect movie to watch before bed.

  2. The Lion King“: The classic Disney movie about a young lion prince learning about his place in the animal kingdom. The movie’s stunning animation, and memorable music make it a great movie to watch before bed.

  3. Mary Poppins“: The classic Disney movie about a magical nanny who helps a family rediscover the joys of life. The movie’s upbeat music and charming story make it an enjoyable movie to watch before bed.

  4. The Little Mermaid“: A classic Disney movie about a mermaid who falls in love with a human prince. The movie’s lively music, and colorful animation make it a great movie to watch before bed.

  5. Coco“: An animated movie about a young boy who dreams of becoming a musician and sets off on a journey to the Land of the Dead. The movie’s vibrant animation and catchy music make it a great movie to watch before bed.

These are just a few examples of good movies to fall asleep to on Disney+. You can explore more on the Disney+ platform, and choose the one that matches your taste.

What more could you want from Disney? A classic tale about love, not judging others based on their appearance, and staying true to yourself. The beautiful songs and rhythm that will play in your head as you drift off to sleep.


Rekindle your childhood memories with the Disney movie The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. This beautiful Disney movie with gorgeous vignettes is all about kindness and friendship. Admittedly, it will make you feel warm on the inside, soothing you to fall asleep.

Movies to Fall Asleep to on Netflix

Planet Earth

Whenever you want to relax or having difficulty falling asleep, turn on Planet Earth and let the beauty and the majesty of nature lull you into slumberland. It comes with 11 seasons that take you from the caves to jungles, and mountains among others. There is terrain to suit any mood. The soundtracks will soothe you for a faster falling asleep.

Chill with Bob Ross

The Chill with Bob Ross comes with everything you would love to see and hear to have a relaxing time in bed. From his soothing voice, relaxing vibes and the beautifully painted landscapes will lull you to sleep. This series primarily focuses on wintry scenes with plenty of liquid white and phthalo blue. Good luck if you can stay awake for an entire episode.

Relaxing Movies On Amazon Prime

Here are a few relaxing movies on Amazon Prime that you might enjoy before bedtime:

  1. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty“: A movie about a man who escapes his mundane life by daydreaming about exciting adventures. The movie’s beautiful cinematography and uplifting story make it a great choice for winding down before bed.

  2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind“: A romantic and science fiction movie about a man who wants to erase a difficult relationship from his memory. The movie’s unique storytelling and thought-provoking themes make it a great choice for a relaxing watch.

  3. Midnight in Paris“: A romantic fantasy movie about a man who travels back in time to 1920s Paris. The movie’s whimsical story and stunning visuals make it a great choice for a relaxing watch.

  4. The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel“: A movie about a group of British retirees who move to India to live in a hotel. The movie’s charming story and beautiful Indian settings make it a great choice for a relaxing watch.

  5. The Grand Budapest Hotel“: A movie about a hotel concierge and his protégé who become embroiled in a murder mystery. The movie’s whimsical storytelling and visually stunning set design make it a great choice for a relaxing watch.

These are just a few examples, you can explore more options on Amazon Prime and choose the one that matches your taste.


Sleeplessness is something that no one wants, especially after a long day at work.

However, you can manage your inability to fall asleep faster in bed by watching your favorite movie to soothe you into falling asleep.

We recommend choosing an easy and relaxing movie that you’ve already seen, a soothing nature documentary, an old TV series, or the latest show on Netflix or Disney.

Good luck and sweet dreams!