How To Sleep After Having A Baby

How To Sleep After Having A Baby

It’s the question that every expectant and new mother asks. Is it possible to rest and sleep after having a baby? How long will it be before my baby sleeps through the night?

Being a new mum can be a baptism of fire but a pleasant one that you should cherish. The best way to sleep after having a baby is to sleep simultaneously as your baby does. Your baby will only sleep for short intervals at first, so use these times. Your baby will sleep, though, after about 8 weeks.

How do new moms sleep?

moms sleep

Rest when the baby is sleeping and accept help from relatives when offered. Bringing a new baby home can be overwhelming, and the thought of how you will sleep after leaving the maternity ward may fill your heart with dread.

The truth is new moms adapt pretty quickly to the new circumstances of having a bundle of joy in their homes.

For the first few weeks, the baby only really does 3 things, sleep, eat and poop, so it’s not too difficult to work out the baby’s routine and sleep when your baby is sleeping.

For a while, your life will be disrupted, and your once pristine home may slip into disarray, and it’s okay, ditch the social graces and expectations of living in a perfect home.

Priorities change when you bring a new baby home, and you will soon realize that your visitors and relatives become distant again, and you are left holding the baby.

During the evening, share some of the baby’s needs with your partner and rest as much as possible. If your partner is working, then you will undoubtedly have the night shift all to yourself.

However, new babies are not demanding. Yes, they cry and need to be changed every few hours, and breastfeeding can become a chore, but these are the special bonding times you and your baby get to know each other.

As soon as you feel fit, take your baby out in the stroller and introduce the baby to the world. You will feel better after some light exercise and possibly sleep better.

You will soon realize that what was important to you before you gave birth was superficial, and now it’s okay to let the laundry pile up and leave the dishes soaking in the sink.

Silence your phone and avoid sudden jarring noises that may startle your baby, so you need to pick the baby up and comfort them.

How to get better sleep after giving birth

Here are some additional topics to consider when writing about how to sleep after having a baby:

  1. Sleep schedules: It is common for new parents to experience disruptions to their sleep schedules after having a baby. It can be helpful to establish a routine and try to get as much sleep as possible during the times when the baby is sleeping.
  2. Sharing a bed: Many new parents choose to share a bed with their baby in the early weeks and months. If you choose to do this, it is important to follow safe sleep guidelines to reduce the risk of accidental injury to the baby.
  3. Sleeping in separate beds: Some new parents choose to sleep in separate beds or rooms in order to get a better night’s sleep. It can be helpful to establish a routine for taking turns caring for the baby and getting some rest.
  4. Napping: Taking naps when the baby is napping can help to make up for lost sleep.
  5. Seeking support: It is common for new parents to experience sleep deprivation, which can have a negative impact on their physical and mental health. It is important to seek support from a partner, family members, or a healthcare professional if you are having difficulty sleeping.
  6. Sleep aids: If you are having difficulty sleeping after having a baby, it may be helpful to try sleep aids such as relaxation techniques or over-the-counter medications. However, it is important to speak to a healthcare professional before using any sleep aids, as some may not be safe for use during breastfeeding.

Can I sleep if the baby is awake?

Experts say that if you want to establish good sleeping habits early on in the child’s development, there is nothing wrong with placing your baby in a crib while awake.

It can be an ideal way for mon to find how to sleep after having a baby.

At some point, your baby may cry to be picked up, but early training can save a lot of hassle and heartache as your baby resists sleep when they are older.

Asa new mother, you will find even if you are exhausted, you are hypersensitive to the slightest sound of your baby, so if you can sleep during the day and your baby is close to you, try and grab some sleep.

However, don’t let your baby scream and become distraught and associate bedtime with a bad experience, gently is the way to go.

Do you know your baby can sustain brain damage if they scream for more than 45 mins? Cortisol, the fight or flight hormone, increases to such an extent it causes brain damage.

So, by all means, you can try sleep training at an early age but be on hand to calm the situation down if your baby becomes very upset.

How long do sleepless nights last with a newborn?

Depending on how much your baby feeds, you could be found after 12 weeks. Your baby is making it through the night, if not the whole night, only waking for one meal.

Once your baby gets to the point that they only need to wake once a night, take the opportunity to pass feeding responsibility over to dad for half the week while you catch up on your much-needed sleep.

Get to six months, and your baby is sleeping through the night, and all of those sleepless nights will be a distant memory.

There is a way of learning how to sleep after giving birth, and you need to find that sweet spot that allows you the longest sleep possible.

Can I sleep on my side postpartum?

Try warm salty baths after a few days to ease some of the pains. Sleeping on your side is a personal choice. If you are comfortable, then go for it.

After giving birth, you need to consider how to sleep postpartum, it can be stressful finding a comfortable position but give it a week or two, and all should be heading in the right direction.

There are some considerations you will need to make. You can’t do everything around the house as you did before giving birth. You need to start delegating household chores even if your partner resists.

If you have visitors, make it clear that you are not going to be at their beck and call, they can serve themselves and serve you simultaneously.

Be aware of your hormones. If you are feeling cranky, then it’s okay if you have insomnia to sit in bed and read until you can sleep.

Sleep in an elevated position can prevent sleep apnea, a common sign of postpartum hormone issues.

Can you develop sleep apnea after pregnancy?

Yes, it’s rare, but you should be aware of the symptoms. Are you snoring loudly through the night?

Sleep apnea causes frequent urination during the night, don’t ignore sleep apnea symptoms.

If you are excessively sleepy during the day and have the other symptoms listed, it’s time to consult your doctor for further evaluation.

How To Sleep After A Hair Transplant

How To Sleep After A Hair Transplant

Is it impossible to sleep without pain after a hair transplant? How long will my sleep be affected after a hair transplant procedure?

Hair transplants are not painful but can be sore afterward. Take standard pain medication and sleep in a position not to aggravate the pain areas on your head. After 1 month, the healing process is well on its way.

How should you sleep after a hair transplant?

hair transplant

In an elevated position of approximately 45 degrees. Sleeping postoperatively for anyone undergoing hair transplant surgery is a concern, and rightly so, as sleep plays a significant role in healing.

There is no sugar coating the fact that hair transplant surgery is painful, and for a couple of weeks, at least your sleep is going to be disrupted.

You will need to learn how to sleep after hair transplant surgery, but once you know the best position, you can rest, even directly after surgery.

After the procedure, your hair transplant surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to take care of the hair grafts to achieve the best possible outcome.

Along with the hair transplant surgeon’s instruction, you will be issued pain management medication to help you through the first few days postoperatively.

Good advice is to practice how you are going to sleep before your surgery when you get home after your hair graft procedure.

Sleeping at a 45-degree angle propped up on pillows is not easy, so you may find it easier to sleep if you elevate the mattress and use the pillows for support during the first few days after surgery.

You should investigate the use of orthopedic wedges. You can purchase the correct angle needed, and they are comfortable. Best of all, they are available online and can be delivered to your door.

Invariably you will have some swelling after your hair transplant, and sleeping in an upright position will encourage the accumulated fluids to drain away and reduce the swelling around your head.

In addition to sleeping elevated, your head may be weeping or oozing. This is normal, so there is no need to panic.

Have some lint-free dressings available to place on your pillow protectors; this will save staging and provide a sterile area to rest your head.

If sleep is an issue for you, try keeping your bedroom cooler than you would normally have it. Sleep with a dim light in the bedroom. You will wake during the night, and it’s a good idea to have water and your pain meds at hand.

After hair transplant surgery, it’s normal to want to touch your head! If you touch your scalp, make sure your hands are immaculate. Infection is the last thing you will want.

After 4 weeks your healing process is well underway, and you should be able to revert to your normal sleeping position if your transplant surgeon has given you the green light.

How long after FUE can you sleep normally?

About ten days and once the hair transplant surgeon has given you the green light.

Not all hair transplants are equal, and the recovery time from procedure to procedure can vary enormously.

One such procedure is fue follicular unit extraction, where hairs are harvested and grafted individually. The fue technique provides a faster recovery period.

Once the transplant surgeon has given the green light, you can normally return to sleeping in your preferred position after 10 days, which is remarkably faster than other hair transplant techniques.

However, after the hair transplant surgery, you will need to pay attention to how you sleep after a fue transplant.

Directly after surgery, you will need to sleep in an elevated position. 45 degrees is the correct angle, give or take a degree or two.

It may be best to prop the mattress up rather than rely on a bunch of pillows that can become lumpy through the night and somewhat irritating as they move around.

You can expect some oozing from the wound sites that will eventually become a crust on your scalp when sleeping.

Make sure your pillows and sheets are clean. You can cover your pillows with a clean towel if you want to absorb anything coming from the wounds on your scalp.

Alternatively, you can buy lint-free sterile dressings that are perfect for resting your heading on while protecting your pillows.

During the early days after surgery, you will be using the prescribed pain medication from your transplant surgeon. Often this medication needs to be taken on a schedule that includes through the night to maintain its efficacy.

Sleeping with a dim light and water at hand is recommended for the first few days.

How many days rest after a hair transplant?

It depends on the type of hair graft procedure you have undergone. 

A fue procedure provides the fastest healing time for hair transplants. Nevertheless, your bedrest will be around 3 weeks before you can return to any semblance of your pre-operative life.

The procedure is an outpatient surgery, but it’s still invasive, so the recovery time is extensive.

Your new hair grafts will need care and attention, so you must rest and sleep well to heal fast.

For FUE grafts, you will possibly lose most of the implanted hairs during the first 3 weeks, but that does not mean the procedure was a failure.

Can you sleep on your stomach after hair transplant surgery?

It’s not advisable. You need to be elevated to allow the accumulated fluids to drain while you rest.

Sleeping on your stomach invariably means sleeping flat in a prone position. You will experience swelling around the forehead, and prone sleeping will be painful and possibly prevent the healing process.

Take the advice of your transplant surgeon and sleep in the recommended position for the best possible results.


Remember the points below and you’ll be fine when sleeping after an FUT hair transplant.

  1. Positioning: It is important to sleep in a position that allows the transplanted hair to heal properly and reduces the risk of damage to the grafts. This may include sleeping on your back with a pillow to support your head, or using a body pillow to support your head and neck.
  2. Sleeping on your back: Sleeping on your back can help to reduce the risk of damage to the transplanted hair and allow the grafts to heal properly.
  3. Using a soft pillow: Using a soft pillow can help to reduce the risk of damage to the transplanted hair and provide comfort while you sleep.
  4. Avoiding certain positions: It is important to avoid sleeping on your stomach or engaging in activities that could cause trauma to the transplanted hair, such as rough sports or activities.
  5. Wearing a protective headband: Wearing a protective headband can help to keep the transplanted hair in place and reduce the risk of damage while you sleep.
  6. Seeking medical advice: If you have any concerns or questions about how to sleep after a hair transplant, it is a good idea to speak to your healthcare provider for further advice and guidance.
  7. Caring for the transplanted hair: It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for caring for the transplanted hair, including any recommendations for shampooing and styling.

Catch you in the next one.

How To Sleep With Neck Pain

How To Sleep With Neck Pain

If you wake up with a stiff neck that affects your performance throughout the day, what can you do to stop this problem?

Invariably if you are waking with a stiff neck that is sore through the day, your sleeping position is wrong. You will need to assess your pillows and find a pillow that matches your sleeping position, such as a thinner pillow for back sleepers and a thicker pillow for side sleepers.

If you are experiencing neck pain, here are a few tips to help you sleep more comfortably:

  1. Use a supportive pillow: A pillow that is too high or too low can cause strain on your neck. Try using a pillow that is thick enough to support your neck in a neutral position.
  2. Sleep in a comfortable position: Try sleeping in a position that puts the least amount of strain on your neck, such as on your back with a pillow to support your neck.
  3. Try using a neck brace: A neck brace can help to stabilize your neck and reduce movement while you sleep.
  4. Avoid sleeping on your stomach: Sleeping on your stomach can cause your neck to be in an awkward position and can increase strain on your neck muscles.
  5. Take breaks from electronic devices: Using electronic devices before bed can lead to poor sleep quality. Try to avoid using them for at least an hour before bed to improve your sleep quality.
  6. Use relaxation techniques: Try using relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or visualization to help you relax and sleep more comfortably.

It’s also important to talk to a healthcare professional about your neck pain and any treatment options that may be appropriate for your specific situation.

How can I improve my neck for sleeping?

neck for sleeping

How do you sleep because of neck pain? Well, it’s a standard procedure in most cases, and the best way to sleep for neck pain is on your back or your side.

In both cases, the idea is to place your cervical spine in a position that is not stressed and not curved outside of its normal anatomical curvature.

Back sleeping requires a slimmer style pillow; pillows are designed to support your head and neck after an injury. Memory foam pillows offer a good solution as the foam will support your head and compress to the contours of your neck, giving comfortable support.

Finding a way to sleep with neck pain can be difficult, and choosing the right pillow for you is vital if you are to sleep pain-free through the night.

You may find a rolled towel that will support your neck while sleeping on your side. A rolled towel can support sleeping both on your back and side.

Again, you can buy affordable rolled pillows online, which may offer you more comfort and provide a longer-lasting solution than a rolled towel.

Can you get neck pain while sleeping

Yes, it is possible to experience neck pain while sleeping. Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, and certain medical conditions. Some common causes of neck pain while sleeping include:

  1. Poor sleep posture: Sleeping in an awkward position or on a poorly supportive pillow can cause neck pain.
  2. Muscle strain: Sleeping in the same position for an extended period of time can cause muscle strain and lead to neck pain.
  3. Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as arthritis, herniated discs, and whiplash, can cause neck pain.

To help prevent neck pain while sleeping, it is important to maintain good sleep posture and use a supportive pillow. It is also a good idea to vary your sleeping position and take breaks from electronics before bed to improve your sleep quality. If you are experiencing neck pain that is severe or persistent, it is a good idea to speak to a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment.

Is it better for your neck to sleep without a pillow?

The jury is out on this one, there has been some tertiary research into sleeping without pillows, and it suggested that there could be some benefits.

However, for side sleepers, it seems unlikely that you would benefit from sleeping without a pillow. The curvature of your spine would be unnatural and possibly a recipe for a stiff neck when you wake.

And for stomach sleepers, it would be virtually impossible to rest the night through without a pillow,

The best way to sleep to avoid neck pain is to use pillows that support your cervical spine and neck muscles.

What sleeping positions cause neck pain?

The main culprit for waking with neck pain is when you sleep on your tummy. Stomach sleeping places the neck in an awkward position.

It’s not only neck pain; sleeping on your tummy places your spine under tension and can be a problematic sleeping position without being supported by many pillows around and under your body.

Can you go to sleep after whiplash?

Yes, you can, but it depends on the severity of your whiplash injury. If you have been checked over by a doctor and had x-rays to confirm that your cervical spine is not damaged, you will be fitted with a collar to support the weight of your head.

Whiplash injuries should not be underestimated. The amount of pain from such an injury can be debilitating and very painful with a long recovery time.

Sleep is an essential part of the healing process, and whiplash injuries typically require an extended recovery period to allow the muscles to heal.

Sleeping can be difficult after a whiplash injury, and crucially you will need to find the best position of how to sleep after a whiplash injury to recover as fast as possible.

You may find the collar uncomfortable to sleep in, so selecting the correct pillows for support will be key to your comfort and recovery.

There two positions you will find yourself lying in is eighth, your back or your side.

Back sleeping

If you are a back sleeper, you need a pillow that will support the contours of your neck and give your head adequate support.

A thinner, firm pillow could be the best solution; you will not want your head raised and inclined. This could add to your problems and cause your neck muscles to spasm, causing more pain.

If you can lay almost flat with a thin pillow, this will place your cervical spine in a neutral position and remove any stress from the neck muscles.

You may find it beneficial to place two pillows under your knees to reduce the tension on your back and stomach muscles.

Side sleeping

Selecting a pillow to sleep on your side can be tricky. You need a pillow that will be thick enough to compensate for the distance from your shoulder to your head and a pillow with the correct amount of compression for support and comfort.

Again the idea is to lay comfortably with a straight neutral spine while taking the stress off your healing neck muscles.

You will find it comfortable to sleep with a pillow between your legs. This will align your pelvis and take the pressure from your knee joints.

Finding a way to sleep with neck pain is tricky because most of you move positions through the night, so one pillow will not provide both solutions.

Why Am I Waking Up Dehydrated

Why Am I Waking Up Dehydrated

Do you often wake up feeling parched and dehydrated? If so, you’re not alone. Many people experience morning dehydration, but few understand the causes. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common reasons why people wake up dehydrated. We will also provide tips for preventing and treating morning dehydration.

If you often wake up feeling dehydrated, it could be due to one of the following causes:

  • You are not drinking enough water during the day.
  • Not drinking enough fluids with electrolytes.
  • Sweating excessively during the night.
  • Medical condition that causes.
  • Drinking too much alcohol

Why You’re Waking up Thirsty

Waking up Thirsty

You may wake up thirsty for several reasons, but almost all are related to one cause: dehydration. This article will explain how dehydration during the night, improper hydration from the day before, and other factors can cause you to feel parched in the morning.


The most common cause of morning dehydration. In the morning, your body will be dehydrated if you don’t drink enough fluids during the day. To prevent this, make sure to drink eight glasses of water or other fluids each day.

You likely woke up thirsty because you didn’t get enough water the night before. A person who is dehydrated either needs more fluids or has an electrolyte imbalance. You need a precise amount of electrolytes and fluids to perform important functions when properly hydrated.

Sweating, being ill with vomiting or diarrhea, and taking certain medications – like antidepressants – can lead to dehydration. Mild dehydration can cause headaches, dry skin, extreme thirst, and low blood pressure. If you work in the hot sun, train for a fitness event, or simply interact with people who may be sick, you’re more likely to dehydrate.

When you wake up, you often feel thirsty. Your body sends signals to encourage you to rehydrate when dehydrated, usually by producing the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) vasopressin. ADH triggers your thirst mechanism and tells your kidneys to store water rather than produce urine.

Fluid and Electrolyte Loss During Sleep

Your body naturally loses fluids and electrolytes while you sleep. If you snore or breathe through your mouth at night, moisture gradually evaporates from your nose and mouth, resulting in mild dehydration and thirst the next morning. CPAP machines and medications that treat sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea dry out mucous membranes and cause dehydration, particularly common in people with sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea.

Those with sleeping disorders may wake up thirsty in more ways than one since poor sleep can lead to dehydration. A hormone called vasopressin is inhibited by poor sleep. Water management and fluid balance in your cells are controlled by this hormone. In the absence of the right amounts, your body may not be able to balance fluids and electrolytes, resulting in dehydration and making you thirsty in the morning.

Your sleeping environment can also exacerbate dehydration. Your body produces sweat to cool itself. If you sleep in a hot room, you might experience night sweats and morning dehydration – any temperature over 67 degrees Fahrenheit counts.

Electrolytes and fluid are pushed to the surface of the skin by sweat. It’s absorbed into the air, which cools it. Since you’re sleeping, you aren’t replacing this fluid and electrolytes, resulting in dehydration that may cause you to wake up thirsty.

Dry or Humid Air

Mountainous climates, deserts, and winter can cause your nasal passages and mouth to dry out. Sleeping in a room with dry air can also cause you to wake up thirsty. You may also experience sleep disturbances and decreased performance the next day.

Too much humidity can also make you thirsty in the morning. Sweat cannot evaporate as quickly into the air in high humidity since it is already saturated with moisture. Because your body is still producing sweat, you lose electrolytes and fluids to stay hydrated. This results in no cooling. However, you cannot cool yourself due to dehydration and excessive sweating.

Medical Conditions

Diabetics have difficulty processing sugar. Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus can cause excessive thirst in some patients. Due to this, their kidneys work harder to restore natural blood sugar levels by increasing urination.

The urine loss is accompanied by feelings of extreme thirst caused by an imbalance in vasopressin production. Dehydration and waking up thirsty are also caused by kidney disease, cancer, and urinary tract infections.


If you drank the night before, a hangover might be part of why you woke up thirsty. Diuresis is caused by alcohol, a diuretic that increases urine production. You lose fluids more rapidly as a result. Drinking water without mixing electrolytes will lead to dehydration if you don’t hydrate properly. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause vomiting, which contributes to dehydration.

Consuming alcohol

Finally, one of the most common causes of morning dehydration is consuming alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it increases urine production. This can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. To prevent this, drink plenty of fluids before and after drinking alcohol.

Now that you know some of the most common causes of morning dehydration. Let’s jump into some ways to prevent and the best way to hydrate yourself.

How to prevent dehydration

If you want to prevent morning dehydration, it is important to drink plenty of fluids during the day and especially before going to bed. You should also avoid diuretics such as coffee and alcohol. 

If you are sweating excessively at night, you may need to see a doctor to rule out a medical condition. Finally, if you take medications that cause dehydration, talk to your doctor about possible alternatives.

How to treat dehydration

If you wake up feeling dehydrated, you can do a few things to treat it. First, drink plenty of fluids. Water is always a good choice, but you can also drink fluids with electrolytes, such as sports drinks or coconut water. 

You can also eat foods high in water content, such as fruits and vegetables. Finally, if your dehydration is severe, you may need medical treatment.

Do electrolytes keep you awake at night

There is no direct relationship between electrolytes and sleep. Electrolytes are minerals that are found in your body and play a number of important roles, including helping to balance the fluids in your body, regulating your heart rhythm, and enabling your muscles to contract.

However, it is possible that imbalances in electrolytes could affect your sleep. For example, if you have low levels of potassium, you may experience muscle cramps, which could disrupt your sleep.

On the other hand, if you have too much sodium in your body, you may retain water, which could lead to feelings of bloating and discomfort that could interfere with your sleep.

Is it normal to wake up dehydrated

It is not uncommon to wake up dehydrated, especially if you have not had enough fluids during the day or if you have sweated excessively during the night.

Dehydration can cause symptoms such as thirst, dry mouth, dark urine, and fatigue. To help prevent dehydration, it is important to drink enough fluids throughout the day and to avoid diuretics such as alcohol and caffeine.

If you are waking up dehydrated regularly, it may be a good idea to increase your fluid intake or speak to a healthcare professional for further advice.

Do you have any tips for preventing or treating morning dehydration? Share them in the comments below!

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When To Take Trazodone For Sleep

When To Take Trazodone For Sleep

Is Trazodone safe to take? What should you do if you experience the sensation of electric shocks while taking Trazodone?

Trazodone is a potent antidepressant, and your doctor will have screened you for the possibility of reactions to the drug. Your doctor will have examined your family history in this screening process to ensure the drug is safe for you to take. If you experience an electric shock-like symptom, stop taking Trazodone immediately and seek medical advice.

Is Trazodone commonly prescribed?


Yes, Trazodione was and is a potent antidepressant that has been widely used, but the drug has other benefits such as aiding sleep.

If you have acute insomnia, you may be prescribed to take Trazodone.

How long do you sleep on Trazodone?

5 to 9 hours. It may take a week or two for you to feel the benefits of Trazodone, and during this time, your dosage may be altered up to 50mg. 

You should take Trazodone a few hours before you want to sleep and let it enter your system as you become drowsy and head off to bed.

If you wake through the night while taking Trazodone, then take the tablet 30 minutes before sleeping to sleep soundly through the night.

Can you take 200 mg of Trazodone for sleep?

In some cases, yes. If Trazodone has been prescribed for a sleep disorder, it is unlikely that the patient will need a dose of more than 100 mg, with the average dosage being 40-50 mg for sleep.

However, if you suffer from depression and acute sleep disorders, you may be prescribed 200mg. In some instances, a dose of 300 mg may be prescribed to address both symptoms adequately.

Is Trazodone a strong sleeping pill?

Yes, Trazodone can be extremely effective as a sleeping aid, especially if you are struggling with the cognitive therapy side of the treatment trazodone can be an invaluable treatment for acute insomnia.

How quickly does Trazodone work for sleep? Trazodone kicks typically in around 30 minutes after taking it. Some of you are more tolerant of the effects of drugs than others, so do not increase the Trazodone dose if it takes longer to take effect.

Can I take melatonin with Trazodone for sleep?

It’s possible. Trazodone and melatonin supplements do not react to each other as opposites, but when taken together, they can put the user into a catatonic state.

For the elderly and some young users, using melatonin and Trazodone will cause a state of confusion, incoherent speech, extreme drowsiness, and a loss of concentration.

The elderly are in a higher risk category as their judgment can become impaired.

It’s not advised to mix melatonin and Trazodone due to these reasons.

Does Trazodone for sleep cause weight gain?

No, Calories cause weight gain. If you eat more food and consume more calories, you will gain weight. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, you will gain weight.

Trazodone can cause weight gain in some people, but it’s not the drug. It’s the person’s food intake.

Research has indicated that the correlation between weight chain and Trazodone is mixed and is not conclusive, some do, and most don’t.

Which is better for sleeping Ativan or Trazodone?


Both are potent drugs. Ativan is a drug designed to control anxiety and, in some cases, epilepsy ( severe seizures).

It can also be prescribed before surgery to help an anxious patient sleep. It is effective drug-like Trazodone.

Which is better for sleep? There is very little in the clinical results as to the efficacy of both drugs, but the problem arises when you want to come off Ativan.

You will experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop taking Ativan. For this reason, you could argue that Trazodone is the more effective drug and, overall, the safer drug to take for acute insomnia.

Why is Trazodone not helping me sleep?

You could have built a tolerance to the drug. If you are new to Trazodone, you should be aware it does not work like a light switch in your brain.

After being prescribed Trazodone, you may need to take it for a few weeks to start to work effectively. During this time, you should discuss your concerns with your doctor periodically.

You can try taking Trazodone several hours before your desired bedtime, so the drug is circulating in your system, calming you down and making you ready for sleep.

Can Trazodone worsen insomnia?

It is unlikely but possible. The results are generally positive for treating acute and secondary insomnia symptoms for those taking Trazodone.

However, the American sleep academy is not so upbeat about Trazodone and says the risks of taking Trazadone outweigh the benefits, despite the drug’s efficacy.

Most drugs have side effects, even over-the-counter drugs sold at your local pharmacist store.

The side effects of Trazodone can be extensive and not limited to the brief list below:

  • Blurred vision
  • Confusion
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulties with walking or coordination
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Lightheadedness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Nervousness
  • Palpitations
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sleepiness
  • Skin reactions, such as a rash
  • Tremors
  • Weight changes

However, if you were to take the time to check the side effects of each drug you have taken, you would find some similar listings of side effects, including when you take holistic supplements.

Seroquel vs trazodone for sleep?

Trazodone. Patients using Trazodone as a sleeping aid for acute insomnia do report some side effects such as constipation, nausea, and weight gain.

However, Trazodone comes out as a clear winner for overall sleep affectivity.

Seroquel is once again a drug developed for anxiety and depression with a strong presence in treating childhood schizophrenia. Although the drug does induce sleep by altering histamine receptors, it is not as effective as Trazodone.

Mirtazapine vs trazodone for sleep

Mirtazapine. Remeron (mirtazapine) is a mood enhancer that helps you sleep better. However, for some folks, the side effect of weight gain from mirtazapine is unacceptable as they deal with the other problems.

In a double-blind trial study in an American hospital, it was found that mirtazapine was more effective at controlling depression than Trazodone.

Hence, mirtazapine delivers better results for depression and sleep if you can live with weight gain.

Trazodone vs Benadryl for sleep?

2 different drugs with different uses. Trazodone is primarily an antidepressant that makes you feel good. It increases serotonin levels that help you get a good night’s sleep. Trazadone is a very effective sleep aid.

While Benadryl is an antihistamine used to prevent hives and other allergies, antihistamines are known to knock people out when taken off the label. 

You may feel sleepy after taking Benadryl, but it’s not the best drug for addressing insomnia. Benadryl delivers poor sleep quality and wears off quickly.

Continued Benadryl could see the drug becoming ineffective as you build up your tolerance levels.

Trazodone vs hydroxyzine for sleep?

Hydroxyzine may be better for you short term. Hydroxyzine affects serotonin, a neurotransmitter that increases your positive mood state.

Hydroxyzine is also prescribed as an antihistamine and can be injected for fast relief when needed.

It can also be used to treat anxiety disorders, especially when the anxiety is associated with insomnia,

Trazadone is a very effective sleep aid for those who have acute insomnia, but due to its side effects, hydroxyzine may be a better choice for some patients.

Amitriptyline vs Trazodone for sleep

Trazodone is more effective. Amitriptyline is widely prescribed for treating sleep disorders. However, there is an anomaly that should be addressed with this drug.

There is no clinical evidence to suggest that amitriptyline has any significant effects on insomnia, and if people with insomnia are sleeping, is it a placebo effect?

However, the drug is known to make you feel groggy, ultimately impacting your day-to-day lifestyle.

Trazodone is known to be a very effective sleep aid for those people who have acute insomnia. Yes, Trazodone does have side effects that need to be monitored and dealt with by your doctor.

Trazodone appears to be the better sleep aid in this instance.

Who should take Trazadone?

If you suffer from acute depression, you may be prescribed Trazodone to resolve the issue.

Trazodone is FDA approved and is a treatment for depression and insomnia. For sleep-related issues, your doctor should prescribe a 40mg dose to help you fall asleep. The drug can take a couple of weeks to become effective, so bear with it.

Who shouldn’t take Trazodone?

If you have heart problems, Trazodone may not be safe. There are smoke limitations to the use of Trazodone. For instance, the drug should not be prescribed to anyone under the age of 25 or over 65.

If you are breastfeeding, don’t take this drug, don’t take it if you have a psychiatric illness or heart disease.

Can trazodone keep you awake

Trazodone is a prescription medication that is used to treat depression and anxiety. It is also sometimes used as a sleep aid. While trazodone can help to improve sleep in some people, it can also have the opposite effect and cause difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Trazodone works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in regulating mood and sleep.

This can help to improve mood and promote relaxation, which can make it easier to fall asleep. However, in some people, trazodone may also cause increased energy and alertness, which can make it more difficult to sleep.

If you are taking trazodone and are experiencing difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider. They may be able to adjust your dosage or recommend alternative treatment options. It is also important to follow your healthcare provider’s instructions for taking trazodone, as taking too much or taking it too late in the day can increase the risk of experiencing side effects that may disrupt sleep.

How To Sleep With Cervical Radiculopathy

How To Sleep With Cervical Radiculopathy

Can you sleep on your stomach if you have radiculopathy? Is sitting down good for lumbar radiculopathy.

Lumbar radiculopathy, sometimes called sciatica, is aggravated by sitting for long periods, so you should get up, walk around, and take pain relief. Sleeping on your stomach is the least preferred option for treating radiculopathy. If you sleep on your stomach, it could worsen the symptom.

What is radiculopathy?


Pinched nerves along the spine. Radiculopathy is a condition where the nerves along the spine can become damaged or pinched when the nerve leaves the spinal column.

Radiculopathy is a condition that can affect anyone at almost any age. The condition can start with an injury to your spine, disc degeneration, or disc herniation. It’s very common and can be painful.

Are there different types of radiculopathy?

Yes. The condition can occur anywhere along the spine but is common in the following areas of the spine:

  • Cervical radiculopathy. The causes of cervical radiculopathy can be many such as neck compression that can occur with sports trauma. Whiplash injuries are a common cause of the onset of cervical radiculopathy. It can cause severe pain, and weakness in the neck and shoulders, causing sleepless nights. Symptoms can cause numbness to radiate down the arm into the hand
  • Lumbar radiculopathy. So many of you suffer at some point from this condition. It is prevalent in the lumbar region due to the mechanics of supporting the torso and the mechanism of picking up loads heavy and light. The condition can also be known as sciatica, where pain raiders down one of the legs causing extreme discomfort
  • Thoracic radiculopathy. When the condition occurs in the thoracic region, it can cause tingling sensations that extend to the front of the chest.

How do you sleep with cervical radiculopathy?

On your back. The best way to sleep with cervical radiculopathy is on your pack or in the supine position.

You will need to support the neck and head to keep the cervical spine aligned to bring relief to the nerve impinged upon.

If you find it difficult to sleep on your back for the entire night, then side sleeping is acceptable and may offer greater relief to some sufferers.

Sleeping in the prone position or on your stomach is not advised. Sleeping in the is position can exacerbate the condition.

Is cervical radiculopathy worse at night?

In most cases yes. Symptoms tend to become worse at night when you try to sleep. It can be difficult to find the correct position where you feel comfortable with adequate support.

At night our bodies are winding down, so hormones like cortisol are decreasing, which also impacts the amount of discomfort you feel.

If the pain is severe, you may have been given a cervical collar to wear during the daytime hours and remove at night. 

If you can’t sleep, you could replace the collar and try to sleep in an elevated position or sitting position to alleviate the pain.

How do you calm cervical radiculopathy?

Medication, ice, and heat therapy. There are a number of ways you can try and relieve the pain from radiculopathy, all of which have some benefits at certain times of the recovery process.

Options include:

  • Rest and activity modifications, such as time off from work,
  • Physiotherapy, a physiotherapist will give a range of exercises to strengthen the cervical muscles and should also introduce ice and heat therapy to calm any inflammation around the nerve endings and muscles
  • Chiropractor, a chiropractor will make small manipulations to relieve the pain
  • Traction, maybe one of the lesser options depending on the severity of the symptoms and injury. Your cervical spine would be placed under traction to separate the cervical discs in the hope that this brings relieve
  • Pain medication may include anti-inflammatories

Should I sleep without a pillow if my neck hurts?

If you find relief from pain. There is no real evidence to suggest that sleeping without a pillow will help but if you feel relieved sleeping in this position, then do it.

How should I sleep with lumbar radiculopathy?

Lie on your back. Laying flat on your back with your knees bent upwards towards the ceiling will help straighten your lower back.

When you are in this position, slide a pillow under the knees, if you are not getting relief, then add additional pillows until you are comfortable and pain-free.

Sleeping on your back through the night can be a challenge so if you need to sleep on your side, place the pillows between your knees to keep your lower lumbar spine aligned.

How do you lay down with a lumbar strain?

In one movement. Sit on the edge of the bed with both feet planted firmly on the floor. With one movement, pick up your feet and swing your legs upwards while your torse is moving toward the bed.

When laying on your side, place a pillow between your knees in an attempt to reduce pressure from your knees and align your spine.

How should I sleep with severe lower back pain?

On your back with knees supported. The sleeping position will be the same, you are trying to flatten your lumbar spine against the bed to try and relieve the pressure that is causing the pain.

However, if you are not feeling relief, try these positions:

  • Lie on your side with your legs bent and curled towards your stomach, or fetal position
  • Lie on your back in an inclined position, use orthopedic wedges under the mattress for the best support and pillows to make you feel secure
  • Lie on your side with a pillow between your knees, this will reduce knee pain and align your spine
  • Lie flat on your back with your knees pointing upwards with pillows for support

Should I put a pillow under my lower back?

Maybe a lumbar roll or a rolled towel for support. A pillow is likely to be too big and not provide the support needed for a specific area. If you have a lumbar roll, you can try or use a rolled-up towel and place it in the small of your back for pain relief.

Cervical radiculopathy is a condition that occurs when a nerve in the neck is compressed or pinched, causing pain and other symptoms. Common symptoms of cervical radiculopathy include neck pain, shoulder blade pain, numbness or tingling in the arms or hands, and weakness in the arms or hands.

How to relive cervical radiculopathy pain

Here are a few strategies that may help to relieve cervical radiculopathy pain:

  1. Use heat or cold therapy: Applying heat or cold to the affected area can help to reduce pain and inflammation. You can try using a heating pad, hot water bottle, or warm compress, or a cold pack or ice wrapped in a towel.
  2. Take over-the-counter pain medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  3. Practice good posture: Maintaining good posture can help to reduce pressure on the nerves in the neck and decrease pain.
  4. Try gentle stretches: Gentle stretches that target the neck and shoulder muscles can help to reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility.
  5. Use a neck pillow: A neck pillow that supports the natural curvature of the neck can help to reduce pressure on the nerves and decrease pain.
  6. Consider physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles in the neck and improve flexibility, which can help to reduce pain and other symptoms.

If you are experiencing persistent or severe cervical radiculopathy pain, it is important to speak with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. They may recommend additional treatment options, such as medications or injections, to help alleviate your pain.