Circadian Rhythm: Different Rhythms, Disorders & How to Reset in 3 Steps!

Circadian Rhythm

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Ever wondered how our body just knows when to sleep or eat?

Well, it’s not magic.

There are many biological cycles that our bodies naturally function on – the circadian rhythm is one of them.

Like many of our scientific words, this word comes from Latin – “circa” meaning “around,” and “diem” meaning “day.”

It literally just means “around the day.”

These rhythms are physical, mental and behavioral changes that happen in a 24-hour cycle and are affected by light.

Keep reading to find out about circadian rhythm disorders, how to reset your rhythm and tips on maintaining a healthy routine!

Biological or Body Clock

Most of your circadian rhythms are controlled by what’s called a biological clock or body clock.

This internal clock is located in the part of your brain called the hypothalamus (pronounced hahy-puh-THAL-uh-muhs).

The hypothalamus is in charge of:

  • Regulating body temperature
  • Eating times and weight control (metabolism)
  • Cortisol levels (manages stress)
  • Melatonin levels (manages sleep-wake cycle)
  • Emotions
  • Sex drive
  • Sleep and wakefulness
  • Blood pressure and heart rate

Your clock reacts to signals outside your body (like light and darkness) to keep you synchronized to the world around you.

Even if you don’t know what time it is, your body does and will keep you on your cycles throughout the day.

Master Clock

This system coordinates all of your biological clocks, keeping them in sync.

The master clock is made up of about 20,000 nerve cells that form the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).

The SCN is also located in the hypothalamus.

It sits in the optic chiasm (behind the eyes) where the nerve endings cross (like an X) from the eyes to the brain.

Because the SCN is connected to your eyes, light triggers it.

As in when your eye senses light, it sends a signal to the SCN.

This signal resets your clock every day to make sure your body doesn’t drift out of line with the world around you.

Without daylight, you’d be completely out of sync, which would throw off your circadian rhythms.

Different Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms aren’t only found in humans.

Most living things including plants, animals, fungi and some tiny microbes have them too.

There are 3 common circadian rhythms:

  1. Sleep-Wake Cycle
  2. Body Temperature Cycle
  3. Hormone Cycle

1. Sleep-Wake Cycle

Many people think the circadian rhythm is the same thing as the sleep-wake cycle.

The sleep-wake cycle does have something to do with it but it’s just one of the many rhythms that make up the circadian rhythms.

This cycle happens daily and determines when it’s time to be awake and when it’s time to sleep.

On average, you need 7-9 hours of sleep (usually at night) which leaves about 15-17 hours of wakefulness.

The sleep-wake cycle is directly related to the amount of light you see throughout the day. Artificial or not.

If you’re sensitive to light, you can use an eye mask or blackout curtains while you sleep.

Everyone’s sleep-wake cycle is unique and is influenced by your body’s temperature and hormone release.

2. Body Temperature Cycle

It shouldn’t be a surprise that your body’s temperature fluctuates throughout the day (and night).

A new study shows that temperature actually controls our body’s cycles.

A change in temperature “set the timing of cells, and ultimately tissues and organs, to be active or inactive.”

body temperature cycle is also a circadian rhythm

Your body will reach its maximum temperature – a healthy 99.5°F (37.5° C) – in the late afternoon and will start to decline as it gets closer to bedtime.

Why is that?

Well, your body doesn’t need to be as warm because you don’t need to be that active.

Falling asleep is easiest when your core temperature is lower (during the evening) and hardest when your body is warm (during the day).

The normal, healthy temperature ranges from 97.7–99.5 °F (36.2° C- 37.5° C) during the day.

It will drop about 1 or 2 degrees in the evening to get you ready for a good night’s rest since we sleep better when we are cooler.

Your body also tends to lose heat while you sleep, helping you fall and stay asleep.

Your temperature will start to rise when it gets closer to morning, to prepare you for the day.

3. Hormone Cycle

Your body releases many hormones throughout the day.

The two most common hormones are cortisol and melatonin.

They both are affected by the amount of light your eyes take in and are related to sleep.


Cortisol is your body’s natural stress hormone and acts as your own personal alarm system.

It’s what keeps you alert throughout the day.

The highest level of cortisol is released in the morning to wake you up and get you started for the day.

While the lowest level is released at night to prepare you for bed.


Opposite of Cortisol, Melatonin is affected by light and is your body’s natural sleeping pill.

It’s produced in the pineal gland of the brain and controls your body clock. The pineal gland’s main function is to produce melatonin and maintain circadian rhythms.

Melatonin is released during the night to help you fall and stay asleep.

If you’re having trouble going to bed, try some melatonin supplements. They’re available at most grocery stores and you don’t need a doctor’s prescription.

The following doses have been studied and researched by experts, but remember to always ask your doctor about the right dosage for you.

  • Trouble falling asleep? Try taking 0.3 – 5 mg of melatonin about 30 minutes before bed. You can do this daily for up to 9 months.
  • Got a more severe condition or a sleeping disorder? Go up to 2-12 mg, but you should only do this for up to 4 weeks.

Sleep Rhythm

Your sleep routine isn’t just based on the day/night cycle, it’s actually a part of your genes.

sleep rhythm - morning or night?

You’ve heard of people referring to others as a “morning person” or “night owl,” right?

Well, the scientific names are known as chronotypes.

Each person’s melatonin and cortisol hormones are released at different times of the day.

Morning person, early bird, morning lark – these are all different names for the early chronotypes.

If you’re a morning person, you function best in the morning because your body produces more cortisol. Making you more alert and active.

This works the same way with melatonin.

For example, a morning persons’ melatonin levels may raise around 6pm, making you feel tired around 9pm or 10pm.

The “night owl” is a late chronotype.

If you are a late chronotype your levels of melatonin will rise late, around 10pm or 11pm.

This means you won’t get tired until about 2am or 3am…and you won’t want to wake up so early in the morning either.

Digestive Rhythm

Your digestive system has a distinct rhythm too.

Most of us eat around the same time every day, and when we do, our bodies release hormones to help digest and metabolize (process) food properly.

You can throw off your digestive tract if you eat at irregular times or right before bed.

Night time is when your metabolism is at its lowest.

Meaning your body won’t be able to produce the enzymes needed to break down your meal as fast, making it hard to fall asleep.

digestive rhythm can disrupt your circadian

Bottom line:

Disrupting your eating routine will disrupt your sleep cycle.

And interrupting your sleep and circadian rhythms may increase your chance for digestive disorders like:

  • Reflux
  • Ulcers
  • Inflammatory bowel issues
  • Irritable bowel disease
  • Gastrointestinal cancer

It’s best to keep a healthy sleep and eating schedule because they’re so closely connected.

Circadian Rhythm Disorders

Disruptions in circadian cycles can cause metabolic syndrome, cancer, and cardiovascular disease, so try to avoid the below as much as possible.

1. Jet Lag

We’ve all gotten on a plane, crossed time zones and experienced jet lag before, right?

Since the shift in time and light cues on the body and brain have changed, this forces you to change your sleep routine abruptly.

Putting you in conflict with your regular sleep patterns and leaving you drained and unable to think clearly.

It’s only a temporary condition but will still take a few days to sync your circadian rhythm to the local time.

Symptoms of jet lag vary depending on the health, age and the number of time zones you cross.

These symptoms may include:

  • sleep disturbances – insomnia, lethargy and fatigue
  • headache
  • irritability, confusion, and difficulty focusing
  • mild depression
  • loss of appetite
  • gastrointestinal disturbances – diarrhea or constipation

Jet lag doesn’t only affect your sleeping/waking patterns, but also your eating and working routines.

Jet Lag Risk Factors

There are some risk factors that may make your symptoms more severe or last longer.

  • Travel Across 3+ Zones

The more time zones you cross, the more difficult it’ll be to adapt to a new sleeping pattern.

The general rule of thumb is it’ll take your body one or two time zones per day to adjust.

For example, if you cross 6 time zones, it‘ll take you 3-6~ days to adjust to a new circadian rhythm.

circadian rhythm disorder jet lag

  • Flying East

It’s harder on your body if you travel from west to east.


Because traveling east means you “lose” time, while you “gain” time traveling west.

Losing time means your body has less time to adjust, making it more difficult to sync to the new rhythm.

You’ll still have some light symptoms of jet lag, but at least you’ll have more time to adapt when traveling west.

  • Elder Travelers

Your parents may recover slower because their circadian rhythms have slowed down with age.

They’ll experience more daytime fatigue and sleep disruption than younger adults.

Also, if they have any pre-existing conditions, like sleep deprivation, stress, or poor sleep habits, jet lag symptoms can get worse.

  • Frequent Flyers

Got a friend who’s a pilot, flight attendant, or travels for work?

Do they complain about always being tired or not having enough energy?

traveling too often will disrupt your rhythm

Well, those that constantly travel will have a hard time adjusting.

The different light cues make it almost impossible to ever settle into a circadian rhythm before they have to adjust to another one.

Also, traveling on a plane can be stressful by itself.

The cramped seating, bad airline food, crying babies, smelly people sitting next to you, rough turbulence can all irritate and add to your jet lag.

  • Alcohol Use

I’ve seen many nervous flyers taking advantage of the in-flight alcoholic drinks, thinking drinking is the best option to calm their body.

But it actually will make your anxiety worse.

Overconsumption of alcohol during long flights can disrupt your sleep schedule and cause dehydration as well as trigger nausea.

Never Have Jet Lag Again!

Do you frequently fly for work or fun?

There are some things you can do to beat jet lag and help your body adjust faster to the new circadian rhythm.

  • Stay in Shape

Keep up your daily exercise, healthy diet and sleep schedule.

Your stamina and conditioning will help you adjust better once you land.

If you’re not already an exerciser, that’s okay. Start a couple of weeks before your travel.

Don’t forget to keep up the exercise during your travels!

  • Avoid Alcohol & Caffeine

Both alcohol and caffeine reduce your body’s ability to fall and stay asleep.

Don’t drink any before, during or after your flight.

Alcohol may trigger nausea and cause dehydration, while caffeine could intensify the traveler’s anxiety.

You don’t want either!

  • Drown Yourself in Water

Flying dehydrates your body because there’s less moisture in the air so up high.

Prepare for this by drinking lots of water before boarding the plane, during the flight AND after you land.

Yup, this means that you’ll be getting up to go use the restroom. A lot.

Which leads me to my next point.

drink water to get over jet lag
  • Pick an Aisle Seat

I know a lot of people who think window seats are the best.

I used to be one of them until I realized all the awesome things with an aisle seat.

You can get up whenever you want (but only if the seat belt sign isn’t on!) to stretch or go to the restroom.

Moving around will help get your blood flowing and reduce the chance of getting a blood clot in your legs.

Even the smallest movements and stretches can help relieve stiffness and refresh your body.

  • Shift Your Schedule Beforehand

3-4 weeks before your trip, adjust your daily routine by setting it back or forward an hour each week.

Set it back if you are traveling east.

Set it forward if you are traveling west.

For example, for the first week, set your time back one hour and for the second week adjust another hour back.

This’ll help you ease into the new schedule and mentally prepare for the change.

Since your sleep-wake cycle is related to your digestive tract, if your sleep schedule is shifted back 3 hours, you’ll need to shift your meals 3 hours back too.

  • Take Supplements

On a plane, your body won’t know when it should produce melatonin.

Melatonin is a highly effective supplement and experts recommend it to help prevent jet lag.

Once you land, if you have trouble sleeping naturally, try taking melatonin about 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

Pair it with a sleep mask and earplugs, so you can eliminate light or noise exposure.

Groggy with melatonin?

Take magnesium supplements instead.

Magnesium is a natural essential mineral that our body doesn’t produce, so we have to eat our dosage in food.

One of its natural effects is relaxing muscles, making it easier for you to fall asleep.

Jet lag is a temporary sleeping disorder, but there are many ways you can prepare for it.

2. Social Jet Lag

Despite the name, jet lag isn’t only caused by traveling.

I’m sure at one point in time, you’ve been guilty of staying out late on a Friday night and sleeping in on the weekend.

social jet lag is a circadian rhythm disorder

Unfortunately, this messes with your circadian rhythms.

Social jet lag is actually considered a chronic condition because you throw off your routine WEEKLY while in the same location.

If you work a typical 9-5 job, whether at the office or as a stay-at-home mom, your body is synced to that routine.

If you stay out late one night, your body won’t expect a sudden change and will have a harder time adjusting.

We also have our preferred time of sleep and wakefulness known as chronotypes.

Being a night owl or an early bird play a part in social jet lag.

Night owls tend to get less sleep during the week and try to make up for it on the weekends by sleeping in.

While the early bird experiences the opposite. They’re able to function better throughout the work week.

3. Shift Work (Especially Graveyard or Rotating)

You’ve heard of the graveyard shift before, right?

It’s when you work during the night and sleep during the day.

This kind of schedule is the worst for your health!

If you’re a shift worker (especially rotating shifts), you probably have trouble falling asleep.

The light from outside is making your body produce more cortisol and less melatonin, which are the hormones that make you alert and tired.

The cortisol will keep your body awake…even though you really need to sleep.

firefighters working night shift is also a circadian rhythm disorder

If you don’t sleep on the traditional sleep schedule, here are some tips to help with your sleep routine:

  • Quit your job (or at least seriously consider switching to day shift)
  • Turn on a bright light as soon as your alarm goes off
  • Wear sunglasses home from work
  • Sleep with blackout curtains

You are essentially tricking your body into thinking it’s night time when it’s really day time.

Remember, your sleep-wake cycle is directly affected by the light your eyes take in.

So if you’re not taking in any light (natural or artificial) during the real day, your body thinks it’s night time and will produce more melatonin to help you sleep.

But the BEST thing you can do for yourself is prevention.

So, try NOT to work any graveyard shifts at all.

4. Daylight Saving

Your sleep-wake cycle will get disrupted during daylight saving time whether you “lose” or “gain” an hour.

That one hour of change can dramatically affect your circadian rhythm.

Studies show that night owls have a harder time shifting to daylight saving in the spring and morning larks have a harder time shifting in the fall.

Why we think shifting an hour ahead is a good idea is beyond me!

We aren’t actually gaining anything and it just messes up our rhythm.

Don’t you agree?

How can I reset my circadian rhythm?

Adjusting your circadian rhythm is just like overcoming jet lag.

A) Reset in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Eat at a Consistent Time
    • Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the same time each day
    • Don’t eat a big meal less than 3 hours before bedtime


  2. Fast if you can
    • Going without food for 12-16 hours mimics sleep
    • The first meal after the fast tricks your brain into thinking it’s morning
    • Continue regular eating patterns after you break your fast


  3. Stick to a Consistent Sleep Schedule
    • Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day – even on the weekends
    • Expose yourself to light as soon as you wake up to boost your cortisol levels
    • Limit your light exposure before bed – this means no screens or checking your social media right before bedtime

B) Keep a Healthy Sleep Routine

After you reset your circadian rhythm, keep it on track.

Practice healthy habits throughout the day and limit the bad ones.


  • Maximize activity throughout the day – if you work a desk job, try to walk around or stretch every hour to get your blood flowing. Better yet, exercise regularly.
  • Outdoor activities – increase your light exposure to keep cortisol levels up so you won’t get sleepy during the day


  • Nap during the day – a big no-no. If you get sleepy, it’s a good sign you need to move around more
  • Eat heavy or spicy food before bed – messing with your digestive system will disrupt your sleep.
  • Drink alcohol or caffeine before bed – either will keep your body “buzzing” throughout the night and you won’t get a good night’s rest.
  • Work, exercise or checking social media before bed – limit blue light exposure

Doing activities that expose you to light, make your brain work or promote blood flow will make your body more awake.

keep a healthy sleep routine to combat circadian rhythm disorder

Remember, everyone’s circadian rhythms are different depending on if they’re a night owl or a morning lark.

You should try your best to adjust your daily routine to what works best for your body.

But here are the two most important things to remember about resetting your rhythm:

  • Try to expose yourself to light earlier in the day, and
  • Eat at the same times throughout the day.

Now that you know how your circadian rhythm works, it’s time to get them back on track and in sync!

Goodbye daytime sleepiness, hello restful nights!

Circadian Rhythm FAQ

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07QY8MTZL&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=thesleepsavvy 20&language=en USThe circadian rhythm is the internal clock that moves between alertness and sleepiness at predictable cycles.

Every living thing on earth has one!

Also known as the sleep/wake cycle, it’s internally generated and can be affected by external factors like temperature and light.

So you might want to pick up a pair of earplugs and a sleeping 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07QY8MTZL

It’s important because it determines the feeding and sleeping pattern of all animals, including humans.

The circadian rhythm is also linked to biological processes such as hormone production, brain wave activity and cell regeneration.

The adult human circadian rhythm lasts around 24 hours, which reflects the light/dark cycle created by the Earth’s rotation.

Although each person’s rhythm is unique, generally we feel sleepiest between 2am – 4am and 1pm to 3pm.

This may vary depending on whether you’re a night owl or morning bird.

We may feel less sleepy during these times if we had enough sleep the night before.

To improve your circadian rhythm, try out these tips:

  • Exercise daily – Doing so can help you sleep better at night.
  • Reduce stress – You can do this through meditation, changing the way you react to certain events and among other ways.
  • Expose yourself to sunlight early in the morning – It’ll make you feel more refreshed, awake and you’ll get more Vitamin D!
  • Eat a protein-rich breakfast – This provides you with energy to get you through the day. 
  • Set a regular bedtime and stick to it – It’ll help reset your biological clock.
  • Avoid screen time an hour before bedtime – Turn off your mobile devices and don’t sleep with the TV on.
  • Cool & Dark Environment – Turn off as much light as possible and decrease your room’s temperature.
  • Make your bed comfort – Remove unnecessary pillows, blankets and other things that can affect your comfort.

The pineal gland is located near the brain’s center, and is known as the “third eye” due to its sensitivity to light.

While its complete function is not 100% understood, scientists do know that this gland secretes melatonin – the hormone that regulates your sleep/wake cycle.

The amount of melatonin secreted varies, but it peaks at night and promotes sleep by making you feel drowsy.

Stress affects circadian rhythm by triggering high levels of the cortisol hormone throughout the day and into the night, making it difficult to sleep

Since cortisol affects circadian genes in the adrenal and liver cells, it can cause sleep/wake disruption since this hormone isn’t released at the right times during the day.

This is how we get cortisol (the stress hormone):

The hypothalamus secretes the CRH hormone, which encourages the pituitary gland to release ACTH hormones, which tells the adrenal gland to produce more cortisol.

Circadian rhythms influence human behavior by indicating when you sleep, wake up, eat and do everything else in life.

It even regulates down to the physiological functions like your heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and the release of hormones.

When your circadian rhythm is out of whack (usually from traveling and irregular sleeping schedules), you may feel fatigued and unable to sleep.

If the problem persists, it can eventually lead to serious health problems (obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and even cancer), as well as neurological issues (bipolar disorder and depression).

Studies have also linked circadian rhythm dysregulation with aggressive behavior, which is partially controlled by the brain.

To reset your circadian rhythm, it can take a minimal of 3 days to a week. You’ll have to:

  • Establish a new sleep/wake schedule. 
  • Manipulate your exposure to natural light since the cycles of light and darkness are what controls your biological clock.
  • Sleep earlier than normal. Start by going to bed 15 minutes earlier the first few nights, then increase to 30 minutes, then 45, 60…etc. until you reach your goal.

Naps do not mess up circadian rhythms. Short naps that is – longer naps may.

Most people’s circadian rhythm dips between 1-3pm, so you can try to snooze then, but make sure that:

Yes, there’s a lot of science behind the human body and brain!

Which is why you should try to learn as much as you can about your own Circadian Rhythm!

>> First, get a good mattress. Check out the best futon mattress!<<

Sleeping in an RV: Where to Camp for FREE, How to Sleep 10 people & 7 Tips For Better RV ZZZs


We hope you love the product we recommend! Just so you know, at no extra cost to you, we may get a small commission for purchases made through links in this post. Your support is appreciated. Enjoy the read!

It’s 12:35 am.

You’re driving across state lines with your family in your shiny new RV.

Blasting your favorite song to stay awake, you look for a place to safely stop to rest your poor, tired eyes.

“Where can I go?”  

Here’s the low down on sleeping in an RV and the best places to park and rest!

Federal RV Parking Law

Driving RV at night

It’s a bit of a grey area when it comes to the legality of sleeping in your car. It varies from state to state, and even city by city.

For the most part, you can’t just pull off to the side of the road and park to sleep.

Can You Sleep in an RV at a Rest Stop?

The first rest areas appeared in the US in the late 1950s along with the Federal Aid Highway Act. These rest stops were created for people to pull off to the side of the highway if they needed.

The American Association of State Highway Officials, or AASHO, in 1958 stated,

“Rest areas are to be provided on Interstate highways as a safety measure…for emergency stopping and resting by motorists for short periods…[and are] designed for short-time picnic use in addition to parking of vehicles for short periods.”

Today, rest areas include bathrooms, vending machines, pay phones, dog walking spaces and large parking lots for many to be able to stop in and rest.

You may have noticed that many rest stops have signs posted that say, “no camping” or “no overnight stays.”

What does this mean?

Overnight Stays

Literally, it means you can’t stay overnight. This area is designated for emergency rest only and shouldn’t be taken advantage of.


As long as you’re not setting up camp with lawn chairs, tent, and grill, you can stay for as long as you need.

Bottom line:

Rest stops are meant for doing just that: resting…long enough to be able to safely drive to your next destination. Don’t start hosting BBQs for everyone in the parking lot!

Need help finding a rest stop? Download the
USA Rest Stops app! 

Overnight Street Parking

Although parking on the street sounds like an easy option, it’s not a good idea.


Because it could be considered loitering if you position yourself in front of businesses or someone’s house.

Loitering can definitely get you in trouble with the police.

And, we wouldn’t want that now, would we?

RV Dump Stations

Not a place to stay, but a designated location, usually at RV campsites, to dump your black and grey tanks.

Located underneath your RV, these tanks store your waste from the sinks, showers (grey) and toilet (black).

Take a look at this map of RV dump stations if you need help finding one.

Best Places to Sleep in Your RV While Traveling Across the Country

Where to Sleep for FREE in an RV

Can park RV at national forest parksYou can generally camp anywhere in the US National Forests unless marked otherwise for $0.

All the National Forests are clearly marked on Google Maps. You can also use The National Forest Locator to find specifics on the area you want to camp in.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to be self-sufficient.

Yes, I’m talking about squatting (Asian-style) outside to do your business!


Because you won’t have access to any amenities or hookups for your RV to get unlimited electricity, running water and sewage service.

Similar to National Parks, the BLM is 245+ million acres of land that’s only in the western parts of the US. Publicly managed, camping overnight here is also free of charge. 

Finding the right BLM does require a bit effort because they don’t show up on Google Maps. Try looking up more information on their own website.

We can’t always anticipate the curve balls life throws at us.

So what can you do if there are no National Parks or a BLM in sight?

Actually, yes!

Walmarts are one of the safest and most well-known places to park overnight.

Not only do they provide a well-lit area, but they also have security cameras running 24 hours.

Ran out of toilet paper?

You’re in luck!

Walk 50 feet to the Walmart right next to you to get more. You can even use their bathrooms during regular business hours too.

Remember to park away from the entrance and always ask the store manager for permission to stay overnight.

Thanks to the adventurers before us, there’s a list of Walmarts that have already been OK-ed to stay overnight in.

Here’s a place you may not have known you could stay overnight at.

They got pretty much everything you need and more!

Restrooms, buffet restaurants, well-lit parking lots with security cameras and some gambling fun.

Just like Walmart, many casinos will allow you to park and stay overnight, but you’ll need to ask them first. 

Good thing there’s already a list of RV-friendly casinos floating around.

Found along the interstate highways, truck stops have restrooms, a fueling station, parking area and usually a small restaurant.

Larger truck stops may have things like showers, convenient stores, souvenir shops, and different restaurants to choose from.

Originally designed for the industrial semi-truck driver, now these stops also welcome other motorists and are even family-friendly.

Some popular truck stops franchises to look out for are:

You can easily spot truck stops because obvious signs are posted along the highway.

In case you love to plan beforehand, here’s some help finding truck stop locations.

SAVVY TIP: As a last resort, ask someone if you can park in front of their house for the night. Maybe even offer them some money. That’s what I’d do anyway.

The worst that can happen is they say ‘no’.

Home Away From Home

Not feeling the Walmarts and National Parks? Want something a bit more upscale? Check out these places!

Kampgrounds of America (KOA)Oh, you’ll like this one!

With 500~ locations across North America, Kampgrounds of America is the world’s largest, privately-owned campgrounds.

KOA maintains one of the cleanest campsites with pull-thru and back-in spots, on-site laundry, full hookups with 30- or 50-amp service, and even a place for Rover to play fetch.

To boot, your family will also enjoy their premium services like bike rentals, water and land sports, movie nights, and pancake breakfasts!

You’ll also like this one! 

Imagine this.

Paved and spacious lots with beautiful landscaping. Privacy away from the neighbors.

Cooking dinner in a full-sized kitchen while creating memories with your loved ones on the patio.

You can enjoy private showers when you need the occasional break from the family and relax in the hot tub after a long day of traveling. 

If you want a home away from home, RV resorts might be for you.


If you’re looking for long-term RV parking, an RV park might be ideal for you.


Well, you’ll feel more comfortable!

They offer monthly accommodation and have facilities like:

  • convenience store,
  • swimming pool,
  • hot tub,
  • laundry service,
  • golf course,
  • gift shop,
  • BBQ area,
  • wifi and more!

You can find RV parks in large cities, small towns or even in forest parks throughout the US.

Need some help finding one? Check out this RV park directory.

How Does 10 People Sleep in an RV?

Well, a simple solution would be to get a big enough RV that can fit 10 people.

If you’re like me and can’t afford a motorhome with all the bells and whistles, try these tips to maximize your space.

Keep Everything Off the Floor

  • Put things on hooks, over-the-door hangers, and inside-the-door storage
  • Use containers to hold utensils, toothbrushes and even shoes
  • Take advantage of the walls and even the ceiling with cabinet-mounted dispensers for paper towels, tin foil and cling wrap

Be Organized

  • Use drawer dividers – this way you can store more things off the floor
  • If you have a designated place for all your things, you can also find things faster

Multi-Purpose Furniture Only

  • Your bed doesn’t need to just be a bed – add drawers underneath for storage
  • Try to apply this concept to all your furniture
  • Better yet, hide or tuck away your tables and beds when you’re not using them

What if with the beds and couches occupied, you still can’t fit 10 people? 

Then, it’s time to camp outside in a tent under the starry night.

Come on, it’ll be fun! 

Speaking of space-saving beds, here are some you might want to look into.

Use a Hammock as a bed while RVingOkay, I know this may sound crazy.

But you can actually attach your hammock to the inside of your RV with some extra hardware.

Don’t worry, you can easily pick that up at your local hardware store.

Just ask for heavy duty ceiling or wall mount hanging hardware.

They might even have a hammock hanging kit – don’t be afraid to ask.

These exist!

You can mount them to the wall for a more permanent solution.


Since they’re portable, just set it up at night. 

Perfect for families with small children.

Very popular (and nostalgic)!

In fact, so popular that they’re built into RVs now.

What exactly is a murphy bed?

It’s basically a bed that hides by either pulling out from a drawer or from the wall.

These days you can DIY just about anything.

If you’re a handy person and are looking to save money, you can try to build a murphy bed yourself.

Problems Using a Sleep Number Bed in an RV

There are always two sides to a story, right?

Sleep Number beds come hand-in-hand with motorhomes. 

There are two pretty pricey models that are made for RVs – Comfortaire r3 and r5.

Both come with various sizes to fit your needs, remote control to adjust comfort level and a 25-year long warranty period. 

Sounds pretty good, right?

Some of the common problems are:

  • air components under the bed becoming disconnected,
  • bladders leaking, and
  • remote control breaking

If you have the budget and can live with these issues (or are a handy person), then go for it!

RV Trips with Kids

You might think your kids will be bored, but they won’t be if you plan things right.

Think about things like

  • How long you’ll be traveling for – is it just a few days or a few weeks?
  • What their source of entertainment will be – AKA will there be wifi?
  • Who else is going on the trip – can they bring a friend or a close cousin?
  • What is the destination – will it be fun for them too?
  • Sleeping arrangements!

RV travel with your kidsDepending on how old your kids are, they can share a bed.

They’ll be fine!

I remember camping with my family, in a pop-up trailer, when I was 12.

I had to share my twin-sized bed with my 6-year-old brother.

We were only on a 3-week trip, so having my own space wasn’t that big of a deal to me.

We also got along well, so that helped! 

If you’re planning on long-term traveling, making your kids share a bed is probably not ideal.

For you AND your children!

Your best bet for maximizing bed space while minimizing the fights is probably a bunk bed.

Look, I’m sure your kids are great and you love hanging out with them!

But sometimes you need a little bit of “me” time.

ESPECIALLY living in such close quarters.

No one blames you.

Living in such close quarters with each other 24/7 makes you really appreciate your own personal space.

So bust out a tent and get them to sleep under the stars while you have the RV all to yourself.

This will give you the space you need and it’ll be a treat for your kids too!

7 Tips to Sleep Better in an RV

Curious about how to get better sleep in general?

In addition to the below tips, check this article on how to get better, deeper sleep!

wear ear pugs to have a quiet night

Ever slept next to a snoring bear?

Maybe you married one!

Ear plugs are magical when it comes to drowning out noises. Maybe your neighbors are chatting loudly, dogs are barking or vehicles are passing by outside.

I always carry a pair with me when I’m traveling!

I’m hypersensitive to light.

If you’re like me, even the dimmest glow from the computer can keep you awake.

So park your home in a space where it’s less bright. Take into consideration other campers using their flashlights, headlights from cars, street lights and things like that.

Don’t want to take the risk?

Then, get your hands on some black out curtains.

The best rest I’ve ever gotten was from sleeping in a room that had these curtains.

Black out curtains work so well that you might need to set an alarm to avoid oversleeping!

According to experts, the ideal sleep temperature is 68-72F° (20-22C°).

If your RV has an air conditioning unit, go ahead and turn that bad boy on for some optimum Z’s.

If you don’t have AC, no worries.

You can:

  • Take a cold shower before bed
  • Use a fan – just make sure it isn’t blowing directly on you!
  • Drink cold water before bed
  • Use a cold compress or rag on your head
  • Sleep with a thin sheet
    • This may sound like a terrible idea in a hot climate, but it’s actually more comfortable to sleep with a blanket than not.

Okay, so let’s be honest.

How often do you really wash your bedding? Once a month? Twice a month?

You should wash your bedding at least once every two weeks. If you have allergies, then every week!

Surprised? Me too.

On top of getting rid of weeks worth of dust, dander, and dirt, keeping your bedding clean makes you feel good when you lay your head down to sleep.

And did I mention the amazingly fresh linen smell?

Everyone loves the smell of clean laundry! Breathing in that clear and crisp scent will have you fast asleep in no time at all.

One of the best advantages of having an RV, in my opinion, is that you can move your house pretty much anywhere!

If you’re sensitive to sound, try to find a secluded area to park and set up your mobile house.

Keep in mind that your home is on wheels, not a solid foundation.

When someone gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, you may feel the whole RV shift.

The first and easiest step to minimize any commotion in the RV is to park it on level ground.

The next best action to take is to set up your RV on stabilizing jacks. Most RV’s come with a pair of these.

Be nice to your body.

It doesn’t know you’re out living your best life on the road.

Just because your day-to-day life has changed doesn’t mean your sleeping patterns should too.

Here are some simple tips to keep your routine:

  • Avoid naps during the day
  • Do the same “wind down” activities before bed
  • Go to bed and wake up around the same time

SAVVY TIP: Don’t park in an actual campground.

Find a place off the forest service road in any of the National Forests. This way you can have your own spot with no one around for miles!

Whether you’re traveling long term or just want to camp for the weekend, keep in mind all the possible options of sleeping in an RV!

Have a safe trip!

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How to Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Back in 5 Steps

how to train yourself to sleep on your back

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You probably shift around throughout the night, but have one position you like to sleep in.

Mine’s on my stomach.

Which is BAD, so I’ve been told. Most healthcare professionals recommend sleeping on your back.

How do you go about changing a habit that you’ve had for the last 20, 40 or even 60 years?! 

It’s hard – not going to lie – but possible and never too late if you want to change.

It took some work but I consistently sleep on my back now. I’d like to share with you some tips and tricks on how to train yourself to sleep on your back!

First, let’s go over the different sleeping positions so we have a better understanding of how each one is good and bad for us.

The 3 Main Sleep Positions

Sleeping on Your Stomach

The Good

The Bad

I’m surprised this sleeping position isn’t more popular – only 7% of the population prefer to sleep like this – but I know I’m bias.

Sleeping belly down is good for cutting out the snoring but the negatives far outweigh any benefits it can bring. It’s arguably the worst position to sleep in for the many reasons listed above. 

Even for massages, I’m wary of places that do not have elevated massage tables where there is a hole I can put my face when lying face down. Instead, they’d ask me to twist my neck to the side.

Good thing I don’t stumble on these places very often. When I do, I usually just walk right out. Usually, a proper massage table is an essential part of a Licensed Massage Therapist’s toolbox.

Unfortunately, this IS my favorite position to sleep in and I do indulge from time to time, especially when my stomach isn’t feeling very well.

I don’t stay in it for too long – usually during the first 10-20 minutes of falling asleep. Then I turn over on my back to fall and stay asleep.

sleeping on your stomache

By the way, I wasn’t kidding when I said you can suffocate and die if you sleep face down. 

Here’s my near-death experience:

I was 7.

We were still living in our old family home.

We just got back home from swimming at the local community center that night.

I quickly passed out on my bed with my face going right into my pillow. I was just too tired to move.

It became hard to breathe.

To the point where my breathing slowed and I wasn’t able to inhale anymore. I remember thinking that I could die if I stayed in this position for much longer.

Finally, my instincts took over and I muscled up any remaining strength I had and turned to my side to save my own life.

And that’s how I became…a superhero!! 

Sleeping on your tummy is recommended for people who have sleep apnea or snores.

However, it does come with a lot of downsides like waking up with pain and burning a hole through your wallet with all the chiropractic sessions you’ll need to go to.

Overall, I don’t advocate for this sleep style, even though I like to indulge once in a while.


There are a few ways you can make this posture better for you, but I still wouldn’t recommend staying in it for too long.

  1. Use a small pillow or one of those travel neck pillows (you know, the ones you see everyone and their dog use on airplanes) under your forehead so you can keep your neck straight and in line with the rest of your spine.

  2. Put a soft, flat pillow under your stomach to avoid pressure on your lower back. My chiropractor advised me to do this, and it does make a difference.

Again, I only stay in this position for 20 minutes max, and I usually turn my neck to the other side about halfway through to even out the strain.

Sleeping on Your Back

The Good

The Bad

how to train yourself to sleep on your back

This is the second least popular position – only about 8% of the population sleep like this – but it’s the BEST for your overall health.


Well, because it’s the most neutral position that you can keep your body in throughout the night.

If you keep yourself well-aligned, then you won’t wake up to any aches and pains!  

It’s just like Savasana (dead body pose in Yoga) or like the guards at Buckingham Palace. Lie down on your back to the mattress with your arms out on the side.

Besides waking up with no pain, you’ll experience less heartburn because your stomach isn’t in a position where the acid can go back up your esophagus AND you won’t age as fast.

I know, we all want to be young forever.

This is no fountain of youth, but sleeping on your back will prevent premature wrinkles.


Because you’re not squishing your face into the pillow for hours on end. Makes sense?

Starfish Position is also sleeping on your back
Starfish Position

Starfish Pose

When I sleep on my back, I like to fan out my limbs and fully embracing the mattress-hogging person that I am. 

This pose is so named ‘The Starfish’ because it looks exactly like – you guessed it – a starfish. 

It has the same benefits as the standard back sleeping position but is a bit more comfortable (in my opinion).

Try it out and see for yourself.

Can I Sleep on My Back While I’m pregnant?

Some ladies and concerned hubbies might be wondering this.

Can you sleep on your back while pregnant?
Can you sleep on your back while pregnant?

Of course, consult your doctor first, but 9.99 times out of 10, the answer is NO.

Especially while you’re in the second and third trimester. 


For a few reasons. According to,

“the weight of your uterus can compress a major blood vessel, called the vena cava. This disrupts blood flow to your baby and leaves you nauseated, dizzy, and short of breath. 

Yikes, that doesn’t sound good!

If you do wake up belly-up, that’s probably fine. Just change positions when you catch yourself and don’t do it regularly for a long period of time.

Try sleeping on your LEFT side instead.


Read about it below! 

Sleeping on your back is recommended for…everyone!

If you’re not pregnant and don’t want to wake up with any pain, this is the way to go.

You may snore more and it probably wouldn’t help with your sleep apnea, but there are many solutions on the market that you can try.


You can sleep on your back without a pillow! Just make sure that your body is properly aligned to avoid any soreness when you wake up.

There’s actually an up and coming community out there that advocate sleeping on the floor and without a pillow.

Sleeping on Your Side

The Good

The Bad

This is the most comfortable position, about 41% the US population sleep this like, and is the second-best position to sleep in.

Sleeping on your side actually counts as two positions because there are two sides – your right and left.

Commonly referred to as ‘sleeping like a log’, this posture is when you’re on your side and your limbs are straight.

The Fetal Position

A variation of sleeping on your side is the fetal position, where your knees are higher and tucked into your stomach.

This pose may bring back feelings of safety and warmth, like when you were still in your mother’s womb, but it doesn’t do too much.

In fact, besides the same benefits as sleeping on your side, there are a few downsides to the fetal position.

Is it good for you to sleep in fetal position not really

If you curl up too tightly, you can restrict diaphragm breathing and feel sore the next morning.

The unnatural arch in your lower back throughout the night might flare up your joints, neck or spine, especially if you have arthritis. 

So, unless it’s super comfortable to you, try not to get into that position.

Or at least don’t stay in that position for the entire night. 

Sleeping on Your Left Side is Better

How come? That sounds so random.

It’s not.

The answer lies in human anatomy.

Our internal organs are arranged in a unique way where the stomach, pancreas and spleen are on the left side.

So, when you sleep on your left, your body isn’t working extra hard to fight gravity while circulating blood, digesting and keeping stomach acid from coming up your esophagus. 

That makes sense, right? 

Being on your right side seems to have the opposite effects.

Sleeping on your side also helps with snoring and sleep apnea, because your tongue wouldn’t be falling back towards your throat, blocking your airway.

If you got the height of your pillow right too, then there’s no pressure on your spine or neck.

Here’s an explainer video that tells it better than me!

I Sleep with 5 Pillows. This is Why You Should Too! 

No joke – I actually do sleep with at least 4 pillows. 

One for my head, 1-2 under my knees and for my legs, and one on each side of me. 

My favorite is a full-length body pillow, so I can wrap my arms and legs around it while I’m sleeping on the side.

There was a time when I wondered if I ever needed a mattress.

I’m glad that silly phase is behind me. 

If you’re worried about not being well-aligned enough, watch this video and try sleeping with a few more pillows.

This lady recommends three:

  • between your knees to prop up your top hip and prevent from collapsing inwards.


  • under your torso so you aren’t mushing your bottom shoulder with your body weight.


  • in front of you or under your arm so you can hug it! Actually, it’ll keep your top shoulder from caving in, but hugging something feels nice too.   

Sleeping on the side is also recommended for everyone!

Especially for people who have sleep apnea or snores, are in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of their pregnancy (left side only), or suffers heartburn.

A note for people with back/hip pain:

  • Always consult your doctor first. They’ll most likely say that staying in one place for a long time is the worst thing you can do for recovering.
  • But, of course, everyone needs to sleep. And properly resting on your side is probably good for you.  

Side sleeping is not for people who want to look older by prematurely aging with wrinkles, are worried about a saggy chest or have shoulder pain.

What’s The Best Position to Sleep In?

Most health professions will say that the best sleeping position for almost everyone is on your back. (But on your left side if you’re with a child.)

But you knew that already, right? (…I also kind of said it earlier.)


Why is that?

There are many studies out there that have researched, experimented and concluded that sleeping on your back is just better for your overall health and body.

  • The chance of you waking up with a crick in the neck or any soreness is pretty low.

Your body is naturally well-aligned while on your back, and because your body weight is distributed evenly, there isn’t any extra pressure on sensitive parts, like the neck, spine or back.

  • Reduce heartburn because there’s less of a possibility that stomach acid will come back up through your esophagus.

This is also due to your body being properly aligned.  

  • No premature wrinkles from crushing one side of your face on the pillow or into the mattress on a regular basis.

Speaking of premature aging, the ladies also don’t have to worry about early on-set saggy breasts.

What’s fascinating about this is that we have full control over it! Back pain is not brought on by severe medical conditions like cancer, diabetes or arthritis.

Instead, it’s caused by stress on the body from sitting at a desk all day with your back hunched over, leading a sedentary lifestyle or even just sleeping in ergonomically-bad positions night after night.  

These are things you can change starting tonight. So, are you going to learn how to train yourself to sleep on your back?

How to Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Back in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Prepare your body for a long period of not moving. Try doing some yoga or relaxation exercises right before bedtime. Add in some light stretches when you wake up.
  2. Use positioning pillows to keep you from turning to your side or stomach.

    How to Train Yourself to Sleep on Your Backir?t=thesleepsavvy 20&language=en US&l=li2&o=1&a=B004X7BBC2I find that a pillow on each side and one under the knee helps my spine stay aligned throughout the night.

    Or a wedge pillow that elevates my head and neck keeps me in place.

    If those props don’t work, try placing a golf ball in your pants or shirt pocket. Sleeping on one will be uncomfortable enough to make you turn back.

  3. Consciously think about it. Tell yourself you’re going to stay on your back as you fall asleep. Visualize yourself staying and waking up on your back and say it out LOUD. Communicating this to your subconscious mind will make it stick more.
  4. Catch yourself and reposition. It’s OK. No one’s perfect. You probably will mess up in the first few days or even weeks! Just keep correcting your position when you catch yourself.
  5. Reward yourself along the way. Maybe it’s an extra 10 minutes soaking in the tub or taking a class you’re interested in. It can be anything – just make sure it won’t lead to disruptive behavior.

As with forming any habit, the key is to be a) patient with yourself, and b) persistent. You just have to keep doing it until it one day becomes second nature.

There’s a theory floating around that it takes 21 days to form a habit.

That’s actually NOT true.

The original concept was that it takes AT LEAST 21 days, but for most people, that’s too short of a time frame to do much.

In a more recent study, the researchers found that it took an average of 66 days to get into the groove – that’s slightly over 2 months.

Sounds about right!

Regardless of these numbers, the most important thing to remember is that introducing something new to a routine is going to be difficult.

So take it one day at a time.

It’s even harder when you’re unconscious and unaware of what you’re doing, but hopefully, it’s easier by following this guide.

Yes, it’ll be hard. Yes, it’ll feel unnatural at first. Yes, you’d probably fail many times in the beginning.

But, BOY, will it be worth it!

Final Thoughts

Sleep on your back, duh!

Just kidding!

I’m not going to tell what to do here. I mean, it’s your body after all.

Remember that your overall comfort is the most important thing and every body is different. 

Just make sure your neck, spine, and back are supported properly so you don’t start the next day with any pain. Your future-self will thank you!

If you do want to give it a try, this “how to train yourself to sleep on your back” guide will be here waiting for you!

*Click here to learn more about how your body works:

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