How To Sleep After Laparoscopic Surgery

3 min read

Is sleep an issue after laparoscopic surgery? With a minimally invasive procedure, can I sleep in my normal position?

It depends on the type of laparoscopic procedure. Sleeping on your back is recommended in most cases for a week after surgery. This will allow the incisions to heal and reduce discomfort from the surgical site.

Can you sleep on your side after stomach surgery?

stomach surgery

No. After stomach surgery, you will be required to sleep propped up on your back for 48 hours, and then you can lay flat on your back.

Finding a way to sleep after abdominal surgery is mainly common sense. If you have had surgery on your stomach, it goes without saying that laying on your stomach is possibly a bad idea.

However, with the use of supporting pillows or wedges, you can sleep comfortably propped upright.

After a week, you can normally sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs to keep your spine aligned. It’s a comfortable way of sleeping.

With laparoscopic surgery being the preferred choice for many abdomen surgeries due to the reduced downtime of the patient it is essential to find how to sleep after laparoscopic surgery that is good for you, the patient.

What is the best position to sleep after appendix surgery?

Appendix surgery is very common and can strike you down very quickly. After surgery, the recovery period can take a few weeks.

You need to know how to sleep after an appendectomy for the best rest. Sleep on your back with a pillow between your legs.

Avoid placing any strain on your stomach muscles. This will cause you pain and pull on the stitches.

After any surgery, it is imperative you follow the postoperative guidelines to help you recover as fast as possible. In most cases, sleep in an elevated position on your back with a pillow between your legs.

The pillow will help remind you not to cross your legs and add tension to your stomach muscles.

After about 7 days, you should be able to sleep on your side if you find this more comfortable but remember we all heal at different rates, but the common thread here is that sleep is essential for a speedy recovery.

Is ectopic surgery a major surgery?

To be honest, you should consider any surgery as major, particularly if you have a general anesthetic. 

However, with surgical advances over the past decades and the use of laparoscopic surgery, ectopic surgery is less risky than it once used to be.

You will need to find a good body position to learn how to sleep after ectopic surgery. Sleeping on your stomach is prohibited for good reasons.

The best way to sleep is slightly elevated on your back; you are likely to feel some pain that should be managed with pain killers for the first couple of days after surgery.

When you head home, you may not want to climb stairs and reduce the strain on your stomach muscles as much as possible.

Being able to sleep well is vital to your recovery, so place yourself in a supine position and avoid crossing your legs or side sleeping until you are physically able to do so and with your doctor’s clearance.

Best sleeping position after a salpingectomy

The removal of fallopian tubes is normally done using laparoscopic surgery, but you can still expect to be a little uncomfortable for a few days after surgery.

Your stomach muscles will be affected with any abdomen surgery, so you may find walking upright tricky for a couple of weeks or more.

The thought of sleeping after the removal of one or both your fallopian tubes may not be your focus with such a surgical procedure, but sleep is an important element to how fast you will heal.

What is the best way of how to sleep after a salpingectomy? It’s on your back or the supine position, which means flat on your back. You will feel better if you are slightly elevated, so a couple of pillows will help add a pillow under your knees.

The use of painkillers will help you sleep. However, postoperative insomnia is real, so make your sleep environment as best as possible. Keep your room cool, sleep in your normal pattern if possible and reduce artificial light from computer screens.

How should I sleep after fibroid surgery?

After any surgery, sleeping can be a daunting prospect, but the truth is you can sleep comfortably with a little common sense.

Finding a position of how to sleep after a myomectomy is relatively easy. Your first choice should be to sleep in a supine position with a pillow tucked under your knees for extra comfort.

Your surgeon may want you to sleep in this position for 4 weeks. It’s not as bad as it sounds, and with the use of some further supportive pillows, you can cocoon yourself and sleep easily.

After the 4 weeks and you start to sleep on your side, make use of the pillows, sleep with a pillow under your belly as you lay on your side. It prevents you from rolling forward.

Place a pillow laterally between your knees for additional comfort and support for your spine and pelvis.

When can I sleep on my side after ovary removal?

Four weeks. It sounds a long time, but you will be recovering from the surgery, and the time will fly by in the interim.

The only way to sleep after ovarian cyst surgery is on your back. It may sound like a long and arduous battle, but sleeping on your back with comfortable pillows for support is not that bad, and you will become used to the position quickly.

After four weeks, you can revert to sleeping on your side, but it’s a good idea to still make the most of pillows for support around your lower abdomen.

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