How To Fix A Dipping Or Sagging Memory Foam Mattress

9 min read

Does your memory foam mattress feel like it’s sagging or dipping? Not getting the good night’s sleep you used to? It’s time to start thinking of ways to fix it. 

You don’t need to spend big bucks on a new mattress. With a few simple tips and tricks, you can have your memory foam mattress feeling as good as new in no time.

You’ll be surprised at just how easy it is to give your old memory foam mattress a much-needed makeover. 

In this article, we’ll discuss how to fix a sagging or dipping memory foam mattress without breaking the bank. 

So if you’re looking for an inexpensive way to get your old mattress back in shape, read on!

1. Identifying The Problem

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The first step in fixing a dipping or sagging memory foam mattress is to identify the problem. 

Deterioration of the mattress can be caused by a variety of factors. 

It’s important to determine what the issue is before taking any further action.

A common cause of this issue is over time, the foam can flatten from constant use and body weight. 

This is especially true if the mattress isn’t rotated regularly so that all sides are equally exposed to weight. 

Additionally, poor quality foam can start to sink after a few years due to breaking down faster than higher quality foam.

The most common cause of this type of mattress damage is poor support from the bed frame or foundation

If the bed frame isn’t properly supporting the weight of the mattress, it can cause it to sag and dip over time. 

Another factor that can contribute to a dipping or sagging memory foam mattress is incorrect support underneath it, such as an uneven surface or an old box spring. If the surface isn’t even, it won’t provide consistent support across the entire mattress and can lead to dips and sags in certain areas. The same goes for an old box spring which may not have enough support for new mattresses.

Other factors that can contribute to mattress sagging include inadequate air flow, inadequate rotation and flipping, and even improper cleaning or maintenance.

It’s important to consider these factors when trying to figure out how to fix your dipping or sagging memory foam mattress. Now let’s take a look at checking for manufacturer’s warranty on the mattress before attempting any repairs.

Once you’ve identified the problem, you can take steps to fix it.

2. Checking For Manufacturer’s Warranty

Dipping or sagging mattresses can be a real hassle. 

Not only do they make sleeping uncomfortable, but they also reduce the lifespan of your mattress. 

Fortunately, there is a way to fix the issue: checking for manufacturer’s warranty.

Warranties are a great way to protect your investment and often cover issues like dipping or sagging mattresses. 

To check if you have a valid warranty on your memory foam mattress, take a look at the product information that came with it when you bought it. The information will usually include the length of the warranty as well as details on how to use it.

You should also check with the manufacturer directly to find out what their policies are regarding warranties and repair services. 

They may offer some kind of service plan or even replacement parts so that you can get your mattress back into shape without having to buy an entirely new one. 

If this isn’t possible, then you may need to start troubleshooting common causes in order to determine what is causing the problem and how to fix it.

3. Troubleshooting Common Causes

It goes without saying that a sagging mattress is a major nuisance. 

All the same, it’s worth troubleshooting some of the common causes before seeking a replacement.

One way to approach this is to turn the mattress over and check for any structural damage or sagging on both sides. 

It could be that one side is more well-worn than the other, which would explain why it feels like it’s sagging in certain areas. 

If this isn’t the case, look into whether there’s an issue with your foundation or base. 

Even if you’re using an adjustable bed frame, it could be that something has come loose or worn out over time.

If neither of those options works, try adding some extra support under the mattress by putting plywood between it and your base. 

If none of these solutions help, then replacing the mattress might be your only option.

Time to move on and make sure you get a good night sleep again!

4. Replacing The Mattress

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Tackling a sagging mattress can be like trying to climb a mountain. With the right tools and preparation, however, it can be conquered.

Replacing the mattress is an option if other solutions do not work. 

This step should be taken as a last resort, as it is an expensive endeavor. 

The new mattress should have adequate support layers and use denser foam to reduce the chance of sagging. 

The wrong type of mattress could cause future issues, so research should be done beforehand to ensure you purchase the correct one for your needs.

When buying a new mattress, look for reviews from people with similar body types and sleeping positions to ensure satisfaction. 

It’s important to invest in a quality product that will last for years; otherwise replacing the mattress will become an ongoing issue. 

Try out different mattresses in their trial period to find one that offers the best comfort level and support system for you.

5. Rotating And Flipping The Mattress

Finally, rotating and flipping the mattress is another way to fix a dipping or sagging memory foam mattress. 

By simply turning the mattress over and back every couple of months, you can help it to hold its shape for longer. In addition, this technique can also help to extend its lifespan.

Using this method, however, is not foolproof. 

If your mattress has not been flipped in some time and is severely dented or slumped, you may need to replace it completely. 

Nonetheless, if you have recently purchased the mattress or have only begun to notice the dips, then giving it a flip may be all that’s needed to restore its shape and comfortability.

Frequently flipping your mattress can serve as an effective preventative measure against sagging. 

While this approach may require more effort than purchasing a new mattress right away, it could save you money in the long run by avoiding an expensive replacement fee. 

And with a bit of elbow grease and dedication, you could end up with an extra comfy sleeping surface for years to come!

6. Using A Mattress Topper

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Adding a mattress topper is a popular way to fix a dipping or sagging memory foam mattress. 

Recent studies have found that more than 60% of people who own this type of mattress opt for adding a topper as their go-to solution. 

It’s an easy, cost-efficient option that can help bring your mattress back to life.

A mattress topper is typically made from memory foam, latex, or wool and adds an extra layer of cushioning between you and the mattress. 

It helps spread out body weight so you don’t sink into any dips or valleys in the bed. 

You’ll also get extra support from the added layer which can help take pressure off sore spots like your shoulders and hips.

It’s important to choose a mattress topper that matches your body type and sleeping position for best results. 

A thicker option may be better if you’re on the heavier side while a thinner option could be ideal if you need minimal cushioning. 

You should also make sure it fits snugly on your bed so it won’t shift around when you move during sleep. 

With the right fit, this simple upgrade can help make your sagging memory foam mattress feel like new again.

7. Adding Plywood Or A Mattress Board

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Time and again, memory foam mattresses have been the choice of many for a peaceful sleep. 

Unfortunately, due to the nature of material used in them, they tend to dip or sag over time. 

So if you’re here trying to figure out how to fix your ailing mattress, you’ve come to the right place!

First off, let’s look at adding plywood or a mattress board. 

This is an age-old solution that has stood the test of time – from ancient Egyptian beds made from stone and wood to modern day mattresses made from foam and springs. 

Simply put, adding a piece of plywood or a mattress board underneath your sagging mattress will lift it up and help it regain its original shape. 

All you need is some basic tools such as saws, drills and screws and you’re good to go!

Now while this solution may seem simple enough in theory, it can be quite tricky in practice. 

You’ll need to measure your mattress properly in order to get the right size of plywood/board. 

Additionally, since these materials are heavy, you’ll need someone else helping you carry them around during installation. 

If done correctly, this hack can provide great results – giving your aged mattress new life with minimal effort!

Rebuilding your bed doesn’t have to feel like mission impossible; with the right tools and knowhow under your belt, you can restore its comfort in no time. 

Onwards then towards exploring other mattress support solutions!

9. Using Other Mattress Support Solutions

One way to support a sagging memory foam mattress is by using other mattress support solutions. Some of these solutions include box springs, bunkie boards, or adjustable bed frames. 

These products can be placed below the mattress to provide additional support and help keep it from further sagging.

Depending on the size of the mattress, some of these alternatives may be more economical than buying a new one. 

Box springs offer great support, but they are usually bulky and expensive. 

Bunkie boards are slimmer and less expensive but may not provide enough support for heavier mattresses. 

Adjustable bed frames offer a balance between these two types of mattress supports and also allow you to adjust the height of your mattress if needed.

No matter which solution you choose, it’s important to regularly check the condition of your mattress and make sure that it’s properly supported. 

If you find that your memory foam mattress is still sagging or dipping after using one of these alternatives, then it may be time for a new one.

10. Maintaining The Memory Foam Mattress For Long-Term Use

Ultimately, maintaining your memory foam mattress is key to keeping it in top condition for years to come. 

However, this is easier said than done – how can one ensure that their mattress lasts? Well, there’s no time like the present to get started! 

With a few simple steps, you’ll be well on your way to preserving your mattress for the long haul.

The antediluvian wisdom held by our forebears still holds true today – prevention is always better than cure. 

Taking proactive steps to keep your mattress from dipping or sagging will help keep it looking and feeling like new for longer. 

Vacuuming regularly using an upholstery attachment will help dissipate any dust particles or allergens that may have built up over time; likewise, flipping and rotating the mattress every few months will help distribute pressure evenly across its surface. 

This can also make a huge difference when it comes to preventing dips or sags in the first place.

Finally, investing in protective covers such as mattress pads or encasements can also go a long way toward extending the life of your memory foam mattress. 

Not only do they provide an extra layer of cushioning and comfort while you sleep, but they also protect against spills and stains that can damage the inner layers of foam over time. 

All in all, taking these small steps now will pay off in spades down the line!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Rotate And Flip My Memory Foam Mattress?

A sagging mattress feels like a never-ending abyss, a bottomless pit of despair. To fix it, you must take preventative measures so it doesn’t happen again. 

The key is to rotate and flip your memory foam mattress every three to six months. Here’s how:

1. Start by removing all the bedding and any pillows from the mattress.
2. Use two people to grab each side of the mattress and carefully flip it over end-to-end.
3. Rotate the mattress 180 degrees so that the head is now at the foot of the bed, and vice versa.
4. Replace all bedding and other items and enjoy your refreshed sleeping surface!

This simple task can help extend the life of your mattress, keeping it firm and supportive for years to come.

Memory foam mattresses are great for providing comfort but require extra care to ensure their longevity – rotating them every few months ensures that one part of the mattress isn’t more worn than others, reducing wear on specific areas over time. 

It also helps air out any moisture that may be trapped underneath – if not rotated regularly, moisture can seep into your mattress, causing mould or mildew to form within its layers creating an unhealthy environment for you to sleep in.
So don’t let a sagging memory foam mattress keep you up at night! 

Rotation is an easy way to help prolong its life while keeping it comfortable for a good night’s sleep – just make sure you stick with a three-to-six month schedule for maximum benefit!

Is It Possible To Adjust The Firmness Of A Memory Foam Mattress?

Many people are wondering if it is possible to adjust the firmness of a memory foam mattress. The answer is yes, but there are different ways to approach this problem. 
Take for instance, Joe who bought a memory foam mattress that was too soft and began to sag. 

He was looking for a way to make it firmer without having to replace the mattress.
Joe decided to buy a new, thicker mattress pad and place it on top of the existing one. This created an extra layer of support which made his mattress feel firmer. 

He also experimented with adding different types of beds or cushions under the sheet for additional support. 
These simple changes allowed him to adjust the firmness of his mattress without having to invest in a new one.

There are other methods available such as purchasing a firmer memory foam mattress topper or using firmer foundations or bed frames underneath your existing mattress.
Ultimately, you should experiment until you find what works best for you and your sleeping needs. 

Finding the right balance between comfort and support can be tricky but possible when adjusting your memory foam mattress firmness yourself.


It’s no secret that memory foam mattresses are a great investment. But when your mattress starts to sag or dip, it can be a real nuisance. 

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to get your memory foam mattress back into shape.

First and foremost, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions for care and maintenance of your mattress. 

This will ensure that your mattress retains its support and shape over time. 

Additionally, rotating and flipping your memory foam mattress regularly is essential for maintaining its firmness. 

You may also want to consider using a mattress topper if needed, as this will provide additional cushioning and support. 

Finally, using a sturdy board underneath the mattress can help keep it from sagging or dipping over time.

So don’t let a sagging or dipping memory foam mattress ruin your sleep! With these simple tips, you can get your mattress back in tip-top shape in no time!

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