How To Measure For Blackout Curtains

10 min read

Blackout curtains offer an effective way to block out light and enjoy a good night’s sleep. But how do you measure for blackout curtains? It’s not as difficult as you might think. With a few simple steps, you can easily find the perfect fit for your window.

They not only help keep out light during the day, but also provide insulation during colder months.

But before buying any blackout curtains, it’s important to know how to measure them. This will ensure that you get the correct size and style that best suits your needs.

So don’t fret – with this guide, measuring for blackout curtains is easy! 

Read on to learn more about this process.

1. Identifying The Measurement Area

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Measuring for blackout curtains is practically an art form! It involves precision and accuracy to ensure that you get the perfect fit for your windows. 

Identifying the measurement area is the first crucial step in this important task.

First, you need to measure the full width of your window, from one side of the trim to the other. This ensures that your blackout curtains will sufficiently cover the entire window when hung. 

Next, it’s important to measure the distance from the top of your window trim to where you want your curtains to hang. You may want them to hang just below or above your window frame or even down to just above your floor – whatever works best for you! 

Finally, make sure you also measure any obstructions like protruding handles on windows or radiators near them – this will help you determine if a wider curtain is necessary so that it can be hung above these obstacles.

Now that you have all these measurements in hand, you’re ready for selecting and purchasing the right length of curtain for your windows!

2. Choosing The Right Curtain Length

Curtains are like the cherry on top of a room’s decor, letting light in and adding texture to the space. But when you want to get serious about blocking out light, blackout curtains are the way to go. 

The second step in measuring for blackout curtains is choosing the right length.

First, decide how far off the ground you want your curtains to hang. 

Generally, curtains should hang just above or right at the floor level so it looks neat and tidy. If you want them longer, consider a sill-length look with your curtain panels ending at least six inches above the floor. 

Then measure from that point down to where you want them to end.

Once you have your measurements determined, make sure they fit within standard sizes available at your local home store. 

This will help ensure that you get an accurate fit without having to customize them yourself. With these steps taken care of, it’s time to move on to measuring for width…

3. Measuring For Width

Measuring for width may seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. You can find the right curtain width by following a few simple steps.

First, you’ll need to determine how wide your window is and then add 2-3 inches on either side of the window opening. 

This will give your curtains the necessary fullness they need to look great when hung. It’s also important to ensure that your curtain rod will fit securely in the space provided.

Next, measure the distance between each end of your window opening and add that number to the extra inches you’ve added on either side. That will give you your total measurement for width. With this number in hand, you’ll now be able to shop for blackout curtains that are wide enough for your needs – no guesswork required!

Making sure curtains are wide enough is an important step in creating a stylish and comfortable room. So take these measurements carefully and enjoy a successful blackout curtain installation!

Related: blackout curtains vs blackout blonds.

4. Measuring For Mounting Height

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Accurately measuring for blackout curtains is key to a successful installation. 

After you have correctly measured the width, it’s time to determine the correct mounting height. Here are 4 simple steps to help you along your way:

  1. Start by selecting the desired height. It can be floor-to-ceiling, sill length or even window pane height. Make sure to take into account any furniture or fixtures that may be placed near the curtains.
  2. Use a measuring tape to measure from the top of your chosen spot up to where you would like the curtains to hang. This will give you an accurate representation of what size curtain rod and blackout curtain panel you need.
  3. Take into consideration how much fabric should hang above and below the window frame. Generally, this should be between 8 and 10 inches in total but can vary depending on personal preference and design aesthetic.
  4. Be sure to jot down these measurements for reference when shopping for rods and panels as well as during installation itself! Now that you know how to measure for mounting height, it’s time to move onto installing those blackout curtain rods!

5. Installing Blackout Curtain Rods

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Installing blackout curtain rods is a surprisingly easy task. 

Like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, with just a few simple pieces and tools, you can quickly have your blackout curtains up in no time. Here are some quick tips to get the job done:

  • Gather the necessary tools: A drill, screws, and a level. 
  • Mark the wall where you want to install the rod brackets. 
  • Measure twice before drilling any holes.

Take your time and double check your measurements for accuracy. Using a level will help ensure that everything is straight when you begin drilling holes into your wall. 

Once you’ve determined where to place each bracket, use screws or anchors to attach them securely and then hang the curtain rod onto the brackets. 

All that’s left is to put on your blackout curtains and enjoy the darkness of any room!

No matter how carefully you measure and install rods, it won’t make much difference if you don’t buy the right amount of fabric for your curtains!

6. Buying The Right Amount Of Fabric

The right amount of fabric for blackout curtains is like a key to the perfect dark room. 

It’s the foundation that allows you to rest in sweet serenity, knowing all outside light has been blocked out. Investing in a quality fabric and proper measurements is essential.

Measuring for your blackout curtains is simple and straightforward. First, decide the length of your curtains. Measure from the top of where they will be hung and down to where you want them to end. 

To ensure you get an accurate measurement, use a metal tape measure rather than a cloth one – it’ll give you more accuracy.

Once you have your measurements, multiply that by two or three depending on how full you would like your drapes to be. 

This will give you the total width of fabric needed for your project. Don’t forget to factor in any hems or folds as this may require extra fabric as well! 

With these steps completed, you’re now ready for calculating curtain hem length.

7. Calculating Curtain Hem Length

Once you’ve bought the right amount of fabric for your blackout curtains, it’s time to calculate the hem length. 

You’ll want to make sure each panel has the same length and amount of material when finished. 

Start by measuring from the top of your window frame downward to determine how long each curtain will be.

Next, add at least 5-7 inches for a hem that will allow you to hang the curtains properly. 

The exact amount depends on whether you’re using clips or rings; if using clips, you’ll need extra fabric for them. Similarly, if using pleats or gathers, you’ll need additional fabric for those as well.

Finally, subtract 1/2 inch from the total length of your desired curtains to account for any shrinkage that may occur during laundering or pressing. 

This way, your curtains should fit perfectly when they are hung up!

TIP: Most fabrics come in standard widths of 45” and 54” – check beforehand so you can purchase enough fabric! 

Then you can decide between pleats or gathers and create beautiful blackout curtains in no time.

8. Deciding Between Pleats Or Gathers

Ah, deciding whether to go for pleats or gathers. 

What a dilemma! It’s like choosing between two equally attractive suitors. In any case, let’s dive right in and figure out which option is better suited for your needs.

When it comes to blackout curtains, pleats offer a more tailored, formal look while still offering the same level of light-blocking capabilities as gathers. 

They come in all sorts of styles, from pinch and cartridge pleats to French and box pleats that’ll give any room a sophisticated finish. 

On the other hand, gathers are easier to work with but they don’t provide the same level of structure as pleats do; they also don’t have as many customization options.

So what should you go for? Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference; if you’re looking for something more structured and stylish, go for pleats. 

If you’re after something simpler that can blend into the background, choose gathers instead.

Time now to factor in additional drapery treatments like valances or swags – things that’ll certainly take your curtain game up a notch!

9. Factoring In Additional Drapery Treatment

It was like a puzzle, trying to figure out how much fabric was needed for the perfect blackout curtains. 

You must measure precisely, like walking a tightrope between the two points. That’s why factoring in additional drapery treatment is so important.

Just as a painter needs to pick the right colors for their masterpiece, you need to pick the right treatments for your curtains. Here are some of the treatments you should consider:

  • Grommets, rings or tabs – These can give your curtains an up-to-date look and make them easier to open and close. 
  • Valances – With these, you can add texture and color to your windows without blocking out too much light. 
  • Swags – If you’re looking for an elegant touch, swags can add a touch of luxury to any room. 
  • Jabots – These are fringed pieces that hang down from either side of the window and act as decorations.

These treatments will all help determine how much fabric is necessary for your blackout curtains. But don’t forget about selecting the correct lining fabric as well—it’s just as important! 

All of these elements must be taken into account when measuring for your new blackout curtains; otherwise, you’ll end up with less than perfect results. 

A little bit of patience goes a long way here; take your time and do it right and you’ll end up with stunning results! Moving on…

10. Selecting The Correct Lining Fabric

Selecting the right lining fabric for blackout curtains is key. It’s important to choose a heavy-duty material that will adequately block out light and provide insulation from outside noise. 

A good choice is a cotton sateen or velvet, as these fabrics are tightly woven and offer superior blackout capabilities. 

When selecting the lining fabric, consider any other drapery treatments that you may want for your curtains such as a valance or swag.

When shopping for your lining fabric, look for one with a high thread count as this will ensure better light blocking capability. 

Consider its opacity too – the more opaque it is, the better it will be at blocking out light. 

Also make sure you buy enough fabric to cover the area of the entire window plus an extra few inches on all sides so that it can be tucked in properly when installing the curtains.

Finally, take into account any special requirements you might have such as fire safety regulations or stain resistance needs. 

Be sure to weigh up all of these factors when selecting your lining fabric as this will help you achieve optimal results with your blackout curtains and ensure they provide maximum darkness and insulation over time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do Blackout Curtains Affect The Temperature Of A Room?

Blackout curtains are an effective way of keeping a room dark and cool. The heavy, thick fabric blocks out the light from outside and helps to reduce the temperature inside. But how exactly do blackout curtains affect the temperature of a room?

Imagining a hot summer day with bright sunlight streaming through the windows, it’s easy to see why people would want to use blackout curtains to keep their homes cool. 

The heavy fabric creates an insulating barrier that traps in cooler air and keeps out the warm air from outside. This can make a big difference in cooling down a room quickly and efficiently.

The insulation properties of blackout curtains also help to keep a room warmer during cold months. By blocking out the cold air from outside, they create an extra layer of protection against drafts and chilliness. 

This makes them ideal for bedrooms or other areas where you want to maintain a comfortable temperature year-round. Overall, blackout curtains offer excellent insulation properties that can help you regulate the temperature in any room within your home, no matter what time of year it is. 

They’re an easy way to ensure your space stays at just the right temperature day or night.

Are Blackout Curtains Available In Different Colors And Patterns?

Are blackout curtains available in different colors and patterns? A thousand times, yes! In fact, it’s almost impossible to find a style of blackout curtain that isn’t available in dozens of options. 

From bold prints and bright solids to intricate designs and sophisticated textures, the possibilities are endless!
And here’s the best part – every single one of these blackout curtains will block out light just as effectively as the others. 

Whether you prefer a floral pattern or something a bit more toned-down, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll always get the same level of darkness no matter what.

So don’t settle for plain-looking curtains just for their blackout capability – there are so many other options available that provide both beauty and practicality! 

You won’t have to choose between them anymore; with blackout curtains, you can have it all. Go ahead – pick any color or pattern your heart desires!

Are Blackout Curtains More Expensive Than Other Types Of Curtains?

Are blackout curtains worth the extra cost? If you’re looking for curtains that block out sunlight, then blackout curtains are the way to go. They have become a popular choice for bedrooms, nurseries and offices – but they also come with a higher price tag than other types of curtain. So, is it really worth splashing out? Here’s what you need to know:

Satirically speaking, why not just paint your windows black and save yourself some money? 
That said, if you don’t want to give up the beauty of window coverings altogether here’s why blackout curtains might be worth considering:

1. They provide maximum shading from natural light. 
They help keep rooms cool by blocking out sunlight during hot summer days. 
2. They offer privacy from nosy neighbours or passersby. 
3. Their insulating properties can reduce your energy bills by making rooms easier to heat in winter.

Sure, blackout curtains may cost more than regular ones – but the benefits could outweigh the upfront expense in the long run! 

From improved comfort levels in your home to energy efficiency – there’s a lot to consider when deciding between different types of window treatments. 

With the right colours and patterns – plus a few thoughtful touches – blackout curtains can be stylish as well as practical.

Will Blackout Curtains Completely Block Out All Light?

Blackout curtains are designed to do one thing: block out light. But how much light do they actually block out? Is complete darkness guaranteed?

To answer this, we must first understand the materials used in blackout curtains. Most blackout curtains are made from heavy, tightly woven fabric. 

This fabric is designed to keep out as much light as possible. 
Additionally, some blackout curtains include a lining on the back of the curtain that helps prevent any light from entering through the seams.

So, while blackout curtains can provide excellent coverage against unwanted light, they may not be able to completely block it all out. 

It depends on the quality and construction of the curtain itself. However, if you need maximum darkness for a room, blackout curtains are still your best option.


Blackout curtains are a great way to limit the amount of light that comes into a room. They can help keep a room cool in the summer and warm in the winter, while also providing privacy. 

While they may cost more than other types of curtains, blackout curtains are available in many colors and patterns to suit any style.

That said, they don’t always completely block out all of the light, so it’s important to measure your windows before buying blackout curtains. 

I recently found this out when I bought some for my bedroom, only to find out that they weren’t tall enough to cover my windows completely.

In short, blackout curtains can be a great investment for those looking for some extra privacy or temperature control. 

While it may take some trial and error to find the right fit for your windows, once you do, you’ll be glad you took the time to measure properly!

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