Is there an alternative to a kidney stent? Is there an effective way to relieve the kidney stent aching sensation?
You can have a nephrostomy tube, which is a tube inserted into the kidney that drains urine outside of the body. This method involves carrying an external device to catch the urine. Over-the-counter pain medication can be effective (Advil and Ibuprofen) and are good short-term solutions to aching and pain from the stent.
How to sleep with a kidney stent
Use medication. There is no way of sugar-coating that kidney stents can be painful and leave you with a residual aching sensation that affects your sleep pattern.
There are some ways to combat the discomfort of a kidney stent. Here are a few tips to help you sleep:
- Speak to your doctor to find out if alpha-blockers are suitable for you. Alpha-blockers prevent the ureter from spasming, which is a source of discomfort. Alpha-blockers also allow the ureter to open up and allow urine to flow easier.
- Have an anticholinergic prescription; this is another drug that is a viable alternative to alpha-blockers. This drug helps to reduce urine frequency which is a cause of interrupted sleep. The drug has been commonly used for conditions such as an overactive bladder.
- Take over-the-counter medications from your pharmacy. Advil is an effective pain killer. You may find more relief from Ibuprofen due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Control your fluid intake, and drink less starting a few hours before bedtime to reduce the need to urinate.
- Avoid exercise. Exercise may irritate the stent in the early stages. It’s known that exercise in the late evening will keep you awake.
Other methods will be discussed later.
What is the best sleeping position for a kidney stent?
The opposite side to the stent. It makes sense to sleep on the opposite side of the stent, and some people report getting relief when sleeping this way.
However, there is no concrete evidence to suggest that sleeping on your opposite side will offer any relief from discomfort.
It may be a case of trial and error to find the sleeping position that is best suited to you that will allow uninterrupted sleep through the night.
Best way to sleep with a nephrostomy tube
It is generally recommended to sleep on your back with a nephrostomy tube. This can help prevent the tube from becoming dislodged or kinked.
You may also find it more comfortable to use a body pillow to support the area around the tube and help keep it in place. If you are having difficulty sleeping with the nephrostomy tube, you should talk to your doctor or healthcare provider for further advice.
They may be able to suggest additional strategies or techniques that can help you get a good night’s sleep.
Why are kidney stents so painful?
It’s invasive surgery. Having a kidney stent inserted into your kidney is a big deal, but the premise is to reduce pain and infection and not cause more pain.
The stent is made from a soft material designed to cause the least pain. The stent is about 25 cm long, leading from your kidney to your bladder.
The stent can cause cramping of the bladder, which is a primary source of discomfort.
However, if you consider the alternative is kidney stone pain, the stent should be a walk in the park.
How long does the pain last after a kidney stent?
2 to 3 days. There may be symptoms such as the feeling of aching, which is normal and can be dealt with by over-the-counter pain medication from your pharmacist. A kidney stent will settle after a few days for most fit and healthy patients.
It is not unusual to have a burning sensation when urinating, accompanied by the need to urinate more frequently.
These symptoms will subside after a couple of weeks.
Can sleeping position affect kidneys?
Yes. Some studies indicate your sleeping position can be the cause of kidney stones.
Certain sleeping positions restrict the kidneys’ blood flow, allowing crystals to precipitate. This can be addressed by modifying your sleeping behaviors and frequently moving through the night.
Frequent changes in sleeping position are suggested to minimize the recurrence of ipsilateral nephrolithiasis.
Why do kidney patients have trouble sleeping?
Many reasons. There is no single symptom that is disturbing your sleep. An amalgamation of symptoms and inflammatory markers is causing you discomfort.
Having a kidney stent is a big deal. As such, you may be experiencing metabolic changes, effects of drugs, altered sleep patterns, and a whole host of other symptoms contributing to your insomnia.
Can a kidney stent make you tired?
Yes. There can be side effects of having a kidney stent, and fatigue is one of the potential side effects.
For some recipients of kidney stents, it is normal for the fatigue to set in at an early stage, while others may not report any changes in their daily routine.
If you have a job that includes a lot of physical activity, you may experience more discomfort than those who have sedentary jobs.
Can I pass a kidney stone with a stent in?
Yes, The stent does help fragments of kidney stones to pass more quickly and without excruciating pain.
How does a woman know if she has a kidney stone?
It can be evident. If you have a kidney stone, you will likely be in discomfort, if not considerable pain so that you will know.
You will feel aching or intense pain in your flanks, and the pain is persistent without relief. You should see a doctor without delay.
The sharp pain may be only on one side of your back but can be experienced on both sides. Tye pain is accompanied by a sharp or burning sensation when urinating, and you may feel the urge to pee more frequently.
Kidney stone pain is intense, and pain killers do not always take effect.
What does passing a kidney stone feel like for a woman?
Painful. Kidney stone pain is not gender-specific; the symptoms will be manifested the same for both sexes.
Some kidney stones exit the ureter unnoticed, while others can cause pain in the groin, vomiting, and traces of blood in the urine.
It’s a painful experience.
What foods keep kidney stones away?
You need to prevent uric acid buildup. To prevent kidney stones, it’s advisable to cut down on purine-rich food like red meat, organ meats, and shellfish.
Introduce a healthy eating diet plan that includes vegetables and fruits and eliminate sugar as much as possible, targeting fructose syrup.