How To Sleep During Periods to Avoid Leakage?

2 min read

Every woman who undergoes a heavy period at nighttime can experience messy leaks. It can be very frustrating and embarrassing. So what’s a girl gotta do?

Your monthly period can be difficult enough with cramps, bloating, migraines, mood swings, irritability, cravings for certain foods, to name a few. So leaking at night on your period is a pain.

There’s a way to avoid nighttime leaks. First and foremost is to change your sanitary napkin, tampon, or menstrual cup before going to bed. A fully saturated pad can only absorb so much, thus the leak. Normally, the first couple of days is heavy. Added extra protection can also prevent overflow.

Here are a few tips to help you sleep during your period and avoid leakage:

  • Use a menstrual cup or pad: These can help absorb menstrual blood and prevent leaks. Make sure to change them regularly, especially if you are sleeping for an extended period of time.
  • Sleep on your back: This position can help reduce the chances of leakage, as gravity will help keep the blood in place.
  • Wear a pantyliner: These can provide an extra layer of protection against leaks and are especially useful at night.
  • Avoid tight clothing: Tight clothing, especially underwear, can put pressure on the cervix and increase the chances of leakage. Opt for loose, comfortable clothing while you sleep.
  • Change your tampon or pad before bed: Make sure to change your tampon or pad before you go to bed to reduce the chances of leaks.
  • Use a period tracking app: These can help you predict when your period will start and end, so you can be prepared with the right products and techniques to avoid leakage.

How to sleep during periods to avoid stain


Reducing the chance of leaking while sleeping during your monthly period is not difficult, but it requires a little preparation. Wear protective layers of super-absorbent pads to be on the safe side. 

In addition, use a tampon, a menstrual cup, sleep on your side, use a pad with wings, an overnight pad, wear extra underwear, or leak-proof underwear like pull-ups used by incontinent people to prevent leaking while sleeping. 

Tampons are placed securely inside your body so no leaks can occur. Pad with wings helps a great deal to protect the sides of your underwear.

An overnight pad is handy when you sleep on your back. This gives you extra coverage in the right places when you’re lying horizontally. Some pads can turn the liquid into a gel which can significantly prevent leakage. 

Mattress protection or a dark towel also provides an extra layer of protection and can keep your mattress from a permanent stain. 

Using a menstrual cup is a popular alternative to pads and tampons. Silicon-made menstrual cups are safe, reusable, odor-free, leak-proof, economical, and easy to use. If silicon-made is not available, disposable menstrual cups are also worth it. 

Emptying your menstrual cup is a necessity before going to bed. You don’t only feel fresh and clean, but you’ll have access to maximum absorption.

Wearing two pairs of underwear is also a known protective measure against menstrual leakage because it holds your pad securely in place as you sleep. In case of leaks, the additional layer of fabric serves as an extra barrier before it gets into your bedsheets. 

Doubling up is also an excellent idea for your menstrual prevention. Combining a pad with a tampon or a pad with a menstrual cup can make you feel confident and secure. 

How to sleep on your periods

What’s the best way to sleep on your period to prevent leaking? Sleeping on your back is the best position which can help reduce the chances of leakage, as gravity will help keep the blood in place. However sleeping in your most comfortable position to refrain from tossing and turning too much, works great too.

Try to keep your legs close as much as possible and sleep in a fetal position to take pressure off your abdomen. 

Though sleeping in a fetal position is preferable, most women feel it is unrealistic. Why? Because it is not guaranteed that we stay in one position all night long, chances are leaks can occur. If you’re sleeping sideways, place a pillow at your front and back to keep you from rolling over. 

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