How To Get Sweat Smell Out Of Your Memory Foam Pillow

10 min read

We’ve all been there. You just want to relax with your trusty memory foam pillow, but that old sweat smell is still lingering in the air. 

It’s like your own personal ghost haunting you from the past, and it just won’t go away. 

Fear not! 

With a few simple steps, you can rid yourself of this unwelcome specter and reclaim your favorite pillow for sweet, peaceful slumber.

The journey begins by understanding why sweat smells linger in memory foam pillows and how best to banish them from your bedroom forever. 

So don’t give up hope – read on to learn exactly how to get sweat smell out of your memory foam pillow!

1. Choosing The Right Materials For Memory Foam Pillows

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Memory foam pillows can provide a luxurious, comfortable sleep experience. But they do require special care to keep them in top condition and free of sweat smells. 

The first step is choosing the right material.

Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon are more resistant to sweat than natural fibers like cotton, wool, or down. 

When choosing a memory foam pillow, opt for one with a synthetic cover rather than natural materials. It will be more resistant to moisture and odors.

Look for covers that are removable and machine-washable too; this makes cleaning easier. 

If possible, avoid memory foam pillows with permanently attached covers or those that cannot be washed in the machine. 

These can quickly develop an unpleasant odor if not properly cared for.

Regular washing of your pillow’s cover can help prevent sweat smells from forming in the first place.

2. Cleaning Memory Foam Pillows To Remove Sweat Smell

Memory foam pillows are a great way to get a comfortable night’s sleep, but they can easily absorb sweat and odors. 

To get rid of the smell, you’ll need to clean your pillow. 

Here are some tips on how to do it right.

First, use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment for a deep cleaning. 

Vacuum both sides of the pillow and any crevices, paying attention to areas where sweat and oils may have collected. 

Once done, sprinkle baking soda on the memory foam pillow and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. 

This will help remove any lingering odors from the fabric and foam material.

Finally, use an enzyme-based cleanser or laundry detergent to spot clean any remaining sweat stains or odor-causing bacteria. 

Be sure to test the cleanser first on an inconspicuous area of the pillow before using it all over – this will help prevent damage or discoloration to the material. 

The next step is to air dry your memory foam pillow in a well-ventilated room away from direct sunlight.

3. Steps To Spot Clean Memory Foam Pillows

According to a survey, over 70% of Americans sleep on memory foam pillows. 

To keep them clean and free from odors, it is important to spot clean them regularly.

The first step in spot cleaning a memory foam pillow is to remove the pillow cover and spray it with an upholstery cleaner that has been diluted with water. 

Allow the solution to soak into the fabric for several minutes, then blot the surface with a soft cloth. 

Do not rub or scrub as this may damage the fabric.

After the cover has dried completely, vacuum the pillow itself using an upholstery attachment or brush head. 

This will help remove dirt, dust and debris that accumulate over time. 

Finally, sprinkle some baking soda onto the memory foam and let it sit for several hours before vacuuming away. 

This will absorb any lingering odors caused by sweat or other sources.

By following these steps, you can effectively spot clean your memory foam pillow and keep it smelling fresh and odor-free.

4. Washing Memory Foam Pillows In The Machine

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Sweat, the salty and sticky residue of a long day, can be a nuisance to remove from memory foam pillows. 

But with the right steps, it doesn’t have to linger. Let’s explore how to wash memory foam pillows in the machine:

First, know what type of pillow you’re dealing with. 

Some memory foam pillows are made with a removable cover that can be washed separately. If your pillow has one, take it off before cleaning. Additionally:

  • Ensure your washing machine is large enough to accommodate the size of your pillow 
  • Select a gentle cycle on cold temperature and use laundry detergent (preferably unscented) 
  • After washing, check for signs of wear and tear on the cover or foam 
  • Place your washed pillow in the dryer on low heat

After washing, resist the urge to dry your pillow in direct sunlight or any other source of high heat. 

Doing so could damage its filling and reduce its lifespan significantly. Instead, follow these steps for maximum efficiency:

  • Choose an appropriate spot for air drying your pillow outside or inside 
  • Make sure the area has good airflow and ventilation 
  • Flip your pillow over every few hours while it’s drying 
  • Leave it out overnight until completely dry

With patience and careful attention, you can successfully eliminate sweat smell from your memory foam pillow — no matter how stubborn it may seem! 

Now that we’ve taken care of this task, let’s look at how best to air-dry our newly washed pillows…

5. Air Drying Memory Foam Pillows

Ah, air drying memory foam pillows. What a wonderful way to get rid of the stench of sweat from your pillow! 

Not only can it be done with ease, but it’s also the most economical way to go about it. Now, let’s get down to business:

  1. Gather up your pillows and make sure they are dry before you start. 
  2. Lay them out flat in a well-ventilated area with plenty of room for air to flow around them. 
  3. Set up fans or other devices that can help circulate air around the pillows as they dry out. 
  4. Allow them to sit there for several days until they are completely dry and free of any unpleasant odors.

No matter how much you try to fight it, sweat is inevitable when sleeping on memory foam pillows. 

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! With these simple steps, you can get rid of those nasty smells in no time. 

Furthermore, by not having to use any fancy machines or expensive chemicals, you’re saving yourself time and money as well. So why wait? Get started now!

Now that our pillows are clean and fresh again, let’s move onto the next step…

6. Adding Essential Oils To Memory Foam Pillows

Ah, the sweet smell of memory foam pillows—the comforting smell of relaxation that screams sweet dreams. 

But what happens when that sweet smell is replaced with the stinging scent of sweat? 

The only way to get rid of it is to add essential oils!

Essential oils are powerful substances, and adding them to a memory foam pillow can make an incredible difference. 

They can help neutralize odors and are great for refreshing fabrics. 

Plus, they come in a variety of scents, so you can pick one that suits your own personal preference! 

All you have to do is add a few drops of your favorite oil onto the pillow, then let it sit for at least thirty minutes before using it again.

Adding essential oils is an easy and affordable way to keep your memory foam pillows smelling fresh and clean. And if used regularly, your pillow will be restored to its original state in no time! 

Now we move on from here – ready for the next step?

7. Making Vinegar Solutions To Remove Sweat Smell From Memory Foam Pillows

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Say goodbye to the sweat smell on your memory foam pillow with a little vinegar and elbow grease! 

Just like a magical elixir, a vinegar solution is sure to be your knight in shining armor when all else fails.

Mixing 2 cups of white vinegar with 1 cup of water can be just the ticket to banish that unpleasant odor. 

Give the mixture a good stir and then pour it into a spray bottle. 

Spray the solution liberally onto your pillow, focusing on any areas where sweat stains are present. 

Allow it to sit for at least 15 minutes before wiping off with a damp cloth or sponge. 

You might want to repeat this process several times until the sweat smell is completely gone.

To finish off, give the pillow a few extra sprays of the vinegar solution and let it dry in sunlight or air dry it outdoors if possible. 

The combination of sun and fresh air will help lift away any lingering odors and leave you with a sweet-smelling pillow that’s good as new!

8. Using Baking Soda To Deodorize Memory Foam Pillows

Sweat can leave an unpleasant smell on memory foam pillows. 

Studies show that nearly 80% of people in the US sleep with a pillow, and more than half of these will struggle with sweat-scented pillows. 

To tackle this issue, baking soda has become a go-to solution.

Baking soda is an effective deodorizer for memory foam pillows. 

Sprinkling it liberally over the entire pillow’s surface helps to remove even the strongest smells. 

For best results, wait a few hours before vacuuming or brushing off the powder. 

It’s important to ensure all of the baking soda has been removed as any remaining residue can cause skin irritation.

To keep memory foam pillows smelling fresh, using natural materials such as cotton and wool can help absorb sweat and other odors. 

Covering pillows with pillowcases or sheets made from these fabrics can reduce the stench of sweat in between washes. 

Additionally, it’s vital to wash your pillowcase at least once every two weeks to get rid of any lingering odors and dirt particles that may have accumulated on its surface.

9. Tips To Keep Memory Foam Pillows Smelling Fresh

It is an age-old conundrum: how to keep your memory foam pillows smell fresh and inviting? 

After all, the last thing you want when snuggling up for a good night’s sleep is to be confronted with stale sweat smells. 

Thankfully, with the following tips, you will no longer have to worry about unpleasant odors disrupting your slumber.

To ensure your pillow remains sweet-smelling:

  • Vacuum your pillow regularly using an upholstery attachment. This will help remove any dust or dirt that can attract odor-causing bacteria.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on the surface of your pillow and let it sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming up again. This will help absorb any excess moisture in the foam and reduce unwanted smells.
  • Place a few drops of essential oil on the corner of your pillow which can act as a natural deodorizer and leave behind a pleasant scent.
  • If possible, hang your memory foam pillow out in the sun so it can be exposed to UV rays which can kill off odors in fabrics.
  • Make sure you wash your pillowcase regularly as this can also help prevent sweat from seeping into the foam and causing unpleasant smells. 

No more sleepless nights! 

With these tips, you’re sure to have fresh smelling memory foam pillows for many nights of blissful sleep. 

Now that you know how to keep those pesky sweat smells at bay, it’s time to consider replacing them every so often in order to maintain comfort and hygiene.

10. Replacing Memory Foam Pillows To Maintain Comfort And Hygiene

It can be difficult to keep your memory foam pillows smelling fresh. 

After all, the sweat and oils from your body can seep deep into the material. But if you want to maintain comfort and hygiene, knowing when to replace your memory foam pillow is key.

Replacing a pillow should be done every few years or so, depending on how often it’s used. 

If you use it every night, then replacing it more frequently is wise. 

It’s also important to pay attention to any signs that the pillow may need replacing – such as an odor or a change in shape or size. 

Also, check for any other signs of wear and tear like discoloration or sagging.

If you find that your memory foam pillow needs replacing, don’t hesitate – do it right away! 

Not only will it help maintain hygiene standards in your home but it will also help increase the comfort level of your sleep every night. 

So don’t wait too long; once you notice any sign of wear and tear, go ahead and replace it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Memory Foam Pillows Good For People With Allergies?

Do memory foam pillows cause allergies? That’s a question many people ask when considering buying one. Memory foam is a popular choice for pillows because of its comfortable material, but is it really good for those with allergies?

The answer is yes and no. While memory foam pillows are indeed hypoallergenic, they can still collect dust mites and other allergens over time. This can trigger allergic reactions in some people. To prevent this, you should regularly clean and vacuum the pillow to keep allergens at bay. 

It’s also important to use a cover that is anti-allergen or dust mite-proof.
This will help keep your pillow clean and safe from allergens.
If you’ve already bought a memory foam pillow and it has absorbed sweat smells, there are several ways to get rid of them. 

You can use baking soda or vinegar to absorb the smell, or you could wash the pillowcase if possible. If none of these methods work, then you may need to replace your pillow altogether. 

TIP Be sure to look for a hypoallergenic pillow that is made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or bamboo if you’re looking for an allergy-friendly option.

How Often Should I Replace My Memory Foam Pillow?

Replacing a memory foam pillow can be like replacing an old friend. It’s comfortable, it knows you well, and it’s hard to part with. 

Knowing when to replace your memory foam pillow is important for a good night’s sleep.
To make the process easier, here are three key signs that it’s time for a new pillow: 

Your pillow has lost its shape – memory foam pillows should return to their original form after being compressed; if yours won’t, it’s time for a new one. 
You find yourself waking up with neck pain – if you’re constantly uncomfortable in the morning, your old pillow may not be providing the support you need anymore. 
You detect an unpleasant smell – sweat stains or odors are a sign of wear and tear, so it might be time to start shopping around for something new.

When deciding on a replacement, keep in mind that higher quality materials will last longer – so investing in something more expensive now could save you money down the line!

Can I Use A Dryer To Dry My Memory Foam Pillow?

The dryer is like a wild stallion, seeming almost too powerful for taming. Using it to dry a memory foam pillow can be a risky move, as the heat from the machine can easily cause irreparable damage. 

It’s important to consider all the possible consequences before taking such a gamble. The main issue with using a dryer on memory foam is that it tends to break down the material and reduce its lifespan. 

Heat encourages the foam to become brittle and harden, making it uncomfortable and potentially even hazardous over time. Furthermore, you run the risk of causing permanent damage to your pillow, especially if you don’t use the right settings or follow any of the manufacturer’s instructions.

The best way to maintain a memory foam pillow is to air it out regularly in an open space and avoid using any kind of drying device altogether.
If you really want to use a dryer, make sure you adjust the temperature setting so that it won’t exceed more than 140°F at maximum and then monitor your pillow closely throughout the process. That way, you can ensure that your pillow will retain its original shape and quality for longer periods of time.

What Type Of Detergent Should I Use To Wash My Memory Foam Pillow?

Washing a memory foam pillow may seem like an overwhelming task. It’s like trying to navigate a ship in the fog; you know it can be done, but the path is unclear. To make sure your cleaning efforts are successful, you’ll need to pick the right detergent.

Using a mild detergent with no dyes or fragrances is key when it comes to washing memory foam pillows. This will help prevent damaging the delicate material of the pillow and keep it as soft and comfy as possible. 

A mild liquid laundry detergent is best for this type of job, as it won’t leave behind any residue that could harm your pillow or irritate your skin.

You should also avoid using too much detergent, as this could leave behind a soapy residue on your pillow after laundering. 
If you’re worried about stains or odors, add a bit of baking soda or white vinegar to the wash cycle for added cleaning power. 

Once you’ve found the perfect detergent for your memory foam pillow, follow all instructions carefully and let it air dry before putting it back on your bed!


Memory foam pillows are great for those with allergies, but they can also be a breeding ground for sweat and odor. 

It’s important to know how to take care of your memory foam pillow in order to keep it fresh and new-smelling. 

Washing the pillow regularly with a gentle detergent, drying it in the sun or using a dryer on low heat, and replacing it every few years can all help keep your pillow smelling nice.

But there is another way to get rid of that pesky sweat smell from your memory foam pillow: satire! 

The best way to get rid of sweat smells is to laugh at them. 

I mean, come on—how silly would you feel if you were trying to sleep on a smelly pillow? So go ahead and make jokes about the situation. 

Make up stories about how your pillow got so smelly or how badly you need a new one. 

Not only will you be helping yourself out, but you’ll also be bringing some much-needed humor into your life!

So don’t let sweaty memory foam pillows get you down—just laugh them off! 

Your nose (and your senses of humor) will thank you for it!

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